Episode 5
I am very happy to know u guys are liking my ff...so much thanks guys n i know u all are waiting for swasan wedding...Dont woory they will get married legaly.....
So lets start...
Sw: give a name to our relationship marry me sanskar
He looked at her in shock...he couldnt what he heard is right or wrong...she was looking down n he was looking at her in shock...hearing her voice he came back to senses...
Sw: (still looking down) sanskar
San: swara (he made her sit on bed n cupped her face) u dont need to this plzz dont force yourself I promise u I will Prove u soon inoccents so that u can live with ur ma n Baba and (intrupedt by swara she Took his hand off n stood n walk near a window)
Sw: never sanskar I wont do this mistake again..
San: (confuse standing behind her) which mistake
Sw: by uniting my ma n that mr shekhar gododia I wont to this mistake again sanskar... u know I became so selfish to get a father love that I didnt relized that I am uniting my ma with that person who left her 20 years back for his ma and after knowing about me he still didnt looked at me for once when his mother insulted me or ma he never took a stand for us but for the 1st time sanskar (turned n looked at him) for the 1st time someone took stand for me or for my ma n its you took who stand for me infront everyone Sanskar u dont know how I felt whenever I needed friend u were there for me but know I wont u with me forever not as friend but also as a husband
San: but u dont love me then how I mean
Sw: sanskar is love important in every relation I dont thinks so because I have Seen my parents love huh I dont even think whatever between them was is love or not but our reletion is Based on trust which is most important..I know I dont love u but I LIKE U sanskar that why I wana be with u will u accept me
Hearing her sanskar felt happy he was already In love with her now she herself saying her to with her forever...without relizing he hugged her immediately n confessed his love unknownly to her shocking her...
San: (unknownly) I LOVE YOU swara I love u very much
She was shocked didnt know how to react on his confession he was hugging her thigtly were she didnt hugged him just stood there after few minutes he relized what he did and broked the hug immediately...
San: (sceard of her reaction) woh swara woh I
Sw: (shocked) what woh I sanskar and what did u just said u u love me
San: Woh I I was saying
Sw: say it clearly sanskar
San: (closed his eyes and tooked a long breath) Yes swara I love u I dont when and how but I start loving u, you just became reason of my life u brought me from wrong path to right path... I am very thankfull to u for that and i am also very guilty for hurting so badly I am really sorry...and know u have to decide will u still marry or not..
Sanskar was looking at her waiting for her answer..and she was shocked to hearing his confession..on not getting any answer he about to leave when she hold his hand...hugged him surprising him n whispered in his ear
Sw: I will marry u but still I need time
San: I promise u I wont force myself on u
Both were hugging eachother thigtly after few minutes they broke the hug...he picked her up n made her lai on bed kissed her forehaed lovingly

Sw: where are u going (Pointed towards Coach) no need to sleep there u can sleep her (he smiled at her) I mean this bed is big enough so
He nodded n laid beside both were facing each other back when sanskar turned to her...slid his hand on her waist she shivered with his touch little he pulled her to himself n made her sleep on his chest while crassing her hair...she didnt even relized when she slept in his warmth embrace which was giving her peace...
Next morning...
Swara informed sharmishta n Dida about her and sanskar convo.. and even told her that she wanted to marry him so that nobody can point finger on their reletionship n asked them to meet them in court...
Both were feeling happy sanskar out of the World after all he is getting his love..
Even swara was happy till know she like sanskar n she know that sanskar will be there for in every Situation in her life like her shadow...
After getting ready they left for court...sanskaar stopped the car
infront of the court..
Both looked eachother sanskar was asking through his "are u sure" seeing his concern swara smiled both of them walk out of car...
They went inside and sharmishta n dida were present there waiting for them...both took their blessing
They went inside
Judge-so miss swara bose do you
accept sanskaar maheshwari as your
Swara looked at sanskar n smiled...
Swara(smiled n happy )-yes
Judge-mr sanskaar maheshwari do you accept miss swara bose as your wife
Sanskaar(looking in swara eyes)-yes
Judge-you are officially married from
now plzz sign on this paper n soon ur marrige Certificate will reached ur home..
Then sanskaar took a pinch of sindoor and füled her maang
Swara was really happy and a lone tear escaped from the corner of her eye now one can point any finger on her Charakter from today she is officially Mrs swara sanskar maheshwari...both took again blessing from sharmishta n Dida for their New life begining...
Precap: swasan planing to Prove swara innocents n their moment
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