Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love ep34

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 35 comments

Recap:" Sanskar accepted the offer of becoming toy boy, he got the 20% shares of Desuza's and co. To forward his life"
As the passage of time, he became sadist and heartless day by day and it was also because he saw the ugliest face of society. How man and woman betray their partners, teenage children are going on wrong way, women used their body for getting success. These all things were becoming him heartless day by day and he concluded that there's one person in the world whom we should believe and that is ourselves. So he started only believe on himself and planned about his own future. Now he didn't care that either people are going to hell aur heaven. He only thought about himself.
He learned many things from Mrs Desuza in the two years and he was became cunning and emotionless in the company of that wily woman.
He had done his graduation and took the diploma in hotel management from a reputable institution.
Now he took a new step, in that two years, he did many types of research on hotels and finally got his target.
After his study of hotel management, he spared himself from that woman and took many advantages from her with the extension of shares.
He went to a hotel in his bike and read a board "Malaikas". He smiled victoriously and went inside the hotel and ordered the meal.
It was hotel of madam Sunita... She didn't used her surname, this hotel was based on her daughter's name, she lived her life in abroad and before ten years, she came here. And it was almost five years old hotel but it gave only loss to that woman from the first day. And most interesting thing about that woman was that there's no any evident of her marriage, divorce or her husband. And second, she was about of the age of 42 and her daughter was only eight years old.
But it wasn't concern to Sanskar, either malaika was legal child of her or not. He only concerned with his purpose. This woman was about to leave India for settling abroad. It was only rumour or truth, he didn't know but he had to know.
He went to the counter and asked about madam Sunita.
He applied for internship and submitted his documents.
Sunita looked his documents and her face expression showed that she inspired by his splendid academic result.
She kept the file on table and looked him. He was in casual look and folded his sleeves. He enhanced his personality in those two years.
She:" So! You're here for internship... You have good academic result... So why are you applying here? Every good and reputable hotel can offer you internship, then why us?"
He looked into her eyes and said in deep voice:" So... Aren't your hotel good and reputable"
She became speechless on his question because she didn't expect that question from him as well as no one mentioned demerits of their products. Same as like, she didn't want to answer his question.
She said again:" There's no use of your internship, Mr Maheshwari! Because maybe in few months, I'll sale this hotel"
He smiled his signature smile. A smile which contain of victory , cunningness, cruelty as well as lovingly product of intellectual. There's so many shades in his one smile and only some people get the meaning of this smile.
He folded his arms and said in a calm voice:" I knew this news, but just tell me don't you want some good work of your employee, which can raise the value of Malaikas... Off course, if value will raise, then you'll get good amount of money during dealings and this is just an internship"
She starred him with interest and said:" What's the guarantee of it that value will  increase?"
Sanskar:" You can observe this from my academic achievements"
She looked him from head to toe and said:" This is nothing if I'll not get practical work, so I can keep you but I'll not give you salary, yet I get some success"
He accepted because he didn't come here for salary. He started his work, he had really amazing skills but he didn't come there for showing his skill. After a month, he left impact in the mind of Sunita and   he was successful in it.
Then he gave her, his deal..
She shocked to listen it:" What? Do you want to buy this hotel? I don't think so, you've some money in your pocket"
Sanskar smirked:" Maybe you're right or maybe you're wrong... First tell me your deal"
Sunita:" 10 million"
Sanskar clapped:" Oh! You're going to sale this hotel which was going in loss from three years and you're valuing it 10 millions... That's a big deal Madame! No one will give you this amount of money for this hotel"
She:" You forgot Sanskar! This is only value of this building and other assets of this hotel.."
Sanskar:" You've only assets and liabilities on the name of capital, there's no goodwill of it... You know very well! And why are you reacting like that, as I know you're going abroad just for the sake of good future of your daughter and if everybody will know about the father name of her... I think, no one will buy this hotel after it... If someone reveal the news on internet or might be, your new would be husband will watch it... Then?"
Sunita 's face color changed at once and she looked him:" What do you mean? Which news?" She tried to pretend, but her sweating showed the disturbance of her heart.
Sanskar:" Ok! Come to the point, I've a video of your black deeds sweetheart! Which resulted your eight years old daughter.... I don't wanna spoil the mind of your daughter..  So I can give you a good deal for it, accept it or otherwise I'll not think about your illegitimate daughter"
Sunita:" Ok! What's the deal?"
Sanskar:" I've shares of Desuzas.... 35% shares... 35% profitable shares for the sake of your loser hotel..."
Sunita smirked:" Ok! Come on the point too sweetheart! I knew you were the toy boy of Mrs desuza and now I'm confirmed that because you've shares of that company and nowadays its hardly available on market... So that's mean I was right... So..."
Sanskar cut her words:" So you also want this? Because this 35% of shares are not the complete price of your hotel... Right?"
Sunita smirked:" You're smart boy... So come from tonight, after six months this hotel will be yours" she extended her hand towards him..
He held her hand:" Done! And don't think about to turning to your words because I've that cd"
Sunita:" ****** of that video... Only six months contract is there, after it, we will be free from each others"
Sanskar twisted his head:" You should be"
The new entry of that woman changed him too, made him harder from mind and heart.
Sunita wasn't like Mrs Desuza, she wanted more and more, sometimes, sometimes, he fed up from that woman but he became used to it slowly slowly. She was cunning woman and taught him many new tricks of lusted life.
But most interesting thing was that in that time, he got the hope of living again. He had six months contract with Sunita, that time he was also involved in the young girl Puja. She was personal assistant of sunita and was a hardworking girl. Not because of her beauty, he liked her because of her thoughts and talking. She was mistress of words and used it in appropriate way to entice anyone . They were both closing to each others but main thing was that he planned to marry with her. Because he could clearly feel restlessness in him whenever Sunita didn't call him. So he could understand that he'll face problem after when contract ends.
But this girl was also taught him a lesson and broke last hope in his heart to live a normal life.
He was thinking to propose her and about to went in her cabin when he heard his name. He stopped and sat on the chair outside her cabin.
Puja:" Oh Sanskar.... He is just disgusting man, I'm just tolerating him because of madam... You know very well my sweetheart, I need money to submit my institute fees, so he is ****** of madam, so he can make her agree to give me that money...yeah! That jackass is thinking to come close to me.... Yeah he's cute but I won't think about that lower-middle class people... ******"
So this was her real face, he didn't do anything special. He just recorded her words when she was abusing to Sunita because of her rude and stupid nature(in her thought). And arranged to hack her email address (I told you that he became blackmailer, so he knew every tool of it). Take out some email in which she agree to give her virginity to her boyfriend, that boyfriend, she was dreaming to marry because of his wealth. And captured close pictures of both of them, because she was alluring him because of her purpose.
So he killed last hope in her heart to make family after it and went to her when Sunita was not there.
Sanskar:" Hey darling! I've a gift for you..." He extended one packet to her.
She opened it and shocked to see the gift. It was closed photos of them, her emails with every boy whom she chatted and yeah one more thing, her recording about Sunita.

Sanskar smirked and set on her table:" Actually... I was confused... I was thinking that which thing become useful for me, show this emails to your parents, who had complete believe on her daughter, show this pictures to your would be husband or give this recording to Sunita"
She was in deep shock and said in weak voice:" I was doing this, just for the  sake of my career"
Sanskar raised his hands:" Oh career! My foot! I've no objection to making your career, but for this you used me and I'll not spare that person who used or insulted me... And you did the both things, so you've to pay for it"
Her face became pale to listen it:" Sanskar! You'll not do that? I'll be destroy... I'll do everything what will you say to me"
She was fresher in this subtle game of lust, Sanskar became wily in it, so how could she defeat him? If he didn't hear her words, he must would know about her betrayal because he didn't believe anyone blindly.
He set on chair and said:" If you beg pardon from me on kneel and hold my feet, then maybe I'll give you a good deal which solve our problem"
Psychology of human being is most complicated thing in this world. He(human, not sanskar) at the same time, claims to love the world and worshipped himself. But if we go inside the mind of human, you'll find him a great worshipper of himself. And always a great intellectual either make person true worshipper of god or himself.
He chose himself in this regard. He was loved himself and believed himself. And every success of him confirmed him that he's a lord  and he should be worshipped. So, it was become great pleasure for him, whenever someone beg to him, beseech to him. Her ego played the melody of triumph when he downed his enemies in front of him. He wanted to see them helpless and this is his great revenge from them that he made them helpless and enjoyed their helplessness.
He did same the thing for puja. Her helplessness was watering on the fire of his rage.
He smirked and lifted her:" Instead of using me for your purpose, you should made a deal of give and take, you give something to me and I'll give you what you want"
She was still watching down but said in high voice:" What could I give you. .? I've nothing"
Sanskar jerked his collar:" Yeah! This is thing, we often defraud person, because we want everything and give nothing. So, you did the same" he caressed her hairs and slowly slowly his hands were moving below her hairs.
Sanskar leaved her:" But I don't believe on this concept, so finally you beseeched from me, so I'm ready to forgive you and forget all this" he pointed out the stuff.:" But I've a condition"
She lifted her face, her eyes were filled with tears, but these tears didn't effect on his heart more:" What is that?"
Sanskar:" Give your virginity to me and I'll not only close this topic but also make arrangement about your fees, tonight, Sunita is going to some party, I already stay in this hotel, but if you feel comfortable, then we can go my home... Choice is yours"
She was starring him in shocked:" How ***** you're!  How can you demand this from me?"
Sanskar:" Look! I'm not using other way to fulfill my desire, I'll give you, your price of one night, your one year fees in college.... This is your choice either you're accepting it or not"
Puja stood up and shouted:" What are you considering me? A prostitute...? What are you repeating the word, give and take, you used yourself for this purpose... So you think that I'll also do the same"
Sanskar looked her in anger(second time insult, he'll not gonna leave her).
He stood up, looked into her eyes and said in a cold voice:" Oh! Miss sachi sawatri! You're going to give your virginity for the purpose of taking pleasure of wealth of your boyfriend? You were alluring me by your body just for the purpose of money... You did the same things with many boys just for the sake of some expensive things...? You girl thought that you were fooling us?, no dear! Actually we're taking pleasure from pose of your body, and because of this, we spend some money on you, this is also prostitution my so called girlfriend! You girls are not think about it, but boys took this thing from you without your awareness!"
His words and cold voice numbed her heart and she just accepted her defeat because his every word was based on truth.
He took his desire from her and throw money on her face.
She was irritated by him all night:" What's the thing you're! You even don't know how to treat a Virgin girl"
Sanskar smiled bitterly:" I'm not good in fresh pieces, I used to eat  stale food, so I put more effort to digest it"
Puja threw his clothes on him:" You're just ****** I wish I'll never see you again"
Sanskar smirked:" You'll not be... Because from next week, this hotel is going to mine, so I don't want to keep employee like you"
He  left her in shock and learned from her that if you want something, just give its price and fulfill your desire. Don't start to thinking to imposed it on yourself. After this incident, he did the same. And last hope of love or making family killed by him after this incident.
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  1. aftr lissing ths.wht will be swara recation.hw can she digest abt her husband..

  2. You are awsm writer.. Today episode is awsm bt pls give some present scene of swara and shnaya,swaras reaction pls

  3. No words.........
    Swara has a very big task to do...

  4. Omg I've no words to express it

  5. Yes me too waiting for Swara's reaction. I know you will do full justice to that. Sanskar does not have dream of family and kid but I know Swara has lots of dreams for her married life. It is not going to easy for her to digest all these things. She is such an innocent girl.

  6. Dear,
    You made me to do lengthy comments...
    The way u describe d situations,people's reaction are awesome...
    Meera is just a starting point of his destruction....
    Sanskar's past is really horrible,disgusting,what else to say...
    I am eagerly waiting 4 her reaction...
    How she will behave with him,treat him...
    So like this,sanskar addicted to women...horrible...
    I wish to see a strong swara..
    Bcz of this bitter experiences,sanskar prefered to be loyal to his partner...
    Pls upload the next part soon...eagerly waiting...
    All d best..

  7. Dear,
    You made me to do lengthy comments...
    The way u describe d situations,people's reaction are awesome...
    Meera is just a starting point of his destruction....
    Sanskar's past is really horrible,disgusting,what else to say...
    I am eagerly waiting 4 her reaction...
    How she will behave with him,treat him...
    So like this,sanskar addicted to women...horrible...
    I wish to see a strong swara..
    Bcz of this bitter experiences,sanskar prefered to be loyal to his partner...
    Pls upload the next part soon...eagerly waiting...
    All d best..

  8. saba i don knw hw to comment on dis episode... no wrds to xpress ma thoughts... ma heart became heavy after reading dis episode... hw some of d selfish minds made an innocent boy a werewolf... i knw swara cant take dis much as she don knw d world's wild behavior.. coz for her d whole world s her family and her friends b4 d entry of sanskar.... nw first she has to cope up with d facts of sanskar's past and den slowly she ll make him to recover from his pain.... ur words made me feel d pain of betrayal which was felt by sanskar... u r d princess of fiction world...

  9. Thanks alot guys! For your beautiful words and yeah! You'll read swara's reaction in next episode

  10. i have got goosbumps while reading this....u express everything very clearly..eagerly waiting for swara's reaction..want to know how sanaya enters in his life...and how she get her place in his life..
    pls upload soon..pls not make us wait for so long

  11. Hey saba I don't know what to say my heart beats heavily after reading this episode plz update the next episode soon

  12. ThankuThanku saba..we are waiting for swara reaction.. Pls upload soon..

  13. omg sanskaar became so much rude and heartless oh god how would swara change sanskaar to human from werewolf waiting for nxt one

  14. I don't have any words to say I knew it was a dark story but never thought it will be in depth hats off to ur imagination but plz don't extend it to much more bad plz its request this much depth of story is enough for his werewolf behaviour no offence I can't digest more details about sanskar yaar plz ur a great wonderfull writer.and plz yaar upload it daily waiting for ur ff.I'm your frnd so no offence I said what I thought. Wanna ask u a question are u on instagram if yes plz say ur I'd in reply.u asked my name in previous conversation

  15. Thanks guys and ill try my best to shorten his past! Well dear anonymous or Khan! I'm not on Instagram! Actually I'm not so social I've only fb and twitter id in which I only used fb id
    And you're right! This is enough for this worst character... Well present will start from tomorrow but past will carry with some episodes with present until it'll complete

  16. read all the episodes from yesterday..!! followed u from tellyupdates to diaries for fantasy..!! love the way story is going..! can u pls tell wat time is the update available.. cuz im eagerly waiting fr the next one..!!

  17. Hi Saba, When you will upload the next part?

  18. Saba, why are you not uploading nxt episode? Pls upload fast

  19. Plz plz.plz.plz......pleasssseeee upload next part I can't wait😥😑

  20. hey plzz upload on tellyupdate I am not able to read it here plzzz

  21. Hey guys! Soo sorry I made you wait,actually I was reading crap novel "fifty shades" so I couldn't write anything! I'll upload next part soon In Shaa Allah
    And anonymous dear! Sorry to say actually I dont have any specific time to upload my ff, as soon as I complete the one, I'll upload it

  22. pls upload next part saba.saba ur so talented yar......

  23. when will you upload next part

  24. upload it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  25. Hi am addicted to this ff now am restless plz update it soon plz...

  26. Saba
    Please please update!! It's been 2 days since you've updated. I am eagerly waiting!

  27. Plzzz saba upload it

  28. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....upload dear or at least inform us when when ll u update it

  29. pls upload next part you left the story in hanging dear.
    and its not good place to stay dear

  30. sry to say saba if your busy thn say us whn will you upload next episode.

  31. hy saba plz yar upload nextrart soon dr ...

  32. please upload nah
