Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 09, 2016 with 8 comments

All my dearest fans;

I have a good news for you all,
After you guy’s much more supporting me and promote my stories; So, i have decided to publish another true love story front of you.
I hope this new story will break all previous records.
OK, without any delaying continues to my job; here is introduction of new true love story which is established in Pakistan.
As usually for  love story we need couples one is male & second is obviously female :)
Also informed you this is true love story and hide the real names and other characters.
Name of story: True Love & the character’s name is Azlan khan & Fariya (name changed)
& also requesting you guy’s please invites your friends and other people for supporting.

1st episode will upload soon

Best RGD's


  1. Interesting but what about Swasan's story saba??...when will u post episode 39 of it yr...

  2. Wow super dear... I'm waiting ...I always support to u.....

  3. Always supporting your dear.
    Best of Luck & waiting for your dhamaky dar first episode.

  4. good luk but post swasan story

  5. All the best saba eagarly waiting.
    Plz update swasan also already 3days complited dear plz..........

  6. Best of luck saba di. Plzzzz update swasan ff plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........zoya
