Sunday, 15 May 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Revival) Episode 9 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 15, 2016 with 10 comments
Laksh's POV:
Sometimes the future could be changed quickly & completely & we were left with only the choice of what to do next. We could choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that could happen or we stepped forward into the unknown & assumed it would be brilliant. Wasn't my condition perfectly resembled with this?

When swara was apprehensive about the surgery, I gave her strength to face the unknown danger & then we could save him. While performing the surgery, my hands were shivering. Though as a doctor, this wasn't my first surgery but indeed it was a first surgery of a near & dear one. Always in our medical science, it was taught that a good surgeon operated with his hand, not with his heart.

Saying was much easier than doing. I had realised this statement today while operating Sanskar. Rules & regulations stopped performing their actions while the closed ones were suffering in pain. However swara didn't ask me regarding the trembling of my hands & I escaped from giving lame excuses.

As far as possible, I tried to remain calm & carefree about the patient, sanskar in front of swara. But as a smarty girl, she definitely raised her doubt regarding my change of behaviour about this case & fortunately I was able to convince her in the name of humanity. She thanked me for helping her but innocent girl! didn't know regarding this patient's position in my life. I just couldn't let him die...

I asked swara about the patient, sanskar. As according to her, I was ignorant about the patient & as a doctor I needed to have a basic information about the patient whom I treated. Though I knew that sanskar was her abductor still I gave a shocking expression, so as not to raise her doubts again. She didn't want to share much about sanskar with me & I didn't ask her much as I knew the series of events happened during her kidnapping. I told her to take rest but she denied.. After so much persuasion, she accepted to take some rest..

Today I saw the beginning of an epic love saga. The same anguish, pain and suffering; I saw for her in Sanskar's eyes when she was in miserable condition in that dark world. And the same history was repeating now though the position of swara & sanskar had changed. However ironically!! My position was same in both the conditions, like a butterfly who attracted by sweet nectar & helped to pollinate seeds to blossom the petals of the flowers... To flourish the meadows of love between these two petals, I didn't mind to become a butterfly again & again.

I entered the room where sanskar was lying.. I checked his heartbeats were becoming normal. I put the gun on the drawer as I knew that his past would definitely haunt him & for his safety, he would definitely require this gun. That night was passing gradually with lots of unexpected turns but I was clear about one thing,'Love cures people both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it..' & this love would evade all the darkness from sanskar's life. It would give him all the strength to fight with obscurity. I prayed for his long life & speedy recovery.

When I was busy with these thoughts, my phone buzzed. It was a call from the hospital. Reports of swara & shomi had already come & for collecting these reports, I got the call from hospital. Though I never wanted to leave sanskar alone but as these very works of swara and shomi were also given by him, so I decided to rush to hospital to examine the reports.. As far as sanskar's health condition was concerned, his heartbeats were functioning normal & sanskar was coming out of danger.

I went towards swara's room to wake up her. But she was sleeping peacefully. She must had so tired from these happenings that she needed a much required sleep... So I affixed a note about my departure from her home due to some medical issues on the door & left her house.

Swara's POV:
When I opened my eyes, it was morning & I had slept by holding that jacket. I rushed towards sanskar's room to check him. His heartbeats were normal but still he was lying unconscious. I called out laksh's name but got no response. I searched for laksh but he was found nowhere. I was going to dial his number but at once my sight fell upon the note affixed by laksh.

Quickly I disconnected the call after reading that note as I didn't want to disturb him. I freshened up myself and sat near sanskar. He was no longer looking like a slayer. His face was looking pale due to much blood loss. 'Who are you, Sanskar? Why have you chosen this darkness after having humanity still intact in your soul? Who are responsible for this condition of yours? Am I the cause for this, Sanskar?', there were so many untold questions were popping up in my mind but I couldn't ask them to anyone.

I massaged his head gently & said,"Wake up sanskar. You have slept a lot. Your silence is killing me. Please speak something.." The day was passing like this. At evening, I was busy in kitchen for making coffee, when I heard screaming from sanskar's room. I was scared like hell & rushed to check him.

'Please leave her dad. Don't kill mom. She loves you. I can't kill him captain. He is just a child.', this was all what sanskar was yelling again & again. His pulse rates & heartbeats were increasing which was deadly for his health. I was confused to see this sight. I grabbed his hands & rubbed it gently & said,"Calm down, sanskar. You don't need to kill anyone. You are a good human being & your mother is proud of you." Might be his subconscious mind heard my words & these words made their effects. Gradually his heartbeats were normal again. I kept my hand on his chest & stayed there only. I didn't know how many hours had passed!

"Swara", I heard my name & woke up. I checked the time & it was midnight. Sanskar was gazing at me with questionable eyes. Finally the long struggle of one day paid off. I was looking at him continuously to make myself realise that indeed he was fine & gained his consciousness. He tried to wake up & just then I realised that my hands were still placed on his chest. Hesitantly, I pulled back my hands & said,"What are you doing? Don't move. Your stitches are new. It may be opened up due to your movement." I gently rested his head on the pillow & that time he was noticing his body & the entire surroundings.

I could understand his curiosity to know about this place, so I said,"It's my house, sanskar. You have already come here earlier. You are safe here." But he behaved stubbornly & again tried to move. So, I commanded him,"Don't move. Lie down back. Now!! I am no longer your hostage rather your doctor.." He was totally surprised with my behaviour & did as per my command. With much pain, he asked slowly,"Doctor? Are you a doctor? And what about all these instruments!! Is this truly your home? Have you informed anyone?"

I just giggled at his questions & said,"No.. not a doctor basically as I haven't completed my medical yet. But yes! This is my first surgery & truly it is my home. I have arranged all the instruments here. As you are beaten badly & shot as well, so I haven't taken you to the hospital as it is a police case & your treatment can be delayed by that. So, I have treated you here with the help of a friend of mine, who is actually a doctor.."

His face was exhibiting a mixture of reactions & he said,"Another doctor?? Will he inform to police?? I need to go from here before police will come to know about this place." I grabbed his shoulder & said,"Dare to move again!! Lie down & don't worry.. He won't inform anyone about you as he is also a doctor & saving a patient is his 1st duty." However sanskar wasn't convinced with my answers & was staring at me. I ignored his gaze as saving him was my first priority. I instructed him to lie down quietly & went to kitchen to make soup for him...

Credit to:Kashis
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  1. Hey kashis, its amazing episode. Laksh pov is so beautifully described.Great.. Keep it up and upload soon. Hope everything fine.Quite late update..


    1. Sorry dear for late!! I will upload regularly hopefully... Thanks dear..


  2. Hey nice to know that sanskar is out of danger,great episode.
    Can laksh also come out of darkness ?

    1. Thanks dear.. Its not easy to come out of that extortion world.. It will surely hunt you... Still I also don't know how laksh's character will proceed... Hope everything will fall in its place..


  3. Oh god it was just wonderful.

    1. Thanks a lot dear.


  4. Very nice episode Kashish..thanks for such an amazing episode..waiting for next eagerly..

    1. Mention not dear... Will upload soon.. Thanks a lot dear..


  5. As always, it was an awesome chapter. I really look forward to read the next one...
    It's incredible how you can write pov of each character in a good flow. I haven't read much of such kinds of story-lines. For me it is quite an experience to read such writings. keep it up :-)


    1. Thanks a lot dear...

