Saturday, 27 May 2017

Swasan Second Chance By Raabia: Episode - 6

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on May 27, 2017 with No comments
So lets start...

Swasan left with sharmishtan and dida towards badi.. they were happy seeing swasan together n were wishing for their togetherness.. they were happy to see swara got a perfect husband who could understand her or take stand for her mostly who loved her… yeah they know sanskar start loving her they could see love for her in his care the way he stand for her or for her character they could only see love in his eyes… they felt blessed to have him as their son in law but they only consider him as their son only…

At baadi…

Swasan were standing in front the door while sharmista n dida were doing their arti to welcome the newly wedded couple.. On the other hand raglak reach badi because ragini wanted to meet her baba and Dadi n were shocked to see swasan their whom dida welcomed happily in and seeing raglak she shut the door angrily giving raglak death glare… Laksh felt so jealoused seeing swara with sanskar who betrayed them but still she is with him he was hating sanskar for being with swara… he wanted to be with swara she was his love but she betrayed him but still there was feeling inside his heart for swara he was burning in jealousy on the other hand ragini was angry on swara seeing her happy with sanskar here she is carving for her husband n there swara was getting love without doing anything she did so much to get laksh she betrayed her try to kill her and mostly separated their parents but still she got nothing except his name that’s not what she had planned.. she have to do something to get laksh by hook or crook.. thinking all this both went inside the house burning with angriness n jealousy…

Swasan side both made sit on coach sharmishta n dida made swara and sanskar eat sweet respectively were dida was stuffing in sanskar mouth all the sweet seeing sanskar state swara was giggling n sharmista was worrying for sanskar

San: (full mouth) dida bas

Dida: (still feeding him sweet) nah sanskar look at yourself see how thin u became

San: (placed his n mouth) no dida I am plzz

Dida: what fine sanskar u only eat 5 laduu no u have to eat more

San: (pleading look to swara for help wich melted her immediately seeing him) plzz

Sw: (smiled nodded) aree dida stop na or else u will make him run away

Daida: but shoru

Sh: MA kitna khilaogi bechare ko (ma how much will u feed him poor boy)

Dida: ok fine

San: thankyou dida (hugged her )

Dida: but sans..

San: aree swara ma I have to go I have important work in office byee (he run before going out) swara I will pick u up ok (she nodded he went immediately)

Sw: (smiled) dida aap ne to use bhagya dia hahaha

Dida: (cupped her face kissed her forehead) I am happy to see u both together just stay like this together forever u are very lucky to have him shoru I know he did mistake but now he is changed only because of u I am very happy u will be happy only with him and u know laksh was never meant for u

Sh: han shona ma is right laksh was never meant for u because u was only meant to be for sanskar your relation is based on trust which is most important in every relation don’t break his trust and mostly hear each other be together let nobody come between u both

Sw: (smiled held dida n sharmista hand) I promise I won’t let anyone come between us and I will always trust him and will hear him before reaction or taking any step I promise

Trio hugged each other after so many years dida felt happy seeing her granddaughter happy with her husband the wish she had for shomi is being fulfilled through swara… she wanted her daughter to be happy in her married wished her to get good husband who could trust n support but it never happened but her wished have been fulfilled through swara she got a husband which wished for shomi..

In the evening sanskar came to pick swara up from badi… after wishing bye to shomi n dida they left for mm.. there was silent in the car but they were happy know they are married officially while driving sanskar looked at swara who was smiling remembering today incident she was lost in her world… seeing her happy sanskar felt happy because somewhere he thought swara is forcing herself but no she proved him twice… he looked at her soon his gazed felt on her hand which was little far from his hand he looked at her then her hand.. he wanted to take her hand in his hand for lifetime… he took long breath and placed his hand on her and looked immediately forward feeling his touch she looked at his hand which was on her… she looked at him but didn’t say n turn to window side a smile spread on her face n was little blushing and just kept quiet.. Both were smiling nor did she said anything nor he did they were happy with each other…

Soon they reached mm n were walking together their shoulder were touching each other even their hand.. without realizing they held each other hand and were walking inside this was seen by laksh from balcony who was burning in jealousy and anger seeing them together how much he wished intend of sanskar he was there with swara holding her hand like making her little blush but no all his dream was broken by swara who run away from their marriage n married to his brother who betrayed them.. he couldn’t see more so went inside the room… both swasan walk to their rooms holding each other hand…

Swasan room..

They left each other hand and sanskar went towards wardrobe n took his night clothes and went to change mean while swara took also her cloths out and looked at water jug which empty she took that jug went to kitchen seeing her going towards kitchen laksh walk behind her…


Swara was fulfilling the jug with water and was about to go when she saw laksh standing In front her looking her in anger but she didn’t cared about him.. now there is not any feeling for him or does she had any kind of feeling for him whatever she is happy now with sanskar which feeling she had with him those feeling she had for no one his touch on her make some magic on her duet which she wants more but whenever laksh had touched she didn’t felt like having more only with sanskar she felt so…
She was about to when laksh stopped her..

Sw: what is this laksh leave my way

Lak: what were u doing with sanskar
Sw: excuse me he is my husband and I can do whatever I want

Lak: huh seriously husband feeling ur mang that doesn’t mean he is ur husband swara u are leaving 21. Not in 90 so plzz don’t tell me he is ur husband

Sw: think whatever u want laksh because he is my husband

Lak: he is not swara u are mine do u get that

Sw: (felt disgusting hearing him) I was and I will be never urs laksh minded it because I am only sanskars

Lak: so this was ur love

Sw: (confuse) what do u mean

Lak: u never loved me swara or else u didnt had moved how easily u moved on in those 2 months u know I feeling disgusting for loving u till now

Sw: this is ur problem laksh think whatever u want the day the truth will we be out u feel guilty

Lak: never ever

Sw: let's see

Saying this she pushed laksh little n left to her room making him angry n this was also heard by ragini now she was more angry.. she was getting nothing and swara was getting everything 1st laksh now sanskar… she have to do something about swara or else she can never get laksh

In swasan room

Swara came room she was so angry on laksh n felt disgusting hearing his word how dare he to say her she is his she is only sanskar now because he is her husband and she was feeling hurted with his word she have to do something to Prove her inoccents for herself n for her Mother to answer those people who Pointed their finger on her Mother upbringing…

sanskar came out of washroom he looked at in confusion like what happedn to her

San: what happened swara

Sw: (came in senses) emm nothing sanskar (didnt want to tell him)

San: are u sure

Sw: yap

Took her clothes went to changing making him confuse on her behavior he sat on Couch n start Working on his Laptop... After sometime swara also came but still she was lost in her thoughts seeing her lost sanskar knew something is bothering her...

San: swara ( she looked at him) come her (she walked to him n sat beside n he kept His Laptop to aside n turned towards her) u know before being ur husband I was ur friend (she nodded in yes) so want u tell me what's bothering u

Sw: Woh when I was in kitchen laksh came told him everything (sanskar get angry seeing his anger she hold his hand) dont get angry that why I didnt wanted to tell u (he looked other side she made him turn to her) look at me by getting angry will Not happen anything we only will get hurt soo plzz dont get angry and Come lets sleep its getting late

She hold his hand went to bed both laid on bed swara turned other side now he was facing her back she was waiting for him to take her in arms... he smiled at her behavior like he know what was she thinking...he just laid on his back n closed his eyes pratending to see what she will do...she turned to him see him sleeping she looked few minutes at him then placed her head on his chest hugged him...he smiled n hugged her...

Precap: swara jealousy ðŸ˜‰


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