Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Vicissitudes Of Life) Episode 16 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 24, 2016 with 10 comments
Swara's POV:
Yesterday night was the best sunset for me. No longer I felt alone. His protective cover was behaving like a cocoon for me. Now a days, sanskar was much more expressive than the earlier days. He could easily communicate with me. His wounds were almost recovered. It was like a fairy tale that I had spent one month with a slayer.

But in these tenures, we had broken down together & also tried to stand up collectively. There was no more solitude in my life. He was always there by my side. However where a new relation was brewing up, some erstwhile relations were ignored by me. I hadn't contacted my mom in these days. Not even I had any connection with Ragini & Laksh.

In all these days, my concentration was only upon sanskar. But as he had recovered amply, so, I thought to visit my mom & laksh today. My mom must had been waiting for me as I had told her about my busy schedule & once completion of this hectic life, I would surely meet her. But all chaos happened in these days that I couldn't even find time to talk with her.

I rushed to sanskar's room to tell him about my planning & to reminisce him of his medicines & diet plan. As soon as I reached to his room, I saw him fully dressed with decent clothes like he was about to go somewhere. I asked in a grinning tone,"wow sanskar! You aren't looking like a slayer rather you are looking very handsome. By the way why are you dressed properly? Are you going somewhere?"

While adjusting his shirt's collar, he replied,"Thanks for the complement. However there was a mask beneath this face as a slayer but that wasn't the real me. I am no more that face than I am the muscles beneath it or the bones beneath that.." Quickly I responded,"I don't mean that sanskar. I know that you are no more a slayer & true beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles and your moral compass.."

He smiled in a way to give acceptance to my sayings & asked,"Why are you here now inside my room? Do you want anything?" I gave him a deadly look & asked,"Can't I come to your room casually?" He suddenly replied,"No.. No.. I don't mean that." I couldn't show my fake anger anymore & gigglingly said,"I am just kidding. I am going to meet my friend & family. But you haven't replied to my question. Are you going somewhere? If so, then I can drop you."

He thankfully replied,"Ya! I have some work in the bank. If you are ready, then we can proceed.." I complied & we both went towards my car. As soon as we reached near the car, sanskar snatched the keys from my hand to drive the car. I couldn't allow him to drive as still he hadn't fully regained his strength.

I argued with him to drive the car. But as if he had ever cared to listen to my sayings! However the old, spoiled & daredevil swara suryavansi was somewhere intact with my soul. I exactly knew how to blackmail him. I made a sorrowful & pout face to divert his attention & in the meanwhile I cunningly took the keys from his hands & sat on the driver seat. Sanskar in an angry mood asked,"Swara! Why don't you agree with me ever in your life?" While opening the front door of the car for him, I replied,"As if you have ever agreed to my sayings. Tit for tat, sanskar. I hope you get it..." & I smiled continuously.

He was just staring at me intensely which made me shy. He was sitting besides me on the front seat and this mere feeling was making me ecstatic. Though out the journey, none spoke a word & complete quietness prevailed inside the car. We reached near the bank. Just then I came out of the car to wave him good bye, I met some of my friends there accidentally.

I hugged all of them casually. One of my friends asked,"Now a days you are totally vanished from our sight. Half of the vacation is over still you don't hangout with us. What's the matter behind it dear?" I was approaching to give her the answer, suddenly another friend yelled in a mocking tone,"Guys! Our SS is having a boyfriend. Come on guys! How can she even spare her times with us in this vacation?" I couldn't understand the meaning of their nonsense talks. Just then I found them watching towards sanskar & gossiping about our relationship.

Now the situation was clear to me & I quickly replied,"No.. No.. You guys are mistaken. There is nothing such relation between us.. He is a friend only." Again one of them yelled,"Oh! Come on swara! Don't lie at least in front of your friends. We can surely understand this friendly relationship. However the way he is gazing at you doesn't look like that..." & all of them started grinning.

I was speechless. Sanskar was staring at me. It meant he must had heard all our conversations by sitting inside the car. Because of these guys, he must had felt uncomfortable. I needed to make him understand about the situation. Breaking my thoughts, again one of my friends asked,"Swara! In the entire vacation, you even don't call us once & now you are roaming with this guy... Then what's your relationship with him?" I stammered,"Re..la..tion..ship....." Just then one of them patted my shoulder & I said,"He is just a friend & nothing more than that & yes! I am busy with my project so, I can't contact you guys.. However I will catch up all of you soon..." By saying so, I waved them good bye & they left. After viewing them leaving, sanskar also came out of the car & bid me bye & went inside the bank.

Again I started my car & proceeded towards my home to meet my mom. While travelling, the gossips of my friends were buzzing inside my eardrums. Honestly I never thought about the definition of my relationship with sanskar. What was this relationship to be called? He cared for me. He would never leave me alone. The solitude of my life was vanished due to him. We stayed together. He pampered me & I loved him. Love!! Only four letters word but took years to understand that feelings. Was I sure about it?

When I broke down due to my family chaos, my mom often said to me,"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you will find someone who can completely turn your world around. You can tell him things that you’ve never shared with another soul and he will absorb everything you say and actually wants to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments, life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell him about it, knowing he will surely share in your excitement. He isn't at all embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make fool of yourself. Never do he will hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather he will build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when he will be around you. You can be yourself and not worry about what he will think of you because he will love you for who you are."

Oh gosh! My relationship with Sanskar was exactly like the way my mom had narrated. It meant, I was in love. Yes! Undoubtedly I was in love. But what was about Sanskar? Did he love me? I guessed,'YES' but he never told me, like I never accepted my feelings about him. Sometimes it was better to leave the matter to the hands of time & it would settle it.

I had covered all the way to home while I was indulged in these thoughts. I parked my car in front of my house & happily went inside while calling out my mom. Just then our caretaker, Maria came outside & after seeing me said,"Are swara! You are here! Like after ages I am seeing you. Where are you all these days?"

I smiled & replied,"Hey Maria aunty! Actually I am busy in my college stuffs. But where is mom? She isn't at all visible inside the house.." Maria replied,"Madam has actually gone to attend Durga Prasad Maheswari's party along with Sir. Both of them will return at night after taking the dinner there." I murmured,"Oh shit! I have come at a wrong time."

Just then Maria said,"Swara, you take rest in your room. I am sending some refreshments there." Cutting her words, I asked,"Aunty! Durga Prasad Maheswari is dad's biggest rival na.. Then why have they both gone to attend the party?" Maria replied negatively to my question as she didn't know the answer. I said,"OK aunty! Now I am leaving. I am in a hurry." She replied,"OK swara! I will inform Madam about your arrival.." Cutting her words, I said,"No aunty! Don't tell mom about my coming. I will again come to surprise her. I want to capture her smiling face in my memory lane after seeing me after a long gap." I came out of the house to meet laksh in the hospital & to convey him all the developments about the health of Sanskar and to get appropriate medical advise from him.

I started my car to reach to the hospital & in the mean while I had called Laksh. As soon as he picked up, I said,"Laksh! I am coming to meet you in 20 minutes. Be present in the hospital." From the other side he replied," Wow Swara! After one month you are remembering me.. Is everything OK? And how is sanskar? Is he recovered? Is he still staying with you?"

Cutting his words, I said,"Oh laksh! How many questions will you put forward at one go? Ya everything is fine & he is still staying with me. Now I am driving. I will tell you everything in details after reaching at hospital." He nodded & I disconnected the call.

As soon as I kept the phone on the dashboard, I saw some crowd gatherings in the main road. I halted my car as I couldn't move further. I came out of the car & asked a passerby about the matter that led to happen such massive gatherings. As fas as I had enquired, he said about the accident of a lady that caused this congregation. As a medical student, I couldn't leave a victim on the spot to die. So, I entered in the crowd to help her. But after seeing her face, I froze on the spot. The ground beneath me was no longer stable rather it was undulating & unknowingly I yelled,"Shomi......"

Credit to:Kashis
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  1. omg, is shomi gone be okay?....
    i guess time to know truth, sanskar is going to be there for swara...

    nice twist dear...

    1. Ya shomi will be alright and sanskar will be there for swara.. Thanks


  2. Nice episode..yeah now it's time to know the truth..
    Thanks dear for ur amazing ff..

    1. Ya time has come to face the tornado... Thanks dear..


  3. Its great dear...I must say you know to how to keep your readers at edge of seat... continue soon..


    1. Ha ha ha!! Thanks for the complement neelam....


  4. Great update as usual. I'm actually worried about Shomi's entry. She might confess the truth and hope things don't turn bad before the journey begins.

    I'm waiting for the confession. I'm quite confident that it will be mind-blowing as the writer is one of the best I've come across.😉


    P.S. is Swara DP and Annapurna's child?

    1. Oh! I forgot. I'm fine now. How are you?

    2. Shomi's entry was much needed for the journey to begin... As in a relationship, pure trust is the most needed thing... Thanks for the complement dear!! But you too are an amazing writer.. Keep up your writing...


    3. And sree.. You are so unwell still you didn't tell me that you were admitted in the hospital?? Why so??? Please its a request please take care of your health.... Too much disease in this age is not good na.... Do take care and be strong and eat healthy..

