Monday, 15 February 2016

Swaragini The beginning.Ep 1

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 15, 2016 with 3 comments
DAY 1 shot no.1 take 1

"Good morning India!!! this is your one and only lovely host of tonight. Ohh! I'm sorry.... I guess I should say that so this is your lovely cute and bubbly host of today SWARA BOSE!!! no need to do clapping please i know, i'm awesome.... thank you,  thank you"
A hand hits her head lightly.
She awakes from her dream "ouch!!!"
Owner of that hand, says"have you done for today i mean get a life dude! do your tv hosting stuff at your "8 ka dose" with swara bose !!"
She pouts her face" seriously Ragini am i that boring????\"
Ragini makes a cute face "aww baby! you look so cute by making face... i love you" she hugs her from behind " and yeah! you're awesome" she kisses on her forehead and
runs to the door
Swara:" your cell phone is on the sofa!!"
ragin pauses and moves back to the sofa grabs her cell \" thanks baby and i love you !!"
she runs swara "i love you infinitely" but about to go but stops"aww! what will i do the whole day without you?'. she makes a sad face but then she stands up as she realizes something"INTERVIEW!! stupid run" she takes up a jacket from her cupboard puts on her scarf and takes a clutch.
"ohh no miss bose! you aren't going for a party of friends, it's an interview" she is cursing her laziness. But that time she hears a reminder it's in ragini's voice
"baby don\'t worry check my wardrobe at right" she does there's formal but cute outfits just perfect for swara and other matching stuf in it
ragini:" get ready you have 45 minutes left for the cab to arrive i know it's an important day baby i love you and all the best"
she goes off and smiles to see her concern for her.
swara:" and thats why we are soul mates rags" she hits her head lightly "miss bose! go and get ready you have whole day to praise her!!" she says to herself and leaves for interview.

So friends! this is a new story and i assure you it would  have lots pf twist and turn and thi is totally  different love story !!
Swara bose:'the cute bubbly girl who always keeps handycam with her everywhere not because she's an aspiring reporter or an actress but she just loves to shoot everything thats happening with her and if possible sometimes her buddies too"
Ragini gadodia:" only daughter of the famous businessman Shekhar. A childish yet modern and strong girl. She stays with swara who is her bestest buddy and adopted daughter of Divyanka bose, the women who owns the chain of swara's industy which is one among the top ten industries
in the country!
well! our swaragini stay together in a 3bhk flat in the city of dreams yup thats mumbai. they are here far away from their hometown Dehradun to get their goals
Ragini gadodia aims to be the business icon of her generation. she is of 21 and too hard to handle ;)
and our swara, she wants to be a channel slot host for the prime time 8 at night where she'll tell the world about fictions of supernatural!
vampires werewolves witches and so on....
well thats too cute but she also knows that such things don't exist in this world. well! what do you think guys! do they really exist ???

"what would happened with her interview and how many ups and downs come in our heroines life, for knowing it, youve to read firther episodes"



  1. Nice one dear swaragini scenes are cute

  2. Plzz continue your fanfiction yar its very good one

  3. nice introduction
    waiting for next episode :) .
