Monday, 28 March 2016

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (A Sense Of Brutality) Episode13

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 28, 2016 with 8 comments
Sanskar's POV:
Now my mission was transparent like water. I knew exactly what I had to do. After all job was job. But by kidnapping this target, many other mysteries could also be solved. In addition to that I didn't have to labour hard to trace this target unlike Mayuri. I already knew about her whereabouts and her desperate desire for alcohols. I again followed her that night and as expected, I found her inside the bar in a heavily intoxicated condition. But as I had experienced before, that she was having an exceptional tolerance power even after gulping so much alcohols, so, I didn't want to take any chance while kidnapping her. I used chloroform in a handkerchief and proceeded towards her. As expected, she recognized me from a distance even in that subconscious state. "Smart Girl", as I already knew this. But the thing which surprised me a lot was that she called me ..., a follower. It signified that she had recognized me earlier as well when I was following her to extract more information regarding her. It was not a good sign for my profession. However the kidnapping was done peacefully. In my history of killing & kidnapping, this kidnapping was probably the easiest one as she didn't protest me or I could say she didn't have that much strength left in her body to oppose me after consuming so much alcohol. Through out our travelling, she was unconscious due to the effect of chloroform. Good for me. As she couldn't recognize this route & about the way to darkworld anymore in future. I threw her in the dark cellular jail and handcuffed her hand. This was the place where we kept the kidnapped persons. I closed the door and went to handle one more culprit who had betrayed my captain.

Swara's POV:
As soon as I regained consciousness, I found myself in a darkroom, like darkness prevailed in that room in such a way that a faint light also couldn't dare to break the kingdom of darkness. I couldn't see anything. So, I thought might be I was in my room and might be some friends had dropped me here. My head was paining a lot. But wait!! How could my medical friends know this address? It meant I wasn't in home. Then where was I?? Now I was scared. I tried to get up from that place to wash my face so that I could sense & view the things more clearly. But why was I not able to get up? Oh gosh! My hands were handcuffed.. I tried to remember the incidents happened with me in the bar.

After my friends left me to go for long bike rides, I saw that black covered man and now I was handcuffed in this darkroom. It meant my intuitions were true. Indeed that man was following me. But why? What did he want from me? He behaved nicely with me earlier and also dropped me home. Then again why did he keep me here? Did he want to molest me? I looked myself but due to darkness I couldn't even see myself properly. With much difficulty, I touched myself and found that my clothes were intact with my body. The party dress which I had worn, wasn't torn by anybody. It meant nobody had misbehaved with me. Then why? Why was I handcuffed here? Did he want money? As I was a billionaire girl and in media also this news was spread. So, might be he wanted money. The will and it's clauses were unknown to media as we kept it as secret. Bloody fool! He kidnapped me for money but he didn't know that I hadn't inherited the property till now. I screamed at top of my voice so that I could know why did he kidnap me? But to my utter surprise, he didn't come even after my so much screaming. I was tied and at the same time I was tired as well. I wasn't able to scream anymore. At that moment the door opened & I listened the voices of two men. Gradually the sound was buzzing nearer to me. So, I sensed that they were coming towards me. I gathered courage and shouted ,"Who was there? Why did you kidnap me? What did you want from me?" That time a faint light was flashed on the room. I saw the face of those 2 men. But where was the black covered man!?? As his physical structure was different from these two men. So, I could bet that he wasn't one of these 2 men. I again yelled,"What did you want? Did you want money? I didn't have enough money with me now. But whatever I had, you could take it. Take all those money but leave me from here." Before I could say anything further, I could see that one of them was viewing me in luring eyes like he would strip my clothes in those hungry eyes. Now seriously I was damn scared. Were they going to mass rape me? No... This thinking was so horrible that I couldn't even dare to think further.. But nothing was in my hand. I didn't know what would they do with me? Sense of fear was not new thing for me. I was dejected multiple times from my father. But now I was scared for the brutality & the torture, they were going to provide or do with me.

My thoughts were broken when one of them touched my bare leg and this sense of touch was something uneasy and I could guess what they were going to do with me.I shouted," Please, leave me. I have never harmed you. Why are you doing this to me?" But as if they would care.. That person was touching me sensuously and I was helpless. I again screamed and then that person slapped me hard. That person mocked,"You are going to die. You can't leave this place. So, its better to listen to us and to cooperate with us. So may be you can live for some more days." And after saying these things, he was laughing continuously. I shouted, "You morons! Before I could be a meal for your luring eyes, it was better to die." He couldn't take this rage of mine and again slapped me hard and continued, "Don't show your philosophy to us. The person who captivated you here was more brutal than us. So, why don't you bear our sweet torture? Anyways you are going to die for sure as nobody is able to leave this prison alive. Once you have entered here means you will die for sure. It's better to satisfy our inner desires before your death." And he was laughing evilly.

I didn't know he was laughing on me or due to my helplessness. But I was shocked in his one statement that the black covered man was more brutal than these 2 persons. It meant he had some hidden motives to help me earlier. I was scared, not because I was going to die but because I had to bear their torture now. That person sealed my mouth. So that I couldn't shout and he could satisfy his inner desire without any disturbance. Just then their phone ringed. Though I wasn't able to listen their talks but I could sense that some one was asking them to come out from here. After cutting the call, that man told to the person who was touching me that, "Sanskar has called.. Leave her. We have to go from here now. It's his target. You know what I mean." After listening to this, the person who was touching me inappropriately, left me but before leaving me there, he said,"Wait.. I will again come to tame you." They went by giving me an evil look and also switched off the light. I was lying on floor. I didn't know what more stuffs future would bring for me. I was hell scared, frightened and terrified to face this barbaric, cruel and harsh brutality...

Credit to:Kashis
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  1. superb update.... waiting for next

  2. Superb Kashish. But I believe more than pov in his story if you add dialogue it would be better.

    1. Thanks dear.. Yes from upcoming episodes I will try to do so...

  3. Replies
    1. I can't get u dear anonymous... What do u wanna convey??

  4. Nice ....
    when you will upload the next part

    1. I have just uploaded dear...
