Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Yaaram Ep3

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 20, 2016 with 4 comments
In those days, it was happened that Baba's hand was burned and Dadi cursed her. She also answered to her then Baba slapped her with his burn hand. She hit her head on wall and it was bleeding. She felt pain in her head but she only cried due to Baba's slap by forgetting her head pain and blood from first part of a day to last part of night.  Then she put her some clothes in school bag, and went from her home. She walked... Walked.... Crossed the main road of home. She reached at main road then crossed it also.
She was just walked and crossed every road... Even she didn't afraid from the dirty dogs of footpath. Her eyes were filled with tears and hung bag on her shoulder. She walked like that she was (god forbid) alone in this world.
After reaching far from home, she didn't understand, where to go then she started crying after sitting on the corner of footpath.
" you made me tired Amraha!" Dada also sat with her, he had bottle of water. He took some water and also made her drink.
"I have left that house" she shouted after drinking water.
Dada:" You've to leave that home one day, because it isn't your home my child"
"why don't you go Dubai? Now I've done my matriculation"
Dada got confused:" I'm an old, weak, sick person, think to yourself that how can I go to outside the country, specially for the earning purpose... I'm so old... I also become deaf now"
Amraha:" Then why do you make promise?"
Dada stayed silent for a long time.. She was so young and especially possessed painful heart.. Now he could not console her by lies:" Why won't you go there Amraha?"
" where?" She put off her school bag.
" Dubai, America, Australia, canada, France" dada said.
"I..? And America, France?" She cried more vigorously that Dada reminded joke at her and started joking with her.
" yes! Grand daughter of Mirza Kamal,has topped in F.Sc. this year, she has got scholarship... It has two days, since she has gone to Canada... Amraha! You also top in F.Sc."
Dada:"yes Amaraha my child! Do top and go from here... Grand daughter of Mirza Kamal will come after seven years, maybe she'll not come here,she has to do three years of services in Canada also... It becomes 10 years.. Ten years and in Canada? Www here people after spending 20 to 25 lacs and she has gone in free... Think Amraha! How many benefits are of study? If you prove yourself, then this world will welcome you" in that last part of night, Dada was not less than Aristotle who taught Alexander about the conquer of conqueror.
And then Alexander the great was also conqueror.
And she took admission in college by her heart. Studied day and night. Only study..  She prepared herself to do top. She had belief like that she told every class fellow and friend that she will go Canada and spend ten years there..
" I'll go Canada, I'll spend ten years there"
" I'll become doctor and enjoy my life"
" yes! I already have this plan to spend my life in any European country"
"oh! This two years will pass fast and I'll go from here"
She was so happy in those two years. She got the knowledge of Canada as much that Canadian didn't know about themselves. Dada gave her those books which had the word of "Canada".
Then result was out.. But alas! She didn't get A-plus even. She ruined herself by crying. Dada avoided eye contact with her and silently applied scholarship also but where they have lots of double A then who will ask to simple A grade. In those days, dada got know that how many talented people this country had created.
Wherever, he submitted her form, he felt happiness to see crowd there but also felt sorry of his Amraha.
He understood that she could not get scholarship and it was also happened that she got three official letters of rejection but could not get admission form.
No one got the news in family that what was happening between Dada and Amraha. Why Amraha felt sick? Why was she not talking to dada? Why Amraha wasn't saying dada ji dada ji all time?
And she also got the call of class fellows and friends:" When will you going to Canada? Look! Must meet us before going"
"you've courage that you're going so far... I feel die to think about it"
She said with that belief in those two years that all her class fellows had believed that she will go. They didn't taunt on her but Amraha took it as taunt on herself.
******.   *******      ********
Baba fixed her engagement, she also agreed that if she could not  go to Canada then at least she could go to second house. After six months, her alliance was broken. It was cleared that they got to know about the incidents which related to her birth. Baba got angry but what could he do? He got angry on Amma and dadi that why had they spread this types of talks in society that her alliance was broken now.
Amma and dadi repented but it was late. .
Then again she got alliance second time,Baba gave the date of marriage immediately to groom's family without any custom of engagement or nikah. But 15 days before the time of marriage, that day when she was checking her bridal dress, she got the news of being widow of young sister of groom. That story was finished.
That time, she listened so many worst words that she attempted suicide by taking sleeping pills of dadi.
After a week, once she arrived home after being well, she wanted to take pills again and wanted to die.Amma and dadi will cry in the corners of house:" Alas! Our young daughter has passed away" they will cry vigorously. Dada will leave the house forever. And Baba and dadi will search dada like crazy people and dada will come to her graveyard at night.
She felt so much calmness after imagining of her death that everyone will cry who had made her cry.
But she only imagined about it but couldn't find courage to do that act of suicide again.
Dada tried to talk with her and convince to her.
A young girl tried to kill herself and this was happened due to that foolish talks. If she couldn't die by sleeping pills, she would must die by nervous breakdown.
Dada:" I don't have much money to send you abroad for study, marriage is also not going to happen of yours. I have talked to your father but he has made joke of it that it's better to make gold on your name instead of sending you abroad for study, Amraha! I'm disgusted by the people who do long prayer in sacred nights and involve in many types of sins. Lie, envy, dishonesty, backbiting... We don't do endeavour to spare ourselves from these bad deeds and we do ablution to stand for praying. Your ex-mother in law who has broken the alliance, she attends every religious occasion... She does debates on religious topics... I have also satisfied of this alliance because of this reason ... But she is like just a good-colored fruit which is rotten one from inside.... Our hypocrisy is eating our peace of environment like termite. We consider ourselves on right path, but we are going on wrong path by reverse feet.
Amraha! Part of my heart! Never attempt suicide again otherwise I'll also kill myself... Be responsible and study well... We must find any path.
Dada visited her 15 days tour of Baluchistan and convinced her to take admission in college.  But her life became more bitter that her two engagements were broken and no one was ready to take her hand in family. Mamu asked the hand of Daniya for her elder son.
Amma and dadi asked for Amraha by themselves but he forced only for Daniya.
"they're so coward that none of us is ready to take risk" she said bitterly to dada.
Dada replied:" A one who is far from god, they're coward like the same",
Amraha:" I'm not far from god, then why it's happening to me?"
Dada:"sometimes, destiny hits pebbles to sleeping persons because they will awake and proceed to achieve their aims of life"

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