Sunday, 24 January 2016

I'm hope Ep 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 24, 2016 with 7 comments
Now Umeed reached to her seventh year and she gave impact to her parents and their VIP guests. An incident which started from greeting and asking a formal question now reached to pulling trolley and serving to guests. She got appreciated by the guests and for this, their parents achieved their goals.
And in this type of parties, only Umeed was allowed among children. In those days, she knew very strange news which confused her innocent mind. She listened from someone who talked about her daddy's younger sister who betrayed him to elope someone. That's a reason her daddy didn't love daughters because he loved his sister so much.
She satisfied that maybe this is a reason her parents didn't love her. But she got confused because her parents love Honey(Romana). But she made an excuse to advocate her parents act:" She's youngest just because they love her" but she tried to console herself but she was still confused.
But after hearing that words she promised herself that she'll care her daddy.
Romana, pet name as Honey was the second daughter of her parents. She was crying baby who always sought out opportunities to take attention to her parents. Sometimes, Umeed also thought that it's easy to cry and take attention instead of just putting effort to win the heart of everyone. But she always banished this thought from her mind because she was Umeed and Umeed has the meaning of smile... A smile of hope.
Sometimes, she fed up from her struggle because her family didn't show any concern for her as compared to her siblings.  In front of guests, they praised her academic results, her obedience and intellectual but she could clearly understand the artificiality in their tone in her early age.
But she jerked all thoughts from her mind and again tried do her best to achieve her goal because she was included in those persons who always look half filled glass of water instead of the empty side. She put lots of hope, love and optimism in half empty side of glass.
In this half full glass, she can saw her brother who didn't show so much concern for her but always support her, one or two lovely glances of her father towards her, her uncle who always came to VIPs and said for her:" Oh! Umeed my tigress!!".. Love of her dadi for her.. And she hoped that she'll soon put the love of her parents and Romana in the half empty portion.
And yeah one more thing.... She had also Faraz in the full portion. Her only friend...
Sometimes, destiny couldn't be tied some persons into blood relations, for this consequence, it tied them into friendship. It was also same applied on both of them.
But their friendship is more than only friendship, they have a beautiful relationship because they both didn't find love at home, so they sought every relationship between each others.
From their primary classes, both learned, played and studied together.
Faraz loved the wings of butterflies but Umeed only loved butterflies but Faraz had the instinct of lunacy and fierceness but Umeed was like the calm ocean. But the nature of Faraz was like a noisy river but it was interesting that this noisy and desperate river was fallen in the ocean whose name was Umeed.
They left their childhood and put the first step on their teenage. Faraz still followed butterflies but he couldn't catch any butterfly successfully.  She was also supporting him to follow butterflies but not to catch them, she just liked this activity. She liked when they try to touch butterfly and it boggled and flew away.
And one day, Faraz caught a butterfly finally! And this day, she saw a new shade of life, she didn't know the abortive color of butterflies. And when this butterfly lost its color, it will die. It was a small pale butterfly, which caught because of its carelessness. Carelessness of love...
She was wondered that time, Faraz's face brightened because of his victory but she didn't like it, she  saw the face of Faraz and the dead butterfly. After reaching the home, she was in a deep dilemma that what has happened with that butterfly?
This was an incident of those days when they were in the eighth standard. Now she was afraid of catching butterflies. But she wasn't so expressive to express her fear to Faraz. So whenever Faraz went on his activity, she also followed him.
Once they went to do their activity in the lunch  break, there was a garden behind their classrooms but no one went there because it was said that it was haunted by ghosts. But they both reached there while playing hide and seek with the butterfly. Finally! Faraz got the butterfly, it was big and beautiful black butterfly with golden patches.
Faraz gave this butterfly to Umeed which fed color were left color on the fingertips of Umeed. Umeed was afraid, curious and excited. They didn't know how much time was passed during their activity. Umeed hands are in the hands of Faraz and they both holds the butterfly but in their eyes, there were fireflies which shined in the daylight.
Peon reached there in the search of them and they faced the principle. But it has become worst incident when peon told about their gesture in a garden. Because in last few days, the senior couple was caught by the peon, so principal included them also in this category.
They were tried to define that it wasn't like that what everyone thought. The principal called their parents and gave the details of the incident which he heard from the peon.
Only at the age of 12, she was degraded because of misunderstanding. Daddy didn't say anything in front of the principal. On the way, Umeed tried to show the black color of the butterfly on her hands to him as the evident of her innocence.
He threw him to her room and said:" How can I expect a good thing from the offspring of one of the betrayers and bloody man" daddy shouted and told everything to dadi. And the first time, she cried vigorously in her life. She knelt and tried to  hide in her room. But words of daddy is also echoing in her ears.
"whenever I saw her, I remind that bloody and betrayer.. but I was hope that she'll not like them. But I was wrong... But she proved that she's their blood.." She could easily hear the every word of daddy but couldn't understand. She tried to console herself as she did always but this time, she didn't do that, she wanted to shout but this time, she put her hands on her mouth and closed her mouth to stop her shouting which arisen in her heart.
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  1. Super dii nice..

  2. Saba wen will you post swasan ff?? Pls upload soon.

  3. very nice...saba pls upload sawsan ff....iam waiting for swasan scenes

  4. saba!! a very well represented , well synchronized writing... umeed , a smile , a hope , a ray of sunshine in every diversity the way she thought the small little things about her parent's love for Romana... depicts her positivity... it's absolutely true when parents use children like a portrait in front of guests for the sake of artificial love, it actually hampers their thinking.. but she is umeed, a different cheerful girl.... faraz, our hero is having a pure heart with childishness... he captured the butterfly but she felt bad.. might be in future she will rectify his mistakes!! peon part is genuinely true... in our society maximum persons make a mountain out of mole hill.. same thing he did... and maximally girl's image is degraded due to this... don't know how much our society will fall!!! well the final twist is awesome.. she is the daughter of his daddy's sister!!! sister did wrong that does not mean she will do the same.. still mindset of people and yet to know how his daddy's behaviour will be changed to more harsher one? as she is umeed... will she able to tolerate much?? what will this incident make their effect on faraz and umeed 's relationship!!! yet to know......

  5. Awesome dear...what happen next... I eagerly waiting dear.. Plz update soon

  6. Thanks guys for your support and specially thanks dear anonymous! For your beautiful analyse
