Sunday, 24 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep32

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 24, 2016 with 25 comments
Present time in school
Shanaya lifts her face and looked her innocent face, her eyes are clear as crystal. And only pure heart has this type of eyes, she knows and she wishes in her heart that may god safe the innocence of these eyes.
Swara is waiting of her words and she slowly departs her lips and words are coming out from them:" It was exams of my last semester, I was so happy, I had many plans about my future, I tried many places for job as well as scholarship for further study.
Everything was perfect in my life, I heard that sanskar leaved that place because of Meera and Meera was happy with her new husband, I met with her once... But it was time of my last exams, I was preparing for my exams and few sums were not solved by me , so I concerned from my teacher, he told me to come his home for extra classes, he gave classes to many students at home but I was worried because I didn't have money for tuition but he told me that he knows I'm scholarship student and he'll teach me without any fee, I was grateful to him and in evening I reached on address, I was wondered that why was professor living in unpopulated place with his family, I went inside....." She paused  and collects more words:" He opened the door and I found some more students there but I was confused because they were senior of mine... In which I knew one boy who was leader of his club but he completed his study,he many times, tried to flirt with me but I was cleared in my thought so I wasn't involve in these types of things and he wasn't nice boy too.
Avinash came to me and held my hands:" Finally! I got you baby"
Anjali:" Leave my hands (I turned to sir) sir! Look at him, he's..."
Sir laughed:" Take her avi! And remind that we've also contributed in this good work..." He laughed and I looked him with great shock, he was my teacher and I really respect him....
Avinash took me from bedroom.." She stopped and tried to control her tears:" It is easy to read in newspapers that girl becomes the victim of gang rape but it's more than that... Not only him, my teacher and his three friends, I dont remember how many times but those bas***d used me.. And you know..the pain is much more than imagination.... They beasts gnaw me all night and I was like.... " The tears are flowing  from her eyes and she looks into her eyes. Swara can feel the deep pain in her eyes. She second time sees  her in pain, first when she was afraid because of Sanskar.
She wipes her tears and tries to smile:" But don't worry dear! I'm Shanaya, I wasn't girl like who attempts suicide or spends their life with those tears... I didn't know how much time I spent in hospital, how much time I spent to recover from the pain which they gave me, but I was only the person who was with me, who tried to recover myself, who tried to push to me come forward in my life, but you know what I was completed lost after that day, my uncle's threw me from his house, I didn't have anything to do, that time I started job as a personal assistant of a rockstar Vicky, I was more than his personal assistant.... I've changed my name and burned my documents... So only he gave me job, not because of my talent because of my beauty, I thought, I've to live this life. So what's the problem, if live like this but then I met with Sanskar, he was completely changed that time and he introduced me the new world and showed me the new way  of living... You know what was the way?"
Swara wipes her tears and looks the girl who look sooo brave and says:" What was that?"
Shanaya looks into her eyes and says:" The way of revenge" Swara numbs to listen her tone and her words.
Sanskar spent many days in shock, he didn't believe that his katty, his love leaved him just for the sake of money. He broke many times and collected his pieces many times.
He went his home in the hope of  returning to his old life. It was a function in his house, when he entered the house.
His mom came to him and held his hand:" What are you doing here Sanskar?" He thought that she'll hug him and happy to see him but she was only worry about guests that someone might not see him.
Sujata brought him in corner's room and bade papa and his dad also came here.
Bade papa:" Oh! Finally your so called wife leaved you and what are you doing here now? I told you that there's no place for you, where's your great words that you will do everything without our help... Now go and get your dreams..."
He looked down and didn't understand what to say, his inner ego stopped him to ask apology or admit his mistake.
He looked to his parents but bade papa stopped them:" Before going to him, remember that your daughter's engagement is going on and her in law wouldn't like the brother like him  who has eloped with lower class girl... Now the decision in your hands, son or daughter?"
He leaved the house without saying any words because he didn't want to examine their love or ruin the happiness of his sister.
He was still in great shock, he didn't understand what to do and how to curse himself or his destiny.
He went to his cottage but he was shocked to see the condition of surrounding. The new problem was standing in front of him and this problem was much bigger than another problems in his life. Now he will know that what's the life and how it will examine the man.
Landlord of cottage was throwing his stuff from cottage. By the way, he wasn't have so much stuff, some few necessary things which he bought from his salary.
Sanskar:" What are you doing?"
Landlord:" You didn't pay rent from 3 months and now you've to leave this house"
Sanskar:" Just give me few more days, I'll return your rent"
Landlord:" I already gave you many days, now it's enough..."
He collected his stuff and tried to collect himself too because this shock was also breaking him.
That time, he first time, laid down on footpath and the cold floor of footpath didn't give him peace for a moments.
Bade papa already send laksh to abroad and he tried to help him but bade papa was kept his eyes on him and his account activities, so he couldn't send him money but he tried very hard to help him.
He has left few pennies to spend and it was so much time spent,  he didn't eat something.
He tried for his job many places, time was passing and even he didn't have single penny to spend. Laksh was also trying best to help him, he hoped that his family will help him but they forgot like that they never had any son.
That time, when extreme hunger was placing in his body, he reminded Harshad, who was also the waiter with him but one day, he looked him with luxury lifestyle and he also offered him to live that lifestyle if he joint his hands to him. But after listening his way of making money, he denied but that time, he obmy thought about money and food.
He looked himself in the mirror of shop, that was a night and everyone was sleeping on footpath but he didn't have habit of it.
He talked to himself:" Look Sanskar! This is you and your place in this life..." He reminisced the time when everything was perfect in his life. He thought the words of bade papa, betrayal of Meera and thought that how was he ruining himself. He sighed and decided that now it doesn't matter that it will be bad or good,he just wanted revenge from everyone who contributed to ruin his life. 
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  1. Awsm ☺
    Thnx fr another epi so soooon...

  2. Amazing episode dii.

  3. Hello saba, again a good episode but sorry to say that I can't take it anymore.'foot path' this word agin dragged me back to dad's past. I am sure that the present story doesn't relate to my father as he has seen ten times to this. The thing is that I really felt bad and broken when my father explained his past and after many years, I am feeling the same pain by reading your updates. Don't take me wrong..I mean you write so well that..that.. I don't have any words to praise. All the best dear but I will be back..surely to know the story of swasan but not sanskar. It's really a painful situation where you have to mange your family being the elder and your own family members are on the other side trying their best to ruin the family's name by doing some illegal activities. The worst is that you are unaware of it.. Sorry became a bit emotional..all the best dear.

  4. Sorry to ask you but from where did you get this idea to write this story I mean does it depend on someone's experience or....just a question out of curiosity... Take care dear.

  5. Can't imagine Sanskaar like that don't tell me he's going to enter in that unwanted world where people hv no choice coz of helplessness!

  6. Amazing episode dii.

  7. Oh god....What's next....pls update next episode. ....
    Now I am with tears don't know when I wil burst out....

  8. Oh god....What's next....pls update next episode. ....
    Now I am with tears don't know when I wil burst out....

  9. Once sankar told swara that not to waste food bcos There are some people who even does not get two meals a day. It is because he knows value of food.. What a family he has who even did not give him one chance.
    In previous episode sanskar was talking about secret cave,i think he got that secret cave(swara) which help him to get all happiness that he deserves..

  10. Again a gud one saba... and sree harini... dear i can undrstand d pain u r goin through... bt be strong nd ur dad ll wish d same... take care dear...

  11. Again a gud one saba... and sree harini... dear i can undrstand d pain u r goin through... bt be strong nd ur dad ll wish d same... take care dear...

  12. Saba i like you all ff im hope and yaaram. You asked na why there is no aur dikhao aur dikao in case of i m hppe and yaaram .. It is bcos swasan ff is very much intersting. I am curious to know about what happen in past..and one reason is that i love a swasan.

  13. Thanks saba for pls dont miss today's episode

  14. thank u saba... and its super....

  15. Thanks guys! And naina! I can bet you all wait for Yaaram after opening its story, and you're right dear! He was gone through this bitter experience so he knows the importance of food and you got wrong the meaning of secret cave
    Hey Anjali! Sometimes people do that thing in helplessness which they cant do in normal life, this is worst emotion of people
    At the end,Sree Hairani, it's ok! If you dont want to share your experience and I'm sorry if you feel bad about his past. And your question about that how I get this character, then it's completed created by my mind. I read the bitterness of lust and vices of elite class, I observed this thing in my surrounding too, the theory of lowest and highest level of beauty and wits was told by my teacher and we think about to adopt evilness in helplessness was my own experience but because of my instinct I couldn't accept it, but he has already the instinct of evilness. So it's only story in which male character is dominant and in lead, so I tried my best to make it perfect.actually I live in This character and that's why I love this character with his evilness

  16. Swara swara swara.. How can anyone be so cute and innocent? She loved him before but she could not get her love. and now?????? Just waiting for swasan moments.. can't wait.


  17. Really saba ur the best and superb episode dear

  18. Hi dear,
    I read sanaya's flashback with tears in my is not easy for a girl to overcome that pain which is horrible..
    The way u explained that incident and swara's reaction are picture perfect..
    Awesome yaar...
    Sanskar's state after that betrayal and i imagine varun kappor's 4 each and every scene...
    So sanskar entered into hell in this way...
    All d best..
    Keep rocking...
    Eagerly waiting 4 swara's reaction after hearing whole story...and her behaviour towards sanskar....pls update soon

  19. you are absolutely right, saba... when you are in helplessness, the evilness take over you... when someone close to you break your trust, the emptiness you feel at that moment can't explain in words... and, that trust can't be build... you expressed it nicely...

  20. Hey saba when'll you update next part dear!
