Saturday, 13 February 2016

Yaaram ep12

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 13, 2016 with 2 comments

Next day everyone came her home and put flowers on her door because she didn't accept their apology last night, so they didn't have so much courage to face her.
She set in front of window to see their show, Derik brought big bouquet for her because he was the one who selected Amraha for this drama. Then she got a chart from their side in which a big sorry had written which was crying with tears. And they did signature on that chart. She also received the last night party video with chart. She watched the video and can't control her laughter because it was really a practical joke and their expression was marvellous.  She showed this video to lady Mahar and Sadhna. They laughed vigorously to watch it.
She got know that they had planned to do practical joke to every person of new badge. They were studying in that university from four years and it was their tradition to do this type of things everywhere.  But last night practical joke became serious.
But after that incident, she became popular in all university and got many friends. Anyone saw her, he or she must talked to her and invited her for coffee and tea. Everyone was ready to help her and those students who were resident of Manchester, they invited her for weekend dinner. Due to her crying, they started treating her just like small baby. Baby eat chocolate, baby eat ice cream.. Well! Take it two but please don't cry. This type..
A wide circle started to know her and she could take help from anyone for study. In those days, two new girls were arrived in shuttle cock. One was Russian Veera and other was Japanese En Eun. Japanese was taciturn, a one who spoke only one time in a year. She was telling story to lady Mahar but because of her silent attitude, lady Mahar stopped her. She was stayed home silently. But Veera told every story of Olympics which held in her city Sochi to lady Mahar. After hearing those stories, Amraha wanted to become athlete. In spare time, we can found Veera on the roads of Manchester. Her height was about 6.2 and hairs was long which touched her hips. Whenever she did cycling or skating, it seemed like a fairy was flying on earth without wings. Her hairs was flied with the wind during skating.
Once Veera made her wear her skating shoes and Amraha fell on her mouth, she was spare to get surgery after that minor accident. Amraha's rent of bus was also saving because now she went to university on the cycle with Veera. But it was very hard to sit on cycle with Veera because she ride cycle just like roller coaster. She collected courage daily just for the sake of saving her rent. She conjured on cycle daily. Veera was writing articles for the newspapers that's why she didn't need to do part time job. She did repairing job also in shuttle cock and Amraha never saw her head shook in no because she knew every work.
With the help of Derik Amraha got the job in the shoes shop where her work was making bill only. It was comfortable job and salary was also good. But once in a week, she must went cafe and took coffee with her ex boss with light chit chat.
Now dadi and amma cried during talking with her. She was amazed to see them crying for her. Hamad and Ali  started to respect her now and Daniya sent her the video of wedding ceremonies of relatives in which she didn't have any interest but Sadhna, lady Mahar and Veera watched them with full interest.
In Manchester, it was commonly wet weather there and sometimes that weather turned into drizzling. It was also drizzling with breeding cold wind on the oxford street. Veera went to the office of newspaper so she was going university by feet. She was walking slowly because she wanted to enjoy raining. She was inspired by the wet weather and beautiful surrounding. Locals were fed up from that weather but it was admired by foreigner specially those who belonged to hot region.  She wore Veera's stool of dark pink color around her neck. She opened it to cover her head but again circled it around her neck because she was feeling well to feel drizzling on her head.
Suddenly a blue umbrella on which Lilly's flowers were printed , sheltered on her head. She lifted her head to see the umbrella and then the hand which held that umbrella. It was Aliyan.
"don't you want to take your tweet back, this time I can give you burger and coffee too"
Amraha:" It was past.. I don't want now"
"why? Why don't you want now?" He sheltered umbrella on her head and was wetting in rain.
Amraha:" I don't want from you, you're ill mannered"
Aliyan:" When did I misbehave with you?"
Amraha:" When didn't you did misbehaved with me? By the way, why are you talking with me so softly?" .
Aliyan:" I also don't know, I think my mind has some problem"
Amraha:" You should take treatment for your mind. Don't you have money for treatment? You take tweet for treatment also"
Aliyan:" I also want to get treatment but there's no doctor available to treat this problem"
Amraha:" Why are you saying nonsense with any university like this?"
Aliyan:" And this university student also does everything nonsense"
Amraha:" What everything?"
Aliyan:" Everything mean everything" he smiled and after seeing his smile Amraha thought that is he taken appointment from God? .
Amraha took out chocolate from her bag and gave him:" Take this, I think your calories is burning quickly"
"may I drop you?" Aliyan took chocolate from her and started eating.
Amraha:" Do you have a car?"
Aliyan:" No.. Cycle.."
Amraha:" I don't ride on cycle of anyone except Veera"
Aliyan:" I don't throw you"
Amraha:" But i will must throw you.. No go from there, don't eat my mind"
Aliyan:" What's the way of your talking?"
Amraha:" Specially for you"
Aliyan:" Specially for me.. Wow... Fine.. Have you ever seen cinema of there?" The drop of rain was playing in his brown hairs.
Amraha:" Yes! I went with Veera"
Aliyan:" She must showed you hunger game, she thinks that she has similarities with Jennifer"
Amraha:" But she's more beautiful than Jennifer"
Aliyan:" I'm not talking about your class fellow Jennifer, by the way I can show you some good indian movies"
Amraha:" I don't watch Indian movies"
Aliyan:" Pakistani..?"
Amraha:" It was only four to five and I watched them in Pakistan already"
Aliyan:" Bengali?"
Amraha:" I don't know Bengali"
Aliyan:" Persian, Afghani, Iraqi, Egyptian and yeah! Animated. Have you ever seen  animated movie in cinema?"
Amraha:" No"
Aliyan:" Have you ever seen Ratatouille? Look! If you don't watch this great film, then I can tell you story of this movie, it was movie of story of awesome mouse and his benefactor. Mouse, who has talent of making delicious food than any other great chef of the world. He cooked food like..."
Amraha:" Mouse who can cook food"
Aliyan:" You're taking me wrong, he washed hands before cooking food and his hands are clean like us"
Amraha:" Mouse and food... Yakhhh..." Amraha jerked her head "yakhhh... Clean like my hand"
Aliyan closed the umbrella because his hand was tired. He stopped by walking and now rain's drops were playing hide and seek in both of their heads.
Aliyan:" Do it again"
Amraha:" What..?"
Aliyan:" Which you did now"
Amraha:" What I did?"
Aliyan:" Which you did at the name of mouse"
Amraha reminded the mouse again:" Yakhhh"
Aliyan:" Do it again please"
Amraha:" You're mad, what are you saying?"
Aliyan:" Whenever you did this, your eyebrows are dancing with your eyes in a childish way.. It is enticing that we should pinch on your nose"
" you're wasting my time" Amraha thought maybe he will pinch it really.
Aliyan:" Oh! Now your time is getting precious? Well! Done for film?"
Amrha:" If Veera come with us"
Aliyan:" Veera?"
Amraha:" Dada told me that never go anywhere except Veera"
Aliyan:" You should bring your dada ji here, it'll be better than it"
Amraha:" You're making joke on my dada"
Aliyan:" Fine! You can bring her"
And she also brought Veera there but Veera fell asleep immediately because she liked pure action movies, in which bomb blast happened in every two minutes and at least two people should die with that blast and only hero jumped on buildings every time and if he stands anywhere then he opened fire on his surrounding.
When mouse started to cook food then she murmured"yakhh... Yakh.." Many times but slowly slowly she started to watch movie with interest and at the end, she clapped also. She never watched that type of movie, far away from hero heroine conflict... Splendid movie.
When she was sitting on Veera's cycle then Aliyan demanded to her:" One again do it yakh.." And she set on her cycle with laughing.
He starred her while going with Veera. Some people's arrival gives us happiness and leaving of those people would also give us the pain. He was also suffering from that tiny pain.
The Aliyan Margret, whenever he whistled, he jumped his feet in the air to clapped with them and that time at least fifty people liked to watch  him. And if he starred someone with anger, even that time people are helpless to love him.


  1. saba pls tell the story of our hero....

  2. which hero? would you like to clear dear?
