Sunday, 21 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 45

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 21, 2016 with 29 comments
Recap:" Swara's decision"

She silently comes out and started to blow dry her hairs. He goes then  comes out after taking bath and finds her

doing bandage on her hands which was wounded last night because if stopping him to drink more.

Sanskar comes to her and takes out first aid box from her hand:" Let me do it"

Swara steals his glance and says nothing, neither restrict nor let him do it.

He slowly himself starts bandaging her every wound which he gave her.

After completion of bandage, he asks:" Is there anything left?"

He is asking like he's asking about the shopping list "is there anything left?"

Swara looks him with complaint eyes and he avoids to make eye contact with her.

He stands up and says:" I'm going dining area, you also come there"

She doesn't wait him to left and stands up from her place and leaves their room with her.

Theirs family have gone to their destination and now they're alone in this huge palace with lots of servants.

Sanskar:" Don't repent for not going Delhi because now you've to stay with me for few more days"

She looks him and again stays silent. Servant serves them food, she is just wiggling her food with fork,  Sanskar

notices it.

"take your food Swara"

Swara nods and silently start taking her food although the particles of food is sticking in her throat, she has to take

water to take her breakfast completely.

After breakfast, he moves and she again reaches to her room. She knows what to do but how to do it? She is

empty after this question.

Their days and nights are passing slowly, without making noise.... She stays silent and the early marriage days

comes between them again when they had nothing to talk.

In nights, he comes to her, takes his need and slowly falls asleep but nowadays she feels that now she has to take

sleeping pills for sleep.

Her sleep becomes unstable in night and she stays like puppet in day. What Sanskar says, she silently does without

any argument or restrictions.

Her feelings raises many times in her heart, it's not easy to kill our feelings specially when the person sleep beside


Sometimes, he becomes so soft like velvet and sometimes stiff as rock but she becomes used to of it and says him


After completion of his work, he decides to visit Mysore for one day before leaving this place.

He's noticing her silence after that night very badly. She fulfills his every wish without any restrictions but he is not

happy with her puppet like attitude. He understands that she's still in trauma because of that night and he feels

badly if he doesn't take her out from this trauma. Then that night always stands between them.

He tells her to be ready for visiting of Mysore and tonight they would leave for Delhi.

She slowly nods and starts packing their clothes.

He jerks to see her and says:" There's lots of servants to do packing, you just get ready, we're leaving in 20


Swara leaves the beg in the same condition and goes dressing room for changing the cloth. Within 10 minutes, she

is ready to go.

She is wearing pink churidar dress and ties her hairs in ponytail as usual. After that night, she doesn't do any

makeup or put jewellery to look beautiful for him.

Sanskar comes to her and makes her sit on the chair or dressing table.

He slowly disentangles her hairs from rubber band and says:" You look beautiful in open hairs"

He takes out her jewellery box from draw and takes her wrist in his palm.

"why don't you make your bangles now?" He selects pink bangles for her and starts making her wear.

"because it's hurt when it breaks in a wrist" her voice is emotionless as well as mixture of pain as the breaking of


Sanskar numbs to listen her and stops making her wear bangles.

" then I would  order gold's bangles for you"

Swara stays silent and she doesn't know how does her order and when?

After few minutes, he is wearing her gold's bangles.

She never like gold bangles in her whole life, she was always fanaticised by the sweet sound of crystal bangles but

she says nothing.

He takes out her anklets:" I love the voice of your anklets, it tells me where are you and I can easily find you" he

bents down and makes her wear her anklets too.

The deep inside her heart, someone whispers in her ear:" He bows down just for you, always king bows down to

his queen. If he doesn't feel shame to do then he really loves you"

But she doesn't reply to the voice of her heart. At the end, he puts sindoor and she closes her eyes with mixture of

pain, joy and love at the same time.

Sanskar encircles his hand around her waist and closes her. It's her way to show his rights on her in front of the


Both go towards the car and he opens front door for her.

He looks her who is stay silent and also stays silent.

They visited many spot of the Mysore but she stays silent during whole trip.

He rubs his vein of brain again in the tension and tries to control his rage.

He stops the car and looks her, this is unpopulated area and only sound of chirping birds and nature, they can hear.

"Swara.." He holds her hands, Swara lifts  her eyelashes to see him.

"Why are you become so silent?" His voice is softer than velvet.

"Because I've nothing to say" she says in dull, tired voice.

"really?" Sanskar looks her suspiciously.

Swara nods and looks from the window of car.

Sanskar again rubs his vein but says nothing. He starts the car and they stay silent during their journey until they

reached Delhi at their home.

Lavanya welcomes them. Don't know why Swara feels much better to reach in the home. Home... The most

comfortable and peaceful place in the world, either it's palace or cottage, nothing is like home in this world.

Lavanya is unpacking their bag, she wants to stay alone in her room:" Lavanya.."

Lavanya gets alert:" Yes ma'am.."

Swara:" Do it later, I wanna take rest.."

Lavanya nods and leaves. Sanskar comes inside the room and finds her sleeping peacefully. She doesn't wear her

nightdress pr remove her jewellery before it.

He goes to his side of bed and the whole journey tired him alot too but there's something else which bothering

him too.

He looks her again and starts stroking her hairs. She wiggles by his touch and opens her eyes slowly.

She is about to get up but he holds her slowly:" Sleep my sweetheart..."

He puts her head on his chest. Finally they're in their home. A lovely place in the world which can give peaceful

sleep easily.

She closes her eyes to completing his order, Sanskar notices it badly:" Why are you behaving like that Swara?"

Swara opens her eyes:" Behaving like what?"

Sanskar:" dummy"

Swara spats:" I just try to become an obedient wife"

Sanskar jerks again because he has to rub his vein again and again to calm his rage. His heart and his ego are

pushing him to make her scream again and she would become normal that time but he suppresses his all evils


"an obedient wife huh?"

Swara nods and he holds her again but leave after few minutes of struggle when she stays silent and motionless.

"who the are you?"

" you wanted me like that? Aren't you? Then I become like this... You should be happy now,  Just as per our deal"

Swara says in motionless voice.

Sanskar already forgets the deal, now she suddenly reminds him and he can senses the challenge in her tone.

Sanskar holds her arm and tries to stay calm:" Listen Swara! Deal is over now, you don't need to stay like that" his

voice shown his inner tension.

A small glance of smile comes on her face:" Then let me go.."

Sanskar doesn't understand her words at one:" Huh?"

Swara looks into his eyes and says boldly:" Then let me go Sanskar..."

"I can kill you Swara, but i won't leave you" he says sternly.

"then kill me Sanskar.." her voice numbs his heart.
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  1. Nice one.....swara is the only one to deal with sanskar

  2. Nice one.....swara is the only one to deal with sanskar

  3. Its amazing. Swara is the only one who can bring him on right and peaceful path which would be full of love.
    Thanks saba api for updating soon.
    Thanks a lot

  4. Superb episode saba the way swara answers for sanskar is awesome plz make swara normal because I feel like crying when she is so silent and hurt

  5. Thanks saba for the quick upload thank u soooo muchhh :-*

  6. This is called fantastic I'm loving this drastic change in swasan .....

  7. Sanskar is affected by her behavior... He shud b... Its becoz of him she has become like this....

  8. Its just so good dear no words....and d last sentence shiws how much pain she has.....i ve tears in my eyes ni more words saba... Only tgis ummmaaaah����������

  9. And pls post next part asap pls pls pls

  10. Superb...
    This will be d good way...a silent treatment...
    He too want a dummy wife right...
    But her silence disturbing him....
    Awesome dear....
    Swara's behavior is justify to the core....
    He is asking anything left while't he have a little regret...
    This silent treatment is need 4 him...
    Superb....story is in realistic path with out non sink...pls pls upload next part soon soon as possible....too good....

  11. Dis epi is too made me speechless...tnx fr ur fab epi once again candy!!!

  12. Thank you soooo much saba for this quick update.
    Its just amazing. No words to praise you.
    Her silence make him restless. He regrets for his mistake.swara' s decision is right.

  13. Thanks a tone Saba for this update. Somehow I had a feeling about this decisions of both them. M so happy after reading this. By I know way to go for Swara. N best part is both are so stubborn... 1st time I liked behaviour of both of them. Keep up the good work.

  14. sanskar should know, not only bad but also good exists in this world......

  15. pls don't separate them.i can't bear their separation pls pls pls saba apa

  16. Its awsome saba cant wait to for next update plz update soon

  17. after that night also he...he i mean he used her many times???his need is very cheap!!!
    im sorry saba!! i dont know that these things really happen or not that's why i consider him the worst person i have ever seen..according to u he is bad coz u may know the real face of society..the worst conditions...but i, i just know that i consider him the worst. saba really im very sorry to comment this...but honestly i was frustated since last 2 episodes...i have soo many ques. running in my mind..

    but the last 2 lines..they are the best from last 3 episodes..i know sanskar needs time..n slowly he will become bad from worst...n then better from bad!!!
    only n only swara can change him!!!

  18. Saba!!!!!! Pls post fast.....this is tge 12th time im reading ur story from morning just ooening this page and reading the story next part sooner plsssssss

  19. pls saba apa i'm begging you pls don't separate them.

  20. Plzzz update d next part I'm eagerly waiting to know sanskaar's reaction on swara's words well , atlast swara's became courageous enough to ask him to free her or kill her can't wait to know d next part plzzz upload it asap

  21. Saba pls dont replace swasan,we need swasan ff,plssss

  22. awesome dear saba u are really a brilliant writer.. the way you describe each emotions here is made me speechless
    mindblowing work dear..
    Plz upload soon...

  23. Its so good , awesome and heart touching's really suits it's title .No words to express and thanks for the fast update .....swara is the only one who can bring to the right track and I hope in her mission both laksh and shanaya help her .

  24. Awesome.....especially the last line "then kill me sanskar" waiting for next update

  25. awesum...i guess now sanskar will realize the importance and her place in his life..

  26. As usual this was awesome too....... Plzzz update next part soon...... Zoya

  27. Plz update next soon am eagerly waiting for sanskar's reaction
