Precap- Sanskar jealous of Akii.... And Swara hiding the fact that she love Sanskar from him
Leap of one month
There was a great hustle bustle in college which was quite more that it is usually
Obviously y would it not b cause today was last exam of the students
So all were excited as the exams were over now , however worried too for their respective results
Swara was also tensed as she was determined to get first position this tym cause she was second the previous tym
Late afternoon
Swara was waiting for Sanskar and Akii in the parking lot as she wanted to ask Sanskar abt how his exams went and Akii and Swara were to go in Swara's car only
(Note Akshat's parents r already residents of Mumbai however he went to Delhi for some course now as he is back he has joined Swasan 's college
He is a second year student)
Just then Sanskar arrived there
Swara: Hey Sanskar
Sanskar: Oh hi Swara ! How was yr exam?
Swara:It was superb Sanskar but m really worried for results
Sanskar: Don't worry I know you will come first
Swara: don't know abt me but u should come first (monologue- I don't care abt me so much Sanskar but I want u to b happy and ur happiness lies in ur success.. I wish like every time u should b first.. And somewhere m sure of that)
Sanskar snapped his fingers in front of her
Sanskar: Hey where r u lost?
Swara(came back to senses): ummm nothing... U tell how was ur exam?
Sanskar: it was good Swara ... Waiting for results
Just then one of Swara's friend arrived their
Isha: Swara u r coming tonight na?(she's one of her best friend ?
Swara:no Isha, I don't like to party and all so I won't b coming
Isha: This is not fair yar if u won't come I will also not go
Swara:What is this yar? U r being so childish! (Hesitatingly) OKY fine I'll come but will leave early
Isha:oky done (gave her a hug and went saying meet you soon)
Swara was biting her nails in tension and cursing Akii she was quite audible to Sanskar
Sanskar shook his head and asked: Now what happened to u?
Sanskar: one second what did u say? I don't know Chinese
Swara:(closed her eyes and I one breath)I don't know how will I go cause Akii can't accompany me as his head was paining and he said he will not go anywhere today and I know he will get fever today cause he was studying till late night yesterday and he's not in a habit of being awake till late
And I can't go alone also cause it will b late night while coming back and mom won't allow
Sanskar took few seconds after she completed to understand and then said: So y did u Agree with her?
Swara:cause she was very excited for it and she would b upset cause of me So I agreed
Sanskar: oh.... Simply go somehow or deny her
Swara was in dilemma cause she very well knew Sanskar will never go as he doesn't like parties and to convince him was a big task although he was invited
(All the students of second and third year decided to arrange this party as exams were over Swasan gave their contribution but still were not in mood to go)
Swara(whispered):Can u come with me
Sanskar although heard what she said but pretended as if he don't know what she's saying
Sanskar: what swara? U said something?
Swara:No no I didn't said anything.... Y is this idiot taking so much time
She was upset and without looking at him m moved towards her car
Just then Akii arrived:Oops sorry m late... Come let's go
Swara nodded, she was not in mood to drive so gave him keys to which he gave a questioning look
Swara: Chup chap drive the car
And she sat in passenger's seat
They drove of but one pair of eyes saw this whole scenario
(Obviously Sanskar)
Sanskar's POV
Its been almost three months of our friendship
I don't y I felt so bad seeing her with Akshat but later I realized that he's not bad... He's such a good person, he knows Swara so nicely all her likes and dislikes
U don't know y I felt bad? Then something struck my mind at that tym that is this jealousy? No but we r jealous for those whom we love or like! Swara is just a friend of mine nothing more...
I don't want to indulge myself in this love and all ... I know many girls r behind me and they try to befriend me only because they want my attention... And I seriously hate such girls... I know Swara is a true friend she has no hidden intention behind her friendship... I trust her and if she has some intention behind her this friendship I'll never forgive her cause I don't like betrayers
But m pretty sure there is nothing like that
She a nice girl, she has all qualities of what a boy wants for his lady love and m sure whoever she will love will b a very lucky person
Today also she thought abt her friend
I know she's not so interested in parties and all but she agreed just for her friend's sake despite of the fact that now she herself don't know how she will go
I know she wanted me to accompany her but she didn't had the courage to ask me cause she knows I also don't like parties
She was so disappointed and that's y she gave Akshat her car keys cause she never give a chance to anyone to drive her car easily and that poor fellow was confused at her behavior (he chuckled thinking that)
She don't know that m going to accompany her
(He called her )
****on call****
Swara(sad):Hello yes Sanskar any work
Sanskar: hello !yes Swara but y r u sounding so upset any problem (laughing in his mind)
Swara: no nothing like that u say y u called
Sanskar: woh tonight is party na
Swara(not interested): hmmm
Sanskar: so I'll accompany u there
Swara:hmmm oky bye
(Suddenly realized) what ? What did u say?
Sanskar: Don't b shocked I'll accompany u to the party now don't ask y cause I can change my decision too
Swara-oky oky bye meet u soon
Evening 7:30 pm
Sanskar was waiting for Swara in his car at their apartment's main gate
Sanskar:(monologue) oh god y girls r always late I thought that Swara is not like that but she...(just then Swara knocked on passenger seat's window)
First tym he was mesmerized seeing her she was wearing a purple dress till her knees with very light makeup and silver earrings shining like stars in moonlight
Sanskar opened the door for her
She got in and said: chalein
Sanskar nodded and just then she noticed him he was in black shirt and blue denims, looking amazing
She felt proud that she's his Secret lover
It was more than one hour that they were in party
Both were getting bored so thought to get juice for themselves
One of Sanskar's friend came their so he started talking with him
By the tym Swara took a glass of cola from the waiter
(Unfortunately someone spiked that glass for someone else but she took it mistakenly)
Swara sipped the drink and find its taste different but then she saw one of Sanskar's classmate flirting with him so she gulped whole glass in one go
After few minutes her head started paining( m first tym writing such scene so really don't know whether m doing justice with it or not)
She moved towards Sanskar and said that her head is paining
But due to loud music he failed to hear her
Gradually the drink started its effect on her
She dragged Sanskar to a side
Sanskar was shocked by her actions
Swara:Sanskaaaaar... U know uuuuuuu rrr a bookworm (speaking like a drunkard
Sanskar understood that she's not in her senses
Sanskar: Oh god Swara what u drank Han?
He hit his hand on his forehead and started thinking what to Do
Just then he was dragged towards the dance floor by Swara
Swara: Let's dance na Sanskar... Come
Sanskar: I don't want to dance Swara
Swara started dancing jumping and squealing
Sanskar was just standing there cause he didn't wavted to create a scene in front of all
After sometime he took her outside
Swara started hitting him with her hands: u r velly bad Sanskar... I wanted to dance na
She stamped her food and sat on the ground
Sanskar looked at her with wide eyes and said: I'll c u tomorrow
He tried to make her stand but couldn't as she was too adamant
At last he also sat with her (they were in parking lot)
Sanskar: Swara let's move na
Swara: No I don't want to talk to u.. U r very bad
Sanskar: really
Swara:Han really u r an idiot ... U don't even believe in love always future future future
Sanskar was shocked as she started love's topic
Sanskar: Swara these love and all r fake
Swara:no Sanskar... U don't know anything.. Its a beautiful feeling yar...
Sanskar: how u know?
Swara :Cause m also in love na buddhu
Sanskar was again shocked:with whom
Swara:obviously u .. Wait..
She stood up made him stand
She sat on her knees , Sanskar was numb to react
Swara (being on her knees): I Swara dubey is in love with Sanskar Maheshwari... I love u since two years when I first saw u... I know u don't believe in love and all so I became ur friend
But now no more... Will u accept my love Sanskar
She waited for his answer but when he didn't replied she started crying
Sanskar was brought back to senses from her cries
He jerked her and yelled: what the hell r u saying Swara ?
Swara stood up and hugged him tightly murmuring: I love u Sanskar I really do m not lieing
After few minutes he felt her weight on him and realized that she fainted
Hello guys.... I know u r eager to c Sanskar's reaction but wait for sometime more.... I don't know what I have written ... M not well, I got fever but somehow completed the Chapter hope u will like
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