Saturday, 9 April 2016

Swasan ff: An incomplete Scrapbook (Capricious Sunrise) Episode 19

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 09, 2016 with 13 comments
Sanskar's POV:
When Laksh uttered her name, I wasn't at all shocked. She was rich & famous. Any person who was having a little bit interest in media and news, could have recognized her easily. So, when Laksh acknowledged her, it wasn't at all surprising for me as he was a hacker & he had a large data base of memory regarding all these rich and famous personalities. After all it was his profession apart from his medical occupation. But the way Laksh was looking at her, wasn't appealing to me. He was looking at her in a tensed face as if he was reminding something. I didn't know whether I should ask him about his tensed expression or not. But I couldn't keep it in my head for a long time as well. I just asked him casually without showing any expression,"Do you know her Laksh?" And he replied,"Yes!".. And when he was responding, I could easily sense his absentmindedness. I was unable to get the real answer to his distress. So, I patted his shoulder & asked,"You may have known her from media, right!! She is very rich, you know." I again affirmed my thoughts by putting emphasis on media. But this time, what he answered, was a hell shocking thing for me. He said,"No! No Sanskar! I know her personally." I didn't know how to react after listening to his answer. Several things were coming to my mind. But I didn't want to show my anxiety to him & came out of the room to control my emotions before facing Laksh again.

Laksh's POV:
As soon as I arrived in this dark world, I rushed towards Sanskar's room. He was standing outside his room and there was no bullet injury in his body. Then why did he call me many times? I was going to ask him regarding this when he told me to help him for another cause. I thought that he might be worried for George's case. So, I revealed my successful implementation of coding in front of him. But still, his facial expression was same like before. It didn't change even after listening about the progress in George's case. Then why the hell was he worried? I patted his shoulder to ask him further regarding this but this time he dragged me into his room & asked me to cure a girl, oops not a girl.. but a mere kidnapped creature. Though Sanskar avoided his soft corner for this girl by connecting the matter with captain, but I could sense his restlessness. The level of discomfort in his face was clearly visible even if he was trying to hide it. I didn't ask him further questions as I knew that when he didn't want to answer any query, then even if you would ask him multiple times, still he wouldn't answer the correct cause & would confuse you only. So, I kept my mouth shut & checked that girl. To my surprise, she was "Swara Suryavansi." I was checking her carefully from head to toe to confirm my mind that indeed she was Swara Suryavansi.

Just then Sanskar asked me that did I know her? When I said him that I knew her personally then what happened to him I didn't know but he left the room. So, at once I came out of the room and asked him, "Sanskar! Why have you come out?" He was standing in front of me by showing his back to me & asked, "How do you know her personally, Laksh?" I could feel the heat in his voice & answered him calmly,"She is from my college & she is junior to me!" Suddenly he rotated his body towards me & said,"oh! Then you can save her easily as you know her."

For the first time in my life, I was viewing a saviour in the disguise of a slayer. Though he had saved me & my sister earlier but we weren't his targets. Even if this girl was his mere target & after completion of this target, he had to kill her, still he had already developed a soft corner for her. While I was thinking about all these things, he pushed me lightly and asked,"You can save her right! You have to do this for captain." I smiled at him as the way he was avoiding his care in the name of captain but then replied,"Look Sanskar! She was not that close to me. I have only talked to her 3-4 times casually in college and also invited her to my birthday party. After that birthday night, I haven't seen her in college campus & now I have come to know the reason behind her absence in college." After listening to me, he said,"It means, you can't save her.."

By his this curiosity, I could easily guess that how deeply that girl, Swara, had affected his mind. 'Breaking the hazy mind of an assassin wasn't a mere task. It needed courage. There must be something special in this girl.' I thought this & replied to him,"I have never said that I can't save her. But ya! I don't know anything about her medical history. However let me check her first." After my reply, we both came into the room to check her.

Sanskar's POV:
As soon as I came out of the room, Laksh followed me & asked for the cause of leaving the room. I just didn't want to hear anything bogus & came straight to the point & asked him that how did he know her? When he told that she was from the same medical college where Laksh was an intern, the flashback came to my mind, while I was chasing her earlier to find any clue about Mayuri & indeed I had spotted her going to the medical college. It meant Laksh was her friend & he might be knowing about her medical history. It meant he could save her easily. A ray of smile was coming to my face but I suppressed it in front of Laksh. I saw Laksh was in his own world & was thinking about something. I pushed him slightly & started hiding my emotions in the name of captain & asked him to save her as soon as possible as he had known her already. But when he replied that she was only his casual friend and also invited her to his birthday & apart from that he was ignorant about her, then the ray of hope & smile which were growing inside my heart suddenly shrank to the rock bottom... Like I was day dreaming about heaven while lying in hell.

All my hopes were vanished in a twinkle of second. The day flashed back in my mind when I had kidnapped her from the party. It meant she had gone there to attain Laksh's birthday. I didn't know how to react in this situation. Should I curse my luck to kidnap a girl who was a mirror image of my mother or to curse myself for my growing feelings for her which weren't accepted to this dark world or to curse destiny for my helplessness in curing her or to curse the Almighty who had designed my life like a puppet in front of situations... Gathering all my courage, I asked him about the possibilities to save her. He wanted to check her before coming to any conclusion. So we both proceeded to my room. The night was passing calmly & a new day was coming up. But for me that night had left its impact in my life in the form of chaos & uncertainty. Though sunrise wasn't that much pleasing for a slayer, but truly for the first time, that night I wanted the real sunrise in my life.

Credit to: Kashis
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  1. Nice one!!!

    Swara still unconscious? :( when will she wake up? Would like to see how she will also start to feel for Sanskar.


    P.S. I'm the first to post!! Yayy!!

    1. Ha ha sree!! Yes unfortunately she is still unconscious.. Will wake her up soon..
      Yes! You r first in replying... So thanks a ton dear...

  2. Update next part soon.....and this was also good

    1. I will try to upload soon as exams r going on.. Thanks dear..

  3. Superb...Lucky is proved that he is real friend to sanskar by identifying sanskar's feeling for swara though it didnt reveal through sanskar mouth...its great to see sanskar ( slayer) concern for swara(target)...eagerly waiting to know how ll she react after gaining concious n how ll ue react about her disease....n looking forward for their romance...

  4. Superb...Lucky is proved that he is real friend to sanskar by identifying sanskar's feeling for swara though it didnt reveal through sanskar mouth...its great to see sanskar ( slayer) concern for swara(target)...eagerly waiting to know how ll she react after gaining concious n how ll ue react about her disease....n looking forward for their romance...

    1. Thanks dear.. U have understood the situation completely....

  5. Sanskar has d photos of her medical reports ryt... Laksh can knw swara's disease thru dem.... In case sanskar remembers clicking d pics!!

    1. Yup the same will happen in future... Correct guess...

  6. Hi Kashis,
    You write quiet well, keep continuing the work. But your story is moving very slowly. Which sometime becomes annoying while reading. For Eg: including last 3 4 episode the story has moved only from swara getting unconsious to laksh visiting to sanskar place.

    1. Dear,this is a genuine concern. I also feel the same. But due to time constraint, my episodes r small. So story is moving slowly.. Once my exams will be over, I will write long parts and assure you that u won't get annoyed that time while reading.

      # Kashis
