Sunday, 27 March 2016

I'm hope episode 18

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 27, 2016 with 2 comments

It was very hot day like sun came to visit earth and specially the beach of Karachi. But despite of this hot weather, he was leaning against the rock of beach.
He was come here in the time of lunch break, after the last semester of his university, he joined office, until his result will reveal of bba.
His father wanted to get him married after his graduation but he wanted some time because he was still confused about the approval of Umeed about their  new relationship.
He wanted to watch the time but he didn't realize when he dialled her number. He realied this thing when she said "hello" from other side.
He boggled with her voice then put his phone on his ear.
"hello Umeed.." His voice was mixture of confusion and love.
"why did you call me?" Her voice  was stern but flat.
"I'm on beach, do you wanna join me?" This sentence just slipped from his mouth, might be it was in his heart already.
"why?" He received only  one word from other's side.
He didn't understand what to say, he thought for a while to make excuse.
"I think you've so much time to waste but I don't have" the jerked voice of her came out from other's side because of long silence of him.
"Because I want to see you here, there is beautiful beach house of us, I wanna show you" this time his voice was confirmed like he wanted this and he would get it.
The few minutes of silence passed between them and he could feel the hot breeze which was touching his face.
"hmm.. If I'll say no then?" She said.
"then I would respect you" he said truth.
"don't you wanna show your right on me?" This time her voice was challenging but he didn't wanna accept this challenge.
"no I won't until.." He said calmly.
"until?" Her voice was possessed very beautiful question.
"until you'll accept our relationship" his voice was calm.
He could hear the gasping sound of her after listening him.
"you're misunderstood the situation, well! I'm coming there then I'll make you understand something" after saying this she disconnected the call.
He was confused by her last sentence, is there any misunderstanding left between them. Thought he was curious but still the small smile came on his face because his beloved was coming to her.
Umeed was confused about his demand but she shrugged her shoulders carelessly because she knew very well about the nature of Faraz.
She was sitting on the seat of her cabin in her daddy's office. After that incident, her daddy was only looked her with reprimanded eyes. Though she was innocent but his eyes sank her in the depth of shame.
She hang her shoulder bag, took her keys of car which was gift of her 21st birthday from her daddy. She smiled ruefully, then stepped towards the door.
It took fifteen minutes to reach at beach because their office's building was near to beach.
After fifteen minutes, she was at the beach house of Agha Faraz.
She didn't need to knock, his husband already awaited for her one day old wife.
"welcome" he tried to smile but very faint smile came to his face.
She scrutinized his face warily to know about the situation which made him demand to call her in this alone place.
He peered at her while she only took a glance of beautiful farm house.
Both sat on the delicate but amiable couches, both were opposite of each others.
The farm house was brightened with the sunlight,  which was reflected his lovely features while his heroine was in the shadowy part of the lounge.
"your farm house is lovely" her words possessed appreciation but her tone was flat.
"ours Umeed, you forgot" his voice was fidget, the sunshine touched his face to give him a bit courage to spit out all those words which he wanted to tell his princess from years.
"hmm.." She utters vague words.
Few minutes of silence passed heavily, Umeed watched time, it was their lunch break but that didn't mean they could stay there for long.
"Do you wanna say something?" She said brusquely like she was talking with any stranger.
His fidget eyes filled with angst.
"I just wanna  see you, if I wasted your time then I'm sorry" he stammered while observing her beautiful features.
She fumbled his words, looked his expression then slowly exhaled.
"who are you of mine?" This time her voice was polite as well as molten.
"best friend, lover, husband as well as stranger or enemy which snatched your respect in your father's eyes" all these words were prodding in his mind but his mouth didn't utter one of them.
He only disgruntled her face then waited for her to utter next sentence what she was exactly considering him of her.
She waited for few seconds but when she only found his cold breathes from other side, she opened her mouth to clarify something important.
"Look Faraz!" She said and he followed her order abruptly.
"you're my husband either I wanted this relationship or not but this was written in our destiny, this isn't a movie where we are in the relationship and behaved like stranger. I know sometimes, I became petulant to you but that doesn't mean I don't give importance to our relationship, I accepted this relationship, that's a conclusion so please don't behave like this with me" her tone was neither soft nor morphine but formal and polite.
He gasped "have you really accepted this relationship?"
"hmmm.." She answered curtly.
"then may I tell you something?" This time he crossed spun between them.
He took her hand, entwined every finger in him, she was flinched by his act but said nothing.
He knelt down, while she was sitting on the couch, his neck tilted to see in her eyes directly.
"Listen carefully Umeed" he muster up some more words to describe his feelings towards his angel.
"Agha Jan wanted our wedding but I know you want some time, though this relationship was based on our approval but I know you only said yes because of your current situation in your house, so I'm not sure it's right time to get married or not I just wanna when you come in my house it would be approval of your heart instead of any dishevelled situation. As I was thinking on this topic, I became frantic to think on this you're not happy, my happiness ended when I thought my only love is not happy and I'm the reason of it" once he started, he was surged by words he wanna tell to her.
Her expression was changing with his every word while she didn't wanna hide this feat of her face.
"that day, you know that day when..." The words stuck between his thought.
"yes! I know" she strangled her tears in her throat to remind about that day.
"after that day, I couldn't sleep properly just thinking about your sorrow, your sobbing because of me, how could I be so selfish to do that but I couldn't get courage to apology from you, it was Romana's plan or not but it's truth that I was stuck in her trap because of my selfishness to get you. It was not so much time when I realized my love, my affection moreover my lunacy for you, but at the day of our Nikah, I broke out just because thinking about how selfish I'm! I just thought about my desire, my love and my happiness. Yesterday night when Agha Jan told me that he wanted his daughter in law in his house as soon as possible, I was stunned because.." His voice became husky and sight hazy just because onslaught of emotions at once.
She unintentionally pressed his hands to encourage him to say more, he gulped and continued.
"I was stunned because it was happening so soon and I knew you needed time to accept this alliance between us but I realized that it was my selfishness too to give you time because I want when you come to me, your heart would be filled with my love as my heart that time I thought to know about your opinion. Now decision is in your hand, this time I don't open my mouth or decide about our destiny, this time everything is wholly depending on you and I would accept your every decision" at the end, his words become woozy because of the moist of his throat.
She peered him silently for few seconds then stuttered slowly.
"are you really that nice?" Her voice was completely overwhelmed by emotions which could clearly shown on her face.
"huh..?" He looked her confusingly after her unexpected question instead of answer.
"I asked, are you really that nice or you're just with me like that?" This time she added some more words in her question.
The small curve of his lips, she could clearly glare after her question.
He gasped and answered while rubbing her index finger of left hand by his thumb of right hand.
"it's only for you"
This time her lips rumbled unintentionally and she didn't realize that her smile was reaching to her eyes.
Yes! Every night always have some shine of stars in its shawl, no matter   how much darkness was existed there.

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  1. Wow awesome dear,,today I like you faraz,,,

  2. Superb saba. U made my day today.
