Friday, 4 March 2016

Yaaram Ep 16

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 04, 2016 with 2 comments
Recap:" Amraha got know about the adoption of Aliyan by lady Mahar"

Next day, door bell was ringing whole day. Lady Mahar received the gifts and birthday cards from her children from different corner of the world. Her time spent while listening phone calls. Moreover her every child made her live call through skype and she cut the cake in front of camera. Almost, she cut the ten cakes and Amraha enjoyed so much because of eating cakes. Because of crowd of so many gifts, she was envious from her. She got the love from the children whom were not her in reality. There was  huge difference of nation, culture or religion. But there was no any difference of love which she spreads everyone without any misery moreover her children were also the same.

At night, when she got her last gift, then they all disclosed the gifts while sitting near the fire place. Lady Mahar opened each gift and touched it for few minutes, no doubt,  these were very precious gifts because these were bought by love. She got so much love although she was barren, but she got more love than those who have their own children. It was become possible because they gave priority to humanity without any difference of color and nation.

She opened each gift and told them about the giver of that gift.

"look at this Morgan! She gave me so much expensive watch, I don't need this watch but if I'll tell her she'll become angry  on me. She sends me gift more expensive gift than last year. She does part time job and whenever she came home, she jointed her ear to my ear and said that she wanna listen those words which I think in my mind moreover she told she listened all my dreams..." Lady Mahar completed her words while wiping  her tears.

After hearing all this, Amraha thought, not only her country but her world was also changed. Is there any woman in this world like lady Mahar?

"this is made by Denis" she showed the handmade frame of wood in which a picture placed. In the picture, a woman was sitting with circle of angel and ten children were sitting around her, starring her with the eyes of love.

"see what Denis made me? Nowadays he's in Germany and doing his own business moreover working with NGO too. He was twelve years old when he came to me and came near my bed in the midnight. He was starring me, don't know how much time, when I awaked and found him near my bed ... I envied on myself that is there any fortunate woman in the world like me? whose children starred her while sleeping"

She talked about her children for hours then Amraha took her to her room. There was a photo frame on the

side table which was not there before.

"it was given by Aliyan" lady Mahar kissed the photo frame which was made by Aliyan  in which he wanted to show how lady Mahar was looked in her young age.

"he loves me so much" she signed her Amraha to sit with her. She told her about her every child then how could it possible, she didn't tell her about him too.

"when he was got his 18th year of life and left the orphan house, I took him at home, he was younger in my all children and he cried a lot in his childhood. Whenever he came to me for one night, organization manger told me how did he remained restless after visiting me. When he got adultery then I've decided to keep him with me. He came home and he was so much happy. He starred the walls of house for hours, napped against the fire place or watched action movies in whole night. I thought, he was new And became normal after some time. I awaited that might he would changed himself and showed some wisdom that he should took step for his career but he was disappointing me. Once it was snowing outside, I put some clothes in the bag and banished him from the house with the few pounds and said to him "first become human being then come home otherwise I wouldn't allow you in my house"

Amraha shocked to listen her that how much lady Mahar strict to her children.

"I didn't get any news of him after one year, I knew he was so much stubborn but I didn't know he got angry on me and I felt sorrow to think, why I took work with so much strictness. But what should I did? Comfort of my house was ruining his personality and career, I could see the fire in my house instead of spoiling my children"

Amraha became silent while sitting with lady Mahar on couch. Her both brothers were failing in their exams continuously but except scolding, they didn't get any punishment. Baba stopped giving them pocket money but amma gave them money silently, otherwise dadi also did the same. In every new day, they got new bike and rode whole night on it. They were always busy on computer or mobile. They did everything in the eyes on baba and amma but they didn't do anything to give them lesson. If they were sleeping and dada was trying to wake them up then dadi and amma started to fight with him that why was he waking them and they were children only etc.

"are they children? It's 2 pm of day and working people earned half of their earning, I lifted my responsibility in this age too" dada said.

"this was old time" amma offences.

"that was good time, my father hit me with shoes while sleeping, if I didn't got up for fajar (prayer of morning). Amam of mosque devided duties to every young child of town to make them habitual of waking up at fajar time. They all were wise people, they upbringing their children with wisdom. When my mother made rotie in the furnace, my father told me to sit with her then I would know how much she tolerated heat because of feeding me. Moreover, my mother told me to  fill bucket for bathing of my father then I would know how much he suffered because of me and I should know the importance of him. If my parents, made me fondling then I fell before walking. "

"enough..." Dadi offended to listen his lecture.

Now Amraha was got know the real depth of dada's words.

"then what was happened?" Amraha asked  excitedly.

"I was ensured that he was safe but I was also afraid and my heart missed the beat on the  every ring of phone. One year passed, one day, I was sleeping on my bed and someone lifted my quilt and enlightened the candle on the small almond cake. It was Aliyan and he came from window to surprise me.

"oh then this is tradition" she said.

"yes!" Lady Mahar smiled. " but now I always changed my room in that night and he jumped on every window to seek me. Well! That night he showed me the student card of Manchester university and said "I become human being now" he told proudly because university gave him scholarship" lady Mahar wiped the moisture of corner of her eye. "he never disappoint me. When I adopted those children, that time I promised myself that I would make them best human being of society. I would not hesitate to take Any step for it. When child comes in the lap of woman then she has the responsibility like prophets.  There's no place of mistake in this responsibility. When God give upbringing responsibility to any person then he gave bridle of humanity in the hands of that person. Now it's on us either we made him like satan to ruin the humanity or make him good human being who scattered the light around his surrounding. All peoples are good in their birth Amraha! It's cradle of their nourishment which made them in other shape. These were flowers and these were us who squeezed them and thrown them in the mire.


  1. thanks for the updates saba, i was waiting for it.....and u nailed it..

  2. Wow nice dear,..thanks for update dear
