Monday, 21 November 2016

Yaaram Episode 20

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 21, 2016 with 1 comment
Yaaram Ep 20

(I do not Own Yaaram, I'm just translating it into English for English readers)
Why do you return it?" Aliyan offended.
"Don't give yellow flowers to anyone. It's symbol of hatred. We're not good friends but we're not an enemies either that you would give me yellow flowers on the day of my birthday"
"The symbol of hatred" he said with complete solemnness.
"Surely" she also answered with complete solemnness.
"Who told you this?"
"What do you mean? Everyone knows" she shrugged like that she was feeling sorry on his knowledge.
"Everyone who?"
"Uff... Everyone in the world.."  she felt anger and boredom on his questions.
Then, he laughed with all of his heart.
"How superficial you're Amraha! Either you concentrate on the foolish talks of those people, who propagate frenzy and hatred. Those, who involve into the law of nature and try to change it. Those are people, who even can't make flower themselves but they can declare some flower as the symbol of hatred. What's the symbolization? This is flower Amraha! Only flower. If it was something else, it would be complete in itself. It has completed itself. Look at its fresh color! How complete it is! There's no flaw in it. Just even, how much its pastels are soft and tender, enticing! No mixture of anything. No any silk of this world has softness like this, how much soft is this. Applause  the nature, praise it perfection. On the contrary, you're declaring it symbol of hatred that you never concentrate on its beauty and take it as dislikeable thing. Look at the sky! If whole world declare this nature as useless and scum, do you believe on them? Vast seas, blue ponds, green and white mountains, they all are complete in themselves. If someone symbolize them with something useless, will you gonna start hating it? In its creation,  this flower is not less than anything in this universe. This is king on its spot. There is crown on its head, which symbolize its creation. It has created just like you did. There is no bashing about it. There is no flaw in it. Any flower, color or anything which belong to this universe, is not hateable. But these are words of crazy peoples. Why are you studying the lesson which was written by the kinky people of this world absentmindedly, against the nature, for making unhappy the nature. And written for making nature ashamed"
Amraha was dumbfounded by his words. Her whole life would spent while thinking that yellow flower is symbol of hatred. If she was not told these things. It was like, she wasn't have mind.
"this is my personal opinion that it was result of the jealousy of the two of traders of flowers. Once had yellow flowers and his trade was on peak. His yellow flowers' garden was blooming very much. Other had... Lets assume, he had crimson once. Now then, the owner of red flowers thought that he should relate his flowers with some tender feelings which increase its demand and his rival's flowers with some those feelings which disdained by people. Then, he did this and he was successful in it. Look! How did you return my flowers to me. These flowers are master piece"
Amraha took flowers from his hands and ran towards the bus with such speed in which she was going. Aliyan was two stepped away from her.
"Who told you this thing Aliyan?" By taking out her head from the window of bus, she asked while pointed out the flower.
"Samaira" Aliyan exclaimed from his place. He looked the bus until it lost on the way and he stared the way.
In night, dinner was complete meal. She cut the cake which was made by Sadhna while watching online to Dada. Lady Mahar  gave her the cross bag on which university's picture was printed. Sadhna gave anklet, while Anon gave her the small handmade doll which her mother put in her bag for giving it to those whom she would like. One she gave to lady Mahar.
Amraha put the doll on the front side of bag to show everyone that Anon liked her.
She never celebrated her birthday because she never was happy to come in this world. However, she was disdained to thought that she was born on that day. A date, which Dadi was repeated by Dadi many times in a day like what had happened on that day. Once she told Sadhna those things, then she looked at her face with amze.
"But you're Muslim Amraha! And Muslims people don't do this type of things"
Amraha wasn't able to tell her that what happened among Muslims nowadays.
"There was one family in our neighbourhood, Brother Majeed. He was teaching at school and also running a tuition centre. When he got married, he was fired from his job and his tuition centre was on fire in the same month. Then, the roof was collapsed of their home. Everybody said that their daughter in law was unfortunate but his mother and he always laughed and said that these all things had happened with the command of Allah. But these things happened continuously, but they never heed on those things. They always said that our religion forbids us to think and say like that"
Sadhna was sitting near the fireplace, making socks for Aryan and saying those things in very decent style. She was no answer for the question of Sadhna that she was Muslim and Muslims don't think like that. Only her Dadi, Amma and other members of her family had answer. They were only able to tell that if Quran had not preached this type of things, then where did they learn from? And by doing and saying that they forgot that one day, they will pay their every word and they would be answerable. What excuse they would make? That that they were innocent and idiot and their answer was not accepted because one who Read the Words of God, never became the unaware and stupid, if one read appropriately.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 5

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 18, 2016 with 19 comments

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 5

After few weeks, he got his complete memories and he wondered, how much he changed during past years.  His short journey of his past, revealed many things to him. When a person, doesn't have something to do and his mind was awake, what will he do? Indeed, he would think in this all time.
But amazingly, Sanskar took every realization very well. Like previous time, he didn't cry every time, nor he felt the need of inhaler more and more. However, the ache in his heart, never subsided. But with realization, he understood the importance of Swara in his life.
Firstly, he thought how much she had aura of goodness around her, when he first time saw her. In his conscious time, he didn't realize it because his mind was busy in many things. But now, he didn't have any work to do, except thinking about his past, his situation about present and his future that if he ever wake up from comma or nor? Moreover, he also realized that how kuch he loved his wife.
He always saw her, as his prey, a livestock, blood ceil or anything near these words. But with the passage of time, he realized her importance in his life as well as his own feelings towards her.
She was like light for him. He loved to be with her, often showed his right on her. Because he loved to think that she was only his and his? How much possessive freak he was? Even, he was still possessive for her.
First time, he realized his situation and how was he in that situation? He wondered, why wasn't he dead or something? But God had others plan for him.
Meanwhile, he also tried to wake up but he didn't. Something or someone inside of him, was warning him, reminded him, he deserved the situation, in which he was laying helplessly.
During his time of comma, he first time felt something in his heart, which he almost forgot for long time. And it was fear. He wondered, why his heart was anxious, why his soul was restless. And suddenly he realized the new thing. It was fear of losing his most precious thing.
It was fear of losing his wife.
He was in comatose and he remembered what Meera did with him, when he couldn't give her, what she wanted. And he was afraid, he was afraid like hell, when he realized that he was unable to give Swara, what she wanted from him?
That time, he paused for few moments.
And in the first time, he wondered what Swara wanted from him?
He always thought, he had everything which ever a woman wanted.
He had very charming personality, lots of money, intelligence, sensuality and lust for women. Actually, not for every woman, but he had. He always thought, women only wanted good looking husband, good amount of sex and luxurious life from men.
But for his beloved, he asked the same question again from himself.
He remembered the time, when he had argument with Shanaya regarding this topic.
He claimed the same thing in front of her but she denied.
"If you think, the women only  want these things? You're totally jerk Sanskar" she retaliated in harsh tone.
"Oh! Then what do the women want? In my life, every women wanted all these things, including you Shanaya! You shouldn't forget, why are you helping me?" At that time, he didn't feel ashamed to humiliate her. But now he felt ashamed to recall the words which he used for his best friend. The only person, except Laksh, who never left his side before the arrival of Swara.
But with the passage of time, he started to respect her.
At that time, she answered him something. Now, he thought, her answer should write with Golden Words.
The Golden Words were, "You never get know about woman Sanskar, no matter how much life you spend with them. Women always want more than money and look. And it is care and love. Specially Love. No matter how much the whore, a woman would be! In her dark time, she feels loneliness and craving of someone. Who can share her burden and whose loneliness she share. No matter, how bad a woman is, in her whole life. She crave for true love, instead of good looks and money. That time, she would repent for her sins and it is the punishment of a woman that no one love tainted women"
That time, he didn't understand her words but now he understood how much craving and desire were in her tone.
He again loathed himself to use her. He could save her but he didn't.
But after the moment, he took one oath. That he couldn't save one very Precious person in his life.  But he never allow his wife to spend tough life,  without him. No matter, whatever it would take, he would sake up for his wife. For his unborn child and for the sake of their love.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 4

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 11, 2016 with 4 comments

Swasan The First Meeting (Season 2) Episode 4

Darkness was the first thing which he felt when he first time awoken from his long-lasting dream but slowly, very slowly that darkness extinguish and the very lovely face appeared in front of him. It was the face of his beloved. The face which he didn't see for few years, or these were years, or might be it was eternity, he didn't see that lovable face which only illuminated the light and he was the utter darkness. He knew, very deep down he knew that she was the only light in his life. The very first time, when he saw her, he understood the light of that girl but his inner devil, damn on his inner devil, thought he cursed that devil many times, but after realizing his love for his wife, he cursed more and more to the Lucifer of his life as well as his own self to being a selfish like this.
He claimed that Sanskar Maheswari could fix anything but that little girl of his wife, made him realized badly that some things were also there which he could not fix or correct. This was the time when mighty had fallen. That was second time, he had fallen. First was with his so called first love and third? Well! The third part of this trilogy was very interesting.
Yes! He had fallen in his own fantasy world, where everyone loved him, where he was still a perfect and innocent boy, where his girlfriend never became his wife and where his guardian angel visited him daily.
It was the day, after few months of his comma period when he first time got the memory of his worst nightmare. Yet, it was slowly but like  slow poisoning, it was painful and heartache memory for him.
Firstly, he got the memories of almost one year of his first marriage, or he should say, his second mistake. He already did first mistake by loving and trusting Meera.
He was firstly, feeling overwhelmed to gain that memory and bit numb because he never expected himself to end like this. He was smart boy and considered as genius. How could he fell for something like this? He wondered to think that. His thirty-two years mind was matured and astound at the act of nineteen years boy who married his minor girlfriend.
Maheswaries were always the one who obliged and followed the rules and regulations as well as laws. The family of Sanskar was really strict and he was always the obedient to his elders. He wondered, how did he go against them.
But next years was brought more wonder as well as pain for him when he got to know that the girl left him, for whom he went against his loving family, for whom he accepted the ragged life by leaving the luxury life and for whom, he loved from all his heart.
After the day of her betrayal, his worst nightmare had started. After that day, the solace in the words of his guardian angel, had rapidly increased. He felt the wetness on his tears many times. And many times, he felt the soft hands on his cheeks brushing away the wetness.
That time, he wanted to touch and clasp those hands, he wanted something more from those hands and soft lips, more than the mere touch or soft whispering.
It was nothing like the physical desire, it was pure desire of heart and soul and he wanted to fulfill the desire with his heart and soul, not physically.
Upcoming few weeks were his worst days of life. He witnessed every painful memory and the hatred towards the world. He got to know about his impish victories which he got by wrong mean and steadily, his hatred towards the world, became the hatred towards himself.
In his life, after life revealed itself to him, if Sanskar Maheshwari loved someone, it was his very own self but after the day when he got the memory when he first time sold himself, he started to hate himself.
In his previous life, he repented sometimes and hated his past life which created the monster like him. But it was because of his own selfish reasons. He loved victory and because of his past sins, he lost sometimes. It was just selfishness, nothing else.
But in his dark world, (he still didn't know where was he?) he started to loath himself. The feelings of self-loathing and hatred were very overwhelmed and he felt his breath stopped many time. That time, he also realized that he was the patient of asthma. He started to feel the inhaler more and more.
Though, in his dark world, which he understood that it was the hell for his sins, he felt the hands of his guardian angel and his worried voice.
She often told him about her would be born child and the suggestion of name. She wanted him to give the name of her child but he was lost in his past sins that he didn't think that he was deserve to give the name of new soul with his sins.
As he got the more memories, he started to feel the more hatred and self-loathing towards himself. Days passed and his overwhelming condition was subsidies but he was still loath himself to do those heinous things.
He witnessed himself, doing blackmailing to people, for his success. In his past life,he never thought to use short cut for his success and what he was doing, it was beyond his morals.
But his worst nightmare also brought something positive in his condition.
Compared to the previous time, he got the memories faster than before.
In few weeks, he got the memories of ten years and he often wept silently and again those soft fingers brushed away his tears.
He started to know his way of business, way of fulfilling his dreams of chain of hotels and the way he used everyone around him including his best friend.
His inner devil tried to convinced him that it was because everyone left him too. Everyone gave him great pain and he was just returning what they gave him but despite of his inner devil's solace, he didn't find one.
But when he was normal, he often wondered when his guardian angel would come in his life.
And soon, very soon he met with his guardian angel. He was happy after so much time, spending in his self loathing.
But if he know that his journey of hatred and self loathing, would increase when he got know about what he did with his angel, he never wanted to get his memories.
But destiny was cruel, isn't it?

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Yaaram Episode 19

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 09, 2016 with No comments
Yaaram Ep 19

"Skype was God send" she was agreed with this claim. She often talked to Dada, during her class time and she showed her face before sleeping of Dada. She purchased cellphone and often talked to him. Through cellphone, she showed her class and university to Dada. Before professor arrival, her class fellows said hi to Dada. "Hello Grandpa" and grandpa was overwhelmed to listen them.
"Amraha! These are very good persons"
"Yes! They are" she burst out laughing.
She also showed the woman to Dada, who was doing master in the age of two-less-seventy years. The woman who requested everyone that they should treat her, as equal to everyone despite her old age.  She also got offend, when someone offered her for carrying her library books. University staff had great expectations from her and they also thought that, she would brighten the name of Manchester University in all over the world. Moreover, on the convocation day, world's media would refer to record the success of Mrs. Ritchal.
"Dada! You also come here, even for any short course"
"I can't do any study in this age"
"I also asked the same question from Mrs. Richtel, but she answered 'Age...? Age doesn't matter, the main thing is the life which is running un our veins. And I have the same life as the new born baby inside of me. If life has purpose to be alive! So why not, I spend my life with splendid purpose. Before it, I had a purpose to raise my child and now I'm free from this responsibility. So I've devices to  adopt new purpose. In this regard, age and benefit don't matter, only goal and destination do.
Dada was wishing birthday to Amraha, when she was making breakfast with Sadhna. She held cellphone on the stand and talked with him while doing work. Sadhna listened and hugged her while promising her to make cake for her. Veera tied one red ribbon on the wrist of Amraha and other on her own wrist that she could remember that one would receive gift while other would give. Enon wished her by singing Japanese song. She amazed everyone by her song and when she finished, lady Mahar nodded and said.
"I expected that you've any talent in you, now from now, you'll sing the song for me"
She kissed on the hand of Amraha and went silent once again. Lady Mahar decided to arrange dinner.
And in university, someone was waited for her with the colourful flowers. She almost went outside her department, when he followed her. Might be, he came by running.
"Take this.. Time makes you alive"
"Time makes me alive?" She didn't understand.
"Your birthday is today, so I'm giving you my blessings. A person whom, time makes alive, he lives for centuries"
"Who told you this?" She smiled.
"I told to my own self" he thought, she praised him.
"Nut! Who told you about my birthday?"
"Oh! Sadhna called me, she was asking the recipe of making cake from me"
"Why British makes cake at home?"
"Sadhna is Indian" he nodded like obedient child.
Amraha returned yellow flowers from the bouquet which he brought from the garden. He looked at her questionably. Now, they were standing behind the university's arch. In from of them, oxford road was on full swing.
"Why do you return it?" Aliyan offended.
"Don't give yellow flowers to anyone. It's symbol of hatred. We're not good friends but we're not an enemies either that you would give me yellow flowers on the day of my birthday"
"The symbol of hatred" he said with complete solemnness.
"Surely" she also answered with complete solemnness.
"Who told you this?"
"What do you mean? Everyone knows" she shrugged like that she was feeling sorry on his knowledge.
"Everyone who?"
"Uff... Everyone in the world.."  she felt anger and boredom on his questions.
Then, he laughed with all of his heart.
"How superficial you're Amraha!"

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 3

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 08, 2016 with 4 comments
Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 3

The first meeting with his beloved guardian angel was magnificent for him. After that incident, he started to waiting for her, when she would come to him and when he would listen her melodious voice and soft touches.
She came to him regularly and said strange things which he didn't understand but didn't feel anything but like those words of her.
After few days, he started to feel love-stuck teenage and suddenly, he realized that he was not seven but thirteen years old boy. His thirteen years life memories came to him slowly that he didn't flinch on any new memory. Yes! His childhood was magnificent and he loved everything around this. He recalled the birth of his sister when he was 6th, he was very happy. But Laksh, his cousin who was same age as his sister became real happiness for him. His sister was moody and rebellious but he was happy and obedient child. Many people wondered on the siblings that it was unusual for a girl to be like this and boy to be like him.
But he was the one piece and he was proud on it.
Yes! Beside happiness, confusion (that he didn't know where he was) he felt proud. He recalled how he got gold medal in school's races, first position in every class and shield in every type of activity. How he was favourite students of teacher and favourite child of whole community. He was a real prodigy but beside this, prodigy had a faith of aloofness.
For his age fellows, he was nothing but a weirdo. He was as much perfect that every imperfect person started to scare from him. He was not only intelligent, he was genius. He understood the wary look of his class fellows, who never became his friends and envious but jealous look of his cousins except Laksh.
Laksh was not only his blood and flesh but more than that. He was his previous brother and they both loved each other.
But now, his guardian angel was also included in his loved ones. But he often wondered that who was she? Why her touch and voice were so familiar with him? But he didn't have answer of all these? Whenever he tried to think and remember her, his mind got blank.
She was also came to him that night when he suddenly realized that he was fifteen years old and had completed her schooling.
He didn't understand why he suddenly got those memories and why had he lost it? Might be, it was just that he lost his memories and he was much adult than he thought. He was intelligent boy and he predicted things easily.
If he was ordinary boy that he must thought that he was under any spell but he knew that there was nothing like a magic, so he was must in comatose. But why was he here, he really didn't remember.
"You know Sanskar!" The sweet melodious voice came in his ears like a honey.
He felt that someone made his back turn. Afterward, she held his hand again and lulled him with her sweet voice.
"You know I've started his movement"
He felt his fingers touch with something else except her hands but he didn't get it. It was something round.
"Do you feel it Sanskar? Our child.. I never thought about it, even not after marriage but after getting this news, it was something strange but ecstatic. I just wish, you're with me..."
What was his guardian angel talking about? He was already with her. And what was the child matter?
He was fifteen and understood the child thing.
Is she? Is she his wife? Yes! It might be possible but how did he get into this darkness? He didn't have any idea.
But if she was his wife, it would be very beautiful life with a woman like her. He felt happy to think the idea.
"It's wonder to have him"
"Yes! Doctor said that it is boy" her melodious voice was felt wet. Might be she was crying again.
He wondered how did she get what was in his mind. Might be it was wonder of their love.
Love? This thing brought the enticing feelings in his heart but he also felt lots of sadness while thinking about love. But why? He didn't know but he was certain that something had happened to him but what? He didn't know.
Next time, she came to him, he was seventeen years old and about to start his university. Yes! He really was a genius.
That was a time, he met with Meera.
The memories of his beautiful girlfriend was ecstatic for him. He always thought how was she acted like a child or how her voice was so alluring to the ear.
He started to thought that his guardian angel was Meera. But he rejected the thought.
Though, both's voice were soft and melodious but there was great differences between both voices.
Meera's voice was soft, melodious but it was seductive and utter like chirping.
On the contrary, his guardian angel's voice was soft and melodious but there was something else also in her voice which he couldn't pinpoint. Like melancholy and pain, courage and determination. And hope too.
He could not pinpoint which thing was more enticing in the voice of his guardian angel but he knew that this voice was somehow his salvation which helped him to keep his hope up in his dark world.
Days passed and he got more memories, he was then eighteen years old and got his personal car at his birthday.
He was so much happy, his family were happy with him and he introduced Meera to his family but still he didn't get the  memory of his guardian angel. He didn't get know who she was!
Might be, she would come in his life after his eighteenth birthday.
He was eagerly waiting for getting more memories but unconsciously he didn't know that he was waiting for his life's worst nightmare.
But he would know soon. Won't he?

Last Episode here : Swasan A Path Hate To Love Season 2 Ep 2