Sunday, 24 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep31

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 24, 2016 with 13 comments

Life.. If we give this word to everyone for define it, they start to write, this is most precious gift of god.. Really is it precious gift of god? If it's, then why people don't care about this precious gift?
His life was straight and simple, he didn't think about the main purpose of his life, he had a dream about his hotels but he didn't think about it so much because he thought, it's very simple to him to fulfill his dream? Why not it will be? Because his family was with him, he was intelligent and talented, everything was perfect then it will not be impossible for him to get this dream. So actually he didn't care about anything that time but now life was realizing him the importance of itself.
He forgot, when he ate some good meal or wear nice stuff. Laksh brought his stuff to him but because of strictness of home, he only brought some of his clothes and other documents for him. Now it was very difficult for him to adjust in this environment. Even his love.. His katty was going far from him and he didn't realize this thing.
He cried many time when he came from job and he didn't find anything to eat. In nights, he got up and afraid many times, that time he hugged Meera but nowadays she also came late home.
He looked himself in mirror and said:" Is it really you Sanskar? Is this your place to live in this world" he couldn't control his tears when someone tapped his shoulder.
He turned and found Anjali there.
Anjali:" Are you crying Sanskar?"
Sanskar wiped his tears and nodded his head in on.
Anjali didn't force him and gave him a dish of meal:" I thought, you came from job, so I brought for you, where's Meera?"
Sanskar:" She didn't come yet"
Anjali sighed and looked him, she looked confuse, he observed that she was trying to say something.
Sanskar asked:" Is anything there?, you wanna say?"
Anjali:" Yeah.. No.. Actually yes!"
Sanskar uncovered the dish and started eating without washing his hands. In those days, he was forgot to follow manners.
Anjali looked him and a strong layer of pity came in her heart for this boy who sit opposite to her.
She sighed and said:" Actually, I wanna say, why don't you go to your family? They'll accept you, I'm sure"
He stopped his hands from eating and said:" They'll not accept Meera and now our baby will also come, so why will they accept us? As I know my family, for them society reputation is more important than family"
She sighed:" I wish Meera wasn't come in your life"
He smiled bitterly and concentrate on his food:" Sometimes, I also wish about it but that time, I jerked this type of thought and cursed myself that how selfish I'm! A girl who leaved everything for you and you're thinking like that?"
Anjali smiled sadly:" Do you repent"
He stopped and looked her:" Hmm.. If I say truth.. Then yes!..."
Anjali:" Then return to your home"
Sanskar:" You know Anju! Sometimes life pushed us in empty well, we can come inside it but there's no chance to get it out, and you know what there is always a secret cave in that well, which takes us in another world, I'm in the well anju and I can't get out from this until I found the secret cave, but I'm sure it wouldn't the way of my home"
Anjali didn't say anything, just looked this boy who lost his everything but didn't curse to anyone, she looked and didn't thought that she was seeing this Sanskar last time.
Present time in school
Swara:" Why didn't you tell everything to him about Meera?"
Shanaya smiled:" I went there, just to tell him that Meera aborted and going to plan marriage with Ram Malhotra, but as I looked him I felt pity on him that how can I give more tears to that person who was already in trouble"
Swara:" But this thing should be thought by Meera"
Shanaya:" If I say, she was right in her place then what will you say?"
Swara thinks for a while:" I can't say anything because your thinking is different from me"
Shanaya:" Actually Meera wanted all thing, it wasn't bad thing. If you think for a while every girl want a good looking husband who can fulfill her every wish, it can be matter a priorities but this wish is always same for everyone, if Sanskar's parents accept Meera then maybe it wasn't happened there but they didn't accept because of society, so I can concluded that it was fault of society"
Swara:" Hmm... It's very heavy talk, it will have taken time to understood by me, well! As I know him and as you told about him, only Meera's betrayal wasn't the reason of his cruel nature, something else is missing..."
Shanaya downs to her and smiles:" Not something dear! Many things are missing in this story.. Actually Meera's betrayal was first step of it"
Swara shook her legs and thought for Sanskar, she's amazed that how this man was! She thinks:" Oh god! It was confirmed that this man, you've written in my destiny, then why you didn't give me that time when he was sweet? Oh! That time, I was of nine, how can we? Well! I love him the way he's! I just want love from him too"
Shanaya shakes her shoulder:" Where have you gone?"
Swara nods:" Nothing special.. What was happened Shanaya? How Sanskar know about Meera's affair? And what was his reaction?"
Shanaya:" If I say truth, then I dont know so much about it because I was busy in my semester and I didn't meet them also, but I heard that one day, there was a big fight between them and from that day, Meera leaved that cottage and after few days, Sanskar was also did the same"
Swara:" So.... You don't know this thing? But how did you become Shanaya from Anjali?"
Shanaya's face becomes pale to listen her question. She can observe the great pain in her eyes after listening it.
Swara:" If you dont wanna talk about it, then its ok!"
Shanaya looks her and smiles hardly. She sees her eyes are about to flow but she's strong woman who can easily control herself.
Shanaya:" It was also the reason of our society swara!" She touches her face:" I pray Swara, you'll not see the real face of this society but truly I know god wouldn't listen the sinner like me"
Swara holds her hand:" I don't know Shanaya, you're sinner or not but you're doing work of virtue"
Shanaya smiles sadly:" Do you feel hunger?"
Swara understands that she wants to change the topic:" Yeah little bit! You can order snack,specially French fries, I wanna eat"
Shanaya smiles and asks:" Are you vegetarian? Because I order something non veg"
Swara:" I'm not, you can"
Shanaya nods and orders for snacks and comes to her:" Do you wanna know that how am I turn Anjali to Shanaya?"
Swara:" I'm just curious.."
Shanaya stayed silent and looked down as she's thinking something deep, but actually the winner of words, is collecting the new words to explain her pain but she's so bad in this and she's being continuously unsuccessful in this mission. Destiny always left one thing which always remains empty in our life. This thing remind us that nothing is perfect in this world, so we remind our limitations and don't consider ourselves as god.  It was also same like Shanaya, who can do everything but can't express her pain in words.
Sanskar came back palace and now he's drinking in the bar side, he already asked Laksh to go out with Ragini because he doesn't want to let her know about anything and it was also like that he wanna stay alone for sometimes.
He already arranged his pills for calmness because he's mentally and physically tired.
He  was making drink when someone came to him. He knows very well that who's the person.
He picks up his phone and calls someone:" Rohan! What the hell this woman is doing there? Come here and takes her from there, otherwise you'll be fire"
He shouted and disconnects the call. Meera smirks and comes to him:" Why are you getting angry my sweetheart!"
Sanskar grins:" Enough Meera! I'm not in mood to fight with you... Please go for there"
Meera smiles:" What's the wonderful day is today! You said please to me"
Sanskar sighs and says:" Look behind you, (he looks) Rohan please take her from there otherwise inform her husband to take her from there"
Meera irritates from his words and leaves.
He feels much relax to look this, if he said,he actually might forgave her  but because of her deeds, he started to hated her. She's helpless because of her instinct and he's helpless because of his hatred.
He remembers the day when he came from job and didn't find her, he got the salary and bought her favourite chocolate cake from her favourite bakery. They didn't celebrated her birthday, so he specially bought for her with his saving.
He didn't remember when he fell asleep, he got up in midnight but didn't find her in home. He was worried about him, he called her many time even he went to her hotel. He searched her everywhere, he could but he was unable to find her.
Waited for her all night and prayed for her that she come soon and she might be safe.
Next day, he was about to report police station when his phone rang. He attended the call, it was Rakesh who worked with him.
Rakesh:" Sanskar! Come to hotel hurry up"
Sanskar:" Meera is missing, I've to find her first"
Rakesh:" Meera is there, you come here fast"
Sanskar:" Katty is there, but what's she doing there? Is she doing night shift there?"
Rakesh:" Sanskar! Come here first then you'll know everything"
Sanskar went there and he was shocked to see. He wasn't believe on himself what he saw.
Meera was his boss Ram Malhotra and he was holding her hands.
He went towards them and freed her hands from his grip:" Katty! What are you doing here with sir??"
She gently freed her hands from him and said:" Give me bit respect, I'm wife of your boss now"
Sanskar:" Wwwiifff....ffee, it is impossible, you're my wife"
Ram Malhotra came between them:" Give me proof that she's your wife?"
Sanskar became speechless because they were minor this time and he was not of the age of marriage that time also.
Sanskar held his collar:" How do you do this with me? You allured my wife(he turned to Meera) and was this your love Meera? "
Meera came to him:" Call me Mrs Malhotra! Because now you're not able to call me from my name! I was fool who was with you, now get lost from this hotel and don't need to come to job from tomorrow"
Ram Malhotra called guards to take him from there.
He couldn't forget this insult in his entire life. For her, he served to people, he found many people laughed on him because they know whom he was and who he is. But he tolerated all this because of her but that time, he could never forget that insult  in his life and thought that if he get the chance, he'll must revenge for his insult.
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  1. I feel pity for sanskar... but its good now coz swara love him waiting eagerly to c how swara's love will change sankar.n i laugh at the part when swara say to god why he didnt send him when he was sweet hahaha that part was funny that made me smile n 4get sanky's prblm.REAL YOUR JUST AMAZING WRITER I'VE SEEN IN MA LYF.keepitup n may ALLAH BLESS U MORE

  2. Pls saba upload next part also.plssss

  3. Saba where is the bonus ? Pls one more episode for today plssssss

  4. nc episode saba.pls upload next part also.

  5. ths episode s awsm .i really lyked swara ...really i feel bad for sanskar

  6. Meera is heartless and greedy woman..she doesnot care about her husband who sacrifice luxurious life and his family. And swara is very sweet , i hope i will get him when he is swt.. Amazing.. Hope to see next episode soon.

  7. Wow saba another amazing episode loved it and I am eagerly waiting for the next upload and swasan scenes

  8. I was a silent reader of ur ff,it's really amazing plzz update next part soon

  9. It is difficult to forget the insult by people especially those who know about our circumstances yet don't leave any opportunity to taunt and low us in the society. All we can do is just giving a fake indeed plastic smile to them or laugh like a mad person after knowing that we are made fools as we are left with no other of the lesson from my dad's life. Hey saba,sorry dear as you have asked me to share my dad's experience but I can't. I promised him that I won't let anyone to know about it and its like a deal that it should end infact bury among me,my mom and dad.hope you understand. The world described in your story is not new to me bit the only question which is pounding my mind is what has happened in SANSKAR'S life which made him turn it a werewolf where once he was an innocent child you don't even know how to kiss. Anyways, all the best dear. Your every episode is reminding my dad's story... I mean he didn't had any affair with girl or something like that but he has seen the entire life..I think it would be better if I say that he learned the entire life just in his teens. All the best dear.
