Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Swasan A Path hate to love Ep27

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 19, 2016 with 34 comments
Recap:" Sanskar got the asthma attack and fit together. Shanaya slapped Swara while Laksh support her"
Sanskar comes to senses and now both Laksh and Shanaya is scolding him. And the one who want to dominant the world, is listening their scolding with smile. She knelt at the life side of her on the chair but both are on the bed with him.
Ragini comes inside the room:"you all are here, I was searching for you Swara"
Swara:" What happened ?"
Ragini sits at the corner of bed:" Nothing, I was feeling bother and you guys were disappeared, so what are you doing all?"
Laksh:" Nothing special... Actually.."
But Sanskar cuts his words:" Ragini! May I demand you something?"
Ragini:" Yeah sure jiju"
Sanskar:" Please cook dum biryani for me, which you made for us on first day of our marriage, will you?"
Ragini:" Yeah sure!"
Sanskar:" I feel hungry and I didn't take breakfast, so make it hurry"
Ragini gets up:" Ok ok!! I'm going to kitchen of your hotel and I bet, I'll make it more delicious than your professional chef"
Sanskar:" It was really good than them.." He said honestly and Ragini gets happy to hear her praise... She's about to leave when Laksh calls her:" Ragini! I also wanna eat"
Shanaya shouts:" Me too"
Ragini:" Ok ok! First let me go to kitchen" she leaves while giggling.
After leaving her, Shanaya hits him:" You demanded to make her leave"
Sanskar sighs:" You know very well then why are you asking?"
Laksh:" Yes Bhai! Not fair"
Shanaya:" Ohhh  lucky baby! Cant see to her would be Mrs to doing work"
Swara is shocked to listen her words and says immediately:" What do you mean Shanaya?"
Laksh passes his fingers into his hairs and says:" Actually Bhabhi! I love your sister, will you give me handSwara thinks for a while, Laksh is sensible man and last night incident proved that he's not so much careless That he seems like:" From me, it's yes! But I don't know about Ragini and my parents"
Shanaya:" Oh lucky baby! How do you leave me? You said me you love me? How do you do this with me?" She said like in drama style, it isn't seem like that she was so sad before few minutes.
Laksh:" Oh shanaya baby! Why didn't you inform me before? Now it's so late to marry me.. Uff Shanaya! Why do you do with me?" He said in dramatic way more than her.
Three of them are laugh to see their style. Swara suddenly felt misfit among them. Shanaya knows everything about them, Laksh is pampered by them, Sanskar leads them and love them. Everything is perfect among them, what's her place among them? She thinks and gets up from her place.
They suddenly notice her, Laksh calls him:" Where are you going Bhabhi? Come to us"
Swara:" No! I think my place isn't there, I should leave" she says slowly.
There face become pale for a moment.
Shanaya gets up from her place and comes to her:" I'm sorry, what I've done with you, I really didn't have right to do this"
Swara nods slowly and frees her hand from her grip.
Sanskar:" What happened Shanaya? What did you do?"
Shanaya told him everything, she thinks that he now scold Shanaya.
He calls Shanaya to him, she silently goes to him.
Sanskar:" Why did you do that Shanaya? I know you very well, you didn't like this, promise me, you'll not do anything like that?" He holds her hand to make promise and swara's heart completely burn to listen it.
Swara sees them in anger and just about to leave but Laksh again call her:" Bhabhi! Forgive her please"
Swara folds her arms and looks them with anger:" Why??"
Laksh becomes speechless of her"why".
Sanskar:" Lucky! We can't force anyone to forgive someone, it's her choice, let her what she wanna do"
Sanskar isn't taunting on her but don't know why she get it as taunt.
Swara:" You're right Sanskar! Now I should leave, you all are so perfect with each others, I dont know where's my place between both of you, Shanaya was perfect for you, why did you marry with me?, for the sake of revenge or just for the sake of flash?"
Sanskar looks her and smirks:" Oh! You get your tongue finally! I don't like when you give answer to me, but it's ok! I like your courage" sanskar gets up from his place and goes to her.
Swara claps to his words:" Ohhh! Wow! Shanaya can do anything, slap to your wife but I can't answer you... Oh great! Why didn't you marry with her? I'll ans you, you're such a hypocrite person, who slept with someone but for marriage, he wants a pure Virgin girl"
Sanskar gets serious to listen her words and comes close to her:" Now, you're closing your limit Swara! I was soft to you, that doesn't mean, I wouldn't do anything with you"
Swara jerks:" Yeah! This is your weapon, and why don't you use these weapons to Shanaya? Why is she here? What's her position in your life and what's my position in your life Sanskar? A toy, an only toy, she selected for you and you purchased...",
"Bhabhi... This was not like that.." Laksh comes to her but she raises her hands to him :" I'm talking to my husband and I want answer from him"
Swara turns to him:" Now tell me, what's my position, why am I misfit when there's Shanaya near you?"
Sanskar hardly controls his rage and looks into his eyes:" You're my wife Swara and she's my friend.. You two have different value in my life, one can't take other importance" his voice is soft and cold which is sign of his controlling rage.
Swara jerks for his answer because she wanna listen something else:" No! Sanskar Maheshwari... I'm a toy for you... And she...(she points out to Shanaya who's still in shock) she's your personal prostitute... Nothing else"
Sanskar shouts on her words:" Swara!!!" He raises his hands but Shanaya comes between them:" Dont do that mistake, which I did"
He looks Shanaya and glances his wife, then silently leave his place and goes outside.
Shanaya is hardly controlling her tears:" Lucky! I got remember... I've a work... I should go"
She takes her bag and leave. Laksh looks her with sorrowful eyes because he knows that she's right on her place but her style of expressing her thoughts and timing was wrong.
Laksh goes to her and softly makes her sit, he doesn't say anything, any word of complaining of his words... He just silently gives her water and changes the topic as like that nothing was happened there.
 Sanskar is in lounge and calls his manager to bring cigarettes for him but Laksh and Shanaya already instruct everyone about it that dont give him cigarette.
Now he's irritating because he's helpless in front of these twos.
Suddenly someone gives cigarette to him, he feels bit relax but he angry to see her face.
He throws the cigarette:" I don't need any favour from you"
Meera smirks:" I listen which play was going on your portion, so you obviously need cigarette now",
Sanskar looks her:" Just go from here, otherwise I'll repent that why I left you alive"
Meera laughs to see her condition and sits on the sofa opposite him:" Oh darling! I can understand your condition... Why do you do that thing which you often do at the time of depression... Why do you make your life like hell just because of sake of so called loyalty"
Sanskar looks her:" I don't know, who's your spy among us, but will be soon I'll vanish you both"
Meera:" Oh sweetheart! I've no any spy, but I can understand everything after looking your face.. Off course! I still love you"
Sanskar smiles bitterly:" Oh love... Yeah! I believe you, you love me and which type of punish I'll give those people who love me, you know very well... I hate this word of love... Now go to hell Meera! Otherwise I'll lose my temper...",
Meera gets up from her place:" Oh! Finally you took my name... But why didn't you call me katty now... Seriously..... I'm empty without this word of katty...",
Sanskar gets up and holds her from shoulder:" Katty... Huh! Now happy... Just go from there to hell... You and with your pet name which I brought to you and I repent that I trust on the woman like you... Seriously... I want you go to heaven in another world because I can't tolerate you in the hell with me"
He leaves her and drags her towards entrance:" Just go from there ****** and never show me your ugly face again... Katty.... My foot" he said.
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  1. Nice....
    Waiting 4 ur next update
    When will u update it????

  2. Nice....
    Waiting 4 ur next update
    When will u update it????

  3. Awesome saba waiting for next episode plz upload the next part today only plz

  4. Nice saba its superb pls update next part soon

  5. Superb...superb...swara emerged as a tigress...she is right at her place....
    By bursting out...
    Overall neat episode...

  6. meera is katty..but really feel bad for swara..she is jealous of sanaya. Thats why she does all this. Why doesn't sankar undestand her.

  7. I thought he'll only ask for swara whenever he'll gain conciousNess. .but it's ok as you have decided something different to unite them..! But plz stay on your words n nourish us with 2 episodes everyday if you've time. .n don't think that we are forcing you for dat. .love your ff! Waiting for next update!

  8. Finally that katty meera was sanskar's ex wife ah

  9. Finally that katty meera was sanskar's ex wife ah

  10. Loved Swara's attitude. Though she has started feeling for him she will leave him until she gets all answer about her mystery man.

  11. Finally swara asked him right questions, loved the way swara stopped laksh.

  12. Awsm dii!!! Katty my foot...nyc dialogue diii.. love it

  13. Please make it bit long next time!

  14. Among those bros and frnds, swara is no where... she is right in her point... and it is expressed well by words

  15. Among those bros and frnds, swara is no where... she is right in her point... and it is expressed well by words

  16. Hahaha i lyk last part katty my foot ...n lyk swara'courage to speak out her prblm AWSM as always you rocked

  17. huh finaly swara showed some courage! eagerly waiting for d next epi!
    and saba whom have u choose to potray meera?

  18. Thanks alot guys! For your love and support, advikaa, whenever I thought for Meera, Meera from sath nibhana sathiya is come to my mind...
    Hey guys! I know you all want two parts per day. But it's much difficult to write two parts because I started my college and you know college life,assignments, presentation etc... I've also work another stories... So it's bit difficult... But still I'm saying that ill try my best to upload two parts...

  19. Its ok saba,i understand its difficult for u to upload 2 parts a day but ur ff is an adition for me..i can't wait even for some hours..when u post early than there's a big smile on my face..i can't explain how eagerly i wait for ur ff..bt its ok.. Now waiting for ur next part.. Pls make it lengthy and update soon..

  20. Hello saba. Sorry to say but today I felt like some injustice is being done to swara. Sanskar atleast should have spoke to her as yesterday night, he dragged her out of the room and she remained out bangging the door. Noone has minimum concern on her even after knowing that she is married to such a person. I accept that sanskar had a bitter past and so lucky and shanaya support him but its a fact that he is torturing a innocent girl. Sorry as I didn't mean to hurt you. You really write very well which always makes me feel the charecters especially swara. Keep going dear.

  21. Saba no problem take ur own time to upload the episode and all the best for ur college life

  22. Hey dear! First thanks dear! And im 100% agree with you that Sanskar should care about swara and etc. I know he's torturing innocent girl. Actually my story has the theme that girl can change even animal into human being.. But swara's character is much strong dear and I know lucky and shanaya is in favour of sanskar because it's natural that how do you love any stranger as compared to their siblings or friends. Same case with both of them. And our hero isn't a person who trust on smeone at once, it must take time to understand his wife.... I know he's real devil and I made it like that, this is a reason he's behaving like that.. So dear dont worry, everything will be ok but it will must take time because changing can't place at once... I hope you understand.. And I personally know his action is unjustified but we're human being and we do that what we want either it's good or bad

    1. Saba Thx for a wonderful story but could you say this is only one ff u write or there are any other which I don't know so plz if any so say me

  23. There is one more ff written by saba. It is " I am yours". And this ff is also very nice. You must read it.

  24. There is one more ff written by saba. It is " I am yours". And this ff is also very nice. You must read it.

    1. Thx naina but I read I'm your.I'm talking about at present is other ff she is writting

  25. Hey dear! If you tell me your name then it will be most convenient for both of us, well! I only write swasan as ff because I felt that many of the readers are not getting the real depth of story, they just want to read swasan together and as a writer, story mean to me because I already said that this story of swasan based on the my incomplete novel, well if you fond of reading some good fiction then im translating Yaaram and I can bet that it's really worth reading. Well I also start my new fiction, im hope, must read it also and if I write any other ff or fiction, it will must publish on this blog dear

  26. Hey saba when will you post next part!
