At night in swasan room
Swara was standing near window looking at moon n was thinking about today incident 1st at badii and then here at home when she Came back during lunch...After These incident she is sure that no one can be Better then her sanskar yeah her sanskar who is ready to suport her in every Situation n mostly who trust her more then himself like he said today infront everyone she felt blessed to have him...1st she was not sure when Sharmishta was convicing her but now she is more then sure...
During the lunch time swara came back from baadi still broken....she was deeply hurted by those Person whom she loved n cared more then herself... sharmishta tried to console her in best way but swara was totally hurted with shekhar word..Tears were still fowlling from her eyes

She was coming in seeing her coming ragini smirked she made plan to Insult her infront the whole family... she looked at everyone who were having their lunch n started her Drama being sanskariii Bahu
Rag: (looked at swara while smirking) Swara (everyone looked at her even swara looked at her n whiped her tear immediately) Swara what is this.. (making swara confuse) is this time to come back han dont forget swara u are dil of this house n wife of sanskar u have some responbality me n bhabi were Working all day n u were enoying at baadi n u didnt inform ma or Chachi before leaving (saying this ragini smirked now Swara understood her plan but she was not in that Situation to answer her so just kept silints)
On the other hand seeing swara sad sanskar Got some dout that something in baadi had happend beacuse of that swara is sad or else she would have answered ragini long he decided to talk for swara..
San: ragini
Rag: plzzz sanskar ji I know swara is ur wife but she is also dil of this house and have some responbality towards this house
San: I know rag..but intrupedt by ap
Ap: sanskar whatever ragini said is correct without infroming she left..
San: badi ma but.. (intrupedt by ragini she walked towards swara with a smirk)
Rag: swara (she looked at her) I know swara till now u were free there was no worry u enjoyed ur life being free but now u are a Bahu of maheshwari family n u also know how much everyone gave respect to maheshwari family soo plzz dont Do anything AGAIN which can destroye their respect...
Tears made the way from her beautiful eyes she was looking at her in shock is this same ragini whom she loved...seeing her tears sanskar became more angry n shouted on ragini making her sceard leaving everyone in shock on his anger...
San: (angry) ragini dare u not to speak a word more against swara..and who the hell are u to speak with my WIFE like this han (went near swaragini pushed ragini little from swara n stood infront her...protectively)
Lak: (shock angry jelous) sanskar
San: (angry to ragini) what were u saying han she is dil of this house n should not destroye the respect which we are getting ftom socity....I know ragini what u wanted to say but u have not any right to speak to my wife like this... only mom n badi ma have the right to tell her not u understand but it doesnt mean when they will point their finger on my wife Charakter i will leave them...if u think i will be silients then u highly missunderstanding because I trust my wife more then myself so just keep ur sanskariiness with u do u get that.....and badi ma (turning to her) swara had already informed me so I hope u wont complain about that... (while sanskar was saying all this swara was shocked n happy to know no matter what happend her husband will be with her)
Rag: sanskar g u dont know about her
San: oh shut up ragini I already said dont speak about her n I know her very well n even u so dont u dare to mess up with me because u very well know what I can do...
Lak: sanskar dont u dare talk with ragini like this
San: then take care of ur wife instend of walking behind my wife n eying her...
saying this he went near swara n held her hand start walking towards their room seeing them holding eachother hand laksh got jelous , angry n left to his room followed by ragini...
Flashback ends....
Seeing her lost he went near her n kept his hand on her shoulder...she looked at him with teary eyes before He could speak she hugged him thigtly n start crying loudly letting her pain out which she is hiding from everyone...making him tensed...
San: (tensed) shhh shhh swara what happend (crassing her back) shhhh Calm down n tell me what happend (he try to broke the hug but she didnt let him instend of she thight her grip more on him) arey tell na what happend why are u crying plzz tell na (while hugging her he walk towards bed n sat on bed making her sit on his lap..broke the hug n cupped her face she was still sitting on his lap)
Sw: (snobbing) sans..Sanskar woh woh
San: (whiped her tear) shhhh tell na what happend
Sw: Woh Baba he he said (snobbing) I i..
San: bolo na plzz u are making me tens plzzz
Sw: Baba said I am Charakterless n i am living without marrige with a stranger n he (told him everything what happend at badii making him more angry on shekhar)
San: (angry) main to
Sw: sanskar (he looked at her) how many time will u stop everyone they all think I am Charakterless
San: no swara
Sw: plzz sanskar u also know about our relationship do something so that they can shut their mouth forever
San: (confuse) what van I do
Sw: give a name to our relationship marry me sanskar
He looked at her in shock...
Precap: swasan marrige
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