Saturday, 13 May 2017

Swasan Second Chance By Raabia - Episode 2

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on May 13, 2017 with No comments
swasan second chance episode 2

Swasan second chance: episode-2 By Rabia

Swasan were sleeping in eachother embrace while swara still holding sanskar shirt..soon her sleep get disturb duet Sunray she cuddeld more on sanskar feeling her close sanskar held her more thigtly...Feeling someone thight Grip swara opened her eyes...she looked at sanskar who was sleeping peacefully hugging her tightly not letting her go...she smiled seeing him He was sleeping like a cute Baby but soon her smile fade away thinking his opinion about Filling her mang....

Slowly she put his hand away from her n Got up went towards washroom...Swara went Near mirror n looked herself...n then she looked towards her sindoor n touched with her hand thinking something...

Swara pov..

Its not that being with him I am Not happy infact I am really happy he is very good Person I know He did wrong in the past but he relized his mistake before doing something more wrong...but When he relized it was tooo late he try to stop ragini but she didnt stop and went Future to destroye me completly (smile sadly) but know its enough I cant take it more everyone hatreds towards me I cant n i wont change myself for someone its time to look forward not behind...
Pov ends...

Thinking this she get ready n left towards badi leaving a Note behind for sanskar...
When sanskar got up by not finding swara beside him He really was tensed he was about to shout her name when he found a Note on mirror...he Got up went towards mirror n read that note..

Swara note...

Dont worry sanskar I am going to badi I didnt wake u up beacuse u were sleeping soo thought not disturb u n yeah I will be back soon

Reading this sanskar smiled he had fear somewhere that she will do something but reading her Note he came to know that his swara is not coward yeah his swara whom he love madly and can do anything for her happiness even if he had to sacrifice his happiness for her he will do...

At baadi

When swara reached baadi shekhar was about to leave..seeing her he went near her n start shouting....

She: now u r happy na for spoiling my ragini life...but I wont let that happen I know u didnt married him I didnt knew u were so shamless

Sw: (sad) Baba

She: dont Call me Baba u have no right do u get it

Hearing shouting or u can say talking too much loud that baadi people start to gather even Dadi,sharmishta n Dida Came hearing shekhar seeing the scene Dadi smiled evily while sharmishta n Dida were shocked...

Sw: (teary eyes ) Baba what r u saying

She: (angry) u know swara I am ashamed that u are my doughter (sharmishta n Dida were shocked swara was broken) Proving urself u are leaving with sanskar being unmarried how disgusting u are (hearing shekhar swara was now completly broken tears were fowlling down from her eyes ) having a doughter like u I wished we were prents..before He could finished his sentence a thight slap land on his cheek shocking everyone...

Shekhar looked in shock at sharmishta (yeah sharmishta slaped shekhar infront everyone)

She: (angry+shock) sharmishta

Sho: (angry) how dare u mr shakhar gododia to Talk like this with my doughter u have no right (pointing Finger at him)

She: for this Charakterless girl u talking to me like this dont forget sharmishta that u are my wife n if u wana be on her side then there will be no relationship between us

Sharmishta was shocked to hear shekhar word while Dadi felt soo happy that thing happening which she wished for long...

Sw: (shocked) maa Baba plzzz don.. (stopped by sharmishta )

Sho: (hurt broken+angry) not a word swara (looking at her with anger making her shut...n looked towards shekhar) what did u said u will break our reletionship han ? (Thinking) but about which relationship are u talking (making shekhar confuse) how can u forgett mr shekhar gododia our relationship Broke on that day when u didnt trusted me n swara but for swara I tried to Talk to u...but today when u Pointed ur Finger on doughter Charakter not only on her Charakter but also on my upbringing I cant Stay soo today instend of U I AM BREAKING ALL MY RELATIONSHIP WITH U

saying this she pulled her mangelsuter soo that it Broke n Black pearl spread on floor..shocking everyone n throwed on shekhar...she went near Dadi who were holding ganga jhal took that from her n washed her sindoor...seeing this shade everyone was shocked but Dida smiled that finally her doughter for the 1st time stand for herself n for her doughter

Sho: (went near Shekhar) n what did u said emmm having her doughter like her u wished to fatherless but do u know even the meaning of being father mr shekhar gododia no na then let me explain u meaning of father...father is Who make their doughter feel protective...who stand beside her in every good or bad Situation but not letting her feel burden on himself...who will treat her like princess but u were never their for her soo how can u be called as father of swara han never mind mr shekhar gododia do what u want never try to point ur bloody Finger on my doughter....

Saying this she Took swara with her home Dida followed them happily now that her doughter will stand on her feet again....she was really proud on having doughter like sharmishta...

To be continue....

Guys seriously I wished to see sharmishta this side I mean how can she forgive shekhar soo easily when he did sooo much bad with her n swara...

About Rabia:

    Hello !! I am Rabia, Writer of this ff "Swara Second Chance"

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