Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Yaaram Episode 19

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 09, 2016 with No comments
Yaaram Ep 19

"Skype was God send" she was agreed with this claim. She often talked to Dada, during her class time and she showed her face before sleeping of Dada. She purchased cellphone and often talked to him. Through cellphone, she showed her class and university to Dada. Before professor arrival, her class fellows said hi to Dada. "Hello Grandpa" and grandpa was overwhelmed to listen them.
"Amraha! These are very good persons"
"Yes! They are" she burst out laughing.
She also showed the woman to Dada, who was doing master in the age of two-less-seventy years. The woman who requested everyone that they should treat her, as equal to everyone despite her old age.  She also got offend, when someone offered her for carrying her library books. University staff had great expectations from her and they also thought that, she would brighten the name of Manchester University in all over the world. Moreover, on the convocation day, world's media would refer to record the success of Mrs. Ritchal.
"Dada! You also come here, even for any short course"
"I can't do any study in this age"
"I also asked the same question from Mrs. Richtel, but she answered 'Age...? Age doesn't matter, the main thing is the life which is running un our veins. And I have the same life as the new born baby inside of me. If life has purpose to be alive! So why not, I spend my life with splendid purpose. Before it, I had a purpose to raise my child and now I'm free from this responsibility. So I've devices to  adopt new purpose. In this regard, age and benefit don't matter, only goal and destination do.
Dada was wishing birthday to Amraha, when she was making breakfast with Sadhna. She held cellphone on the stand and talked with him while doing work. Sadhna listened and hugged her while promising her to make cake for her. Veera tied one red ribbon on the wrist of Amraha and other on her own wrist that she could remember that one would receive gift while other would give. Enon wished her by singing Japanese song. She amazed everyone by her song and when she finished, lady Mahar nodded and said.
"I expected that you've any talent in you, now from now, you'll sing the song for me"
She kissed on the hand of Amraha and went silent once again. Lady Mahar decided to arrange dinner.
And in university, someone was waited for her with the colourful flowers. She almost went outside her department, when he followed her. Might be, he came by running.
"Take this.. Time makes you alive"
"Time makes me alive?" She didn't understand.
"Your birthday is today, so I'm giving you my blessings. A person whom, time makes alive, he lives for centuries"
"Who told you this?" She smiled.
"I told to my own self" he thought, she praised him.
"Nut! Who told you about my birthday?"
"Oh! Sadhna called me, she was asking the recipe of making cake from me"
"Why British makes cake at home?"
"Sadhna is Indian" he nodded like obedient child.
Amraha returned yellow flowers from the bouquet which he brought from the garden. He looked at her questionably. Now, they were standing behind the university's arch. In from of them, oxford road was on full swing.
"Why do you return it?" Aliyan offended.
"Don't give yellow flowers to anyone. It's symbol of hatred. We're not good friends but we're not an enemies either that you would give me yellow flowers on the day of my birthday"
"The symbol of hatred" he said with complete solemnness.
"Surely" she also answered with complete solemnness.
"Who told you this?"
"What do you mean? Everyone knows" she shrugged like that she was feeling sorry on his knowledge.
"Everyone who?"
"Uff... Everyone in the world.."  she felt anger and boredom on his questions.
Then, he laughed with all of his heart.
"How superficial you're Amraha!"


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