Monday, 22 February 2016

I'm Hope Ep 13

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 22, 2016 with 3 comments
Umeed shocked to see Faraz there and immediately went to him:" Faraz..." Her voice was not more than whisper.

He moved and looked her with teary eyes:" Umeed.."

"how did it happen?" She pointed out to ambulance which carried out body of one girl.

Faraz shook his head negatively:" I don't know, she saw me while proposing you and she did this... This is all my


Umeed looked the girl who was smiling before one hour but this one hour ruin everything.

The crowd's voice was buzzing in atmosphere and she was numb to say anything.

Faraz wanted to utter word but only a sob came from his mouth.

Both left the crowd and sat in a corner, Faraz was still silent and Umeed was crying. It was one of their university

fellow Mahnoor. She was good friend of him but whenever he felt that she considered himself more than a friend,

he made her understand that he didn't love her or wanted to make any relationship with her. Maybe he could but

he knew very well except Umeed no one can take place in his life, so how could he ruin anyone's life. So he refused

her and today, when he proposed Umeed, she saw them and looked her refusal. She pleaded to him to accept him

because she loved him but he talked to her so rudely.

It wasn't tear of sorrow in his eyes but tears of repentance.

Umeed looked him and tried to console him but didn't understand what to say and how to say.

" it was my fault.." Faraz uttered.

"it wasn't yours.." She gasped.

Faraz looked her and she said again:" This is your choice either you loved her back or not, love is matter of consent

of heart, we can't force someone to love us back.."

"yes! If love of both sides then it must give the result of mingling" Faraz completed her sentence.

By saying this, both realized same feelings at once and looked into each others eyes.

Faraz felt for Umeed that he loved her but that doesn't a matter of force to get love back.

Same Umeed felt for Shayan as well as for Faraz.

Suddenly she realizes something:" I'm sorry Faraz! I shouldn't behaved like that.."

"no.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say this type of words in the public place to spoil your reputation" he smiled sadly and

apologizes from the core.

"And don't worry, I won't do suicide.. You shouldn't have guilt about this" he said in teasing tone.

Umeed smiled completely but again became sad about to think Mahnoor.

"she shouldn't do suicide, I know love has so much power but what about the love of our parents, our family and

our friends? How could we take our life for the sake of one love? In the defeat of one love. How can we  give pain

to our other love ones" she said with pain.

Faraz looked her with affection but didn't say anything.

Umeed gasped and stood from her place but before leaving she said to him.

"I only marry to that person which would be chosen by my father.."

She walked towards entrance while Faraz was still sitting on his place and starring her back.

She turned and said again "I would come hospital to see Mahnoor... May Allah save her"

"Ameen.." Faraz said in slow voice and looked her again.

He also stood up from his place because he should with Mahnoor in hospital.


Umeed came in her house and found Seemi aunty and mom together. They were discussing about summer

seasons clothes of famous brands. She smiled to listen them "women always think about dresses.."

She went to her room and got fresh, suddenly she reminisced something and did ablution and started her prayer.

She prayed about Mahnoor, she prayed about her family and at the end, she asked to her Allah.

"Allah Pak! If Shayan isn't in my destiny, he shouldn't be... Because now he's fiance of my sister and I don't want to

be disloyal to my sister... So banish this feelings from my heart about him..  Ameen.."

She reimbursed her palms on her face and stood up from her place. She was untying her scarf when she heard the

knock on her door.

"come in..." She said.

It was Shayan who came in her room.

"we're going for eating ice cream, so I thought i should ask to you also.." He said politely.

She weighed his voice to assume any feelings for her but his tone was normal but friendly.

"no...  You both go and enjoy" she said in low voice.

He sat on a chair which kept beside her writing table.

"were you praying?" He asks.

She nods in yes.

"are you used to praying?" He sat like he didn't want to go.

"no.. I don't pray always..." She answered calmly.

"oh! Then what's the reason of today's prayer?"

She gasped and told the incident of Mahnoor in her university.

He looked inspired from her:" You've such a nice heart Umeed! You prayed for her even you don't know her


"I don't do this for her but for her family, she shouldn't do this just for the sake of boy" she remained calm.

Shayan looked her carefully, her face was in the circle of scarf and she was wearing full sleeve's long shirt and

cigarettes pant.

She was beautiful but she had something except beauty, which enlightened her whole personality.

He was first time looking her carefully, she was puzzled by his gaze.

"I think you're getting late..."

Her voice broke his trance and he boggled:" Yes! Honey would kill me.."

She smiled and looked his back and amazingly, she didn't feel anything for him.

Shayan came outside where Romana was waiting for him.

"you stay there for long..." She said in complaint's voice.

Shayan held his ears:" Oh sorrrryy..."

She smiled:" Okk I forgive you"

"thank you my lady..." He bowed down and she laughed.

He stood properly.

" by the way, your sister has such a nice personality, I don't know why you don't like her"

"please, at least you shouldn't start to taking her side.." She looked him with the eyes of " you too Brutes"

"ok! I'm not taking her side but I'm just saying she's so nice girl, you shouldn't have  resentment about her in your

heart" he made her understand calmly.

"I think I should go back to my room instead of going outside with you" she said in harsh tone.

"ok... I'm not saying about her anything, now cheer up your mood" he said.

She smiled and thought in her heart:" You don't know Shayan! I'm not only dislike her but I hate her..."

The badness of her heart was darkening her beautiful face.


At the night time, she again prayed for Mahnoor and thought to visit her hospital next morning.

She came to the window and looked her best friend.

"hello friend.. Today was the day of realization, I realized that I shouldn't misbehaved with Faraz and I realized that

love is only matter of consent of heart.... I also learn lesson from Mahnoor's incident but main thing is that..." She

paused and smiled to see 11th of lunar.

"main thing is that I realized I never love Shayan..  It was only mirage of my imagination that someone would come

and take me with all of his love and respect, today when he was leaving I suddenly realized this thing, I was only

loved with my imagination not with his personality..."

She held the frame of window and continued:" Now I'm satisfied with my life, no need to shade tears because it

was only mirage and Umeed doesn't hope for mirage..."

She smiled brightly.... A beautiful and mesmerizing smile which reached from her lips to eyes.
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  1. Saba, nice episode. Finally umeed could know what is mirage and what is genuine.. Faraz is truly for her only. He supported her in every way possible.. Honey!! Omg.. How our shayan will handle her? A beauty with garbage heart.. Can we really tell her beautiful?? On the other hand, umeed feels pain for everyone.. Suicide is bad and faraz is not at fault. Umeed made him understand beautifully and the way faraz reciprocated like I won't suicide is spellbound...
