Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Yaaram Ep8

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 5 comments

Next morning, she talked to Shirley about job that where could she get the job and how?.  Shirley made her understand about some important places and gave her address of that places also.
Firstly, she came to university for getting information about her classes. For this purpose, university faculty arranged the camp where senior students gave their services voluntarily.  All they wore purple and grey shirts, that anyone can recognize them from far.
It was crowded like the Sunday bazar of Pakistan. She could hear the slow voice but fast voice of students which became noise. She searched her counter and took basic information. But there was a problem, a girl who was giving information, she was French so it was difficult to understand her English for Amraha.
She said to a girl:" Please repeat and say it in slow voice, I can't understand"  a girl did the same but Amraha didn't understand this thing.
"Derek! Listen! Help that girl" girl said to her companion with politely.
Derek turned to her and his smile widened to see her. It was the same boy of long nose who was became ask me. Amraha was about to say something but before it, he hide his nose.
Because of his act, Amraha wanted to hit her file on her long nose. She was sure that this boy must make ridicule on her in whole university.
Derek:" Yes! How can I frighten you... I mean to say, how can I help you?"
He was still hiding his nose, Amraha gave him list of his subjects. He took the list from her and he took at least fifteen minutes to write details of everything on the list about the schedule and timing of teachers and classes along with the name of her class fellows and their addresses. He encircled on map and said:" This is your department"
"drop her to her department" he said to that French girl.
Girl was amazed to listen it:" Why? She'll go by herself"
Derek:" No.. She can't go with herself... She gets afraid"
Amraha snatched the list from Derek and went from there. But she could easily heard his laughter behind her. She prayed that she'll not face the people which she met on her first day.
A girl passed from her and said to her:" Do you want any help?" She gave the list to her and she helped her.
She saved from wandering and followed her. She went to her department and saw her classes with timing. She was happy because of the beauty of her classes.
She was go out from the university in the search of job. But it was become hard task to her because she couldn't do job far from university because for it, she will have to pay the rent of bus and she can't save money.
Her classes were started and she couldn't get work till. She was worried about that if she couldn't get the work soon, then she'll have to hear the lecture of Dayem. However, he wasn't wrong from his side but she wasn't wrong on her side too. She was struggling as much as possible for getting job.
One day, she passed from the cafe which was located on the fifteen minutes walk from university. She also came here before but that time she didn't get any answer from there. She saw a board of "vacancy" there. Firstly, she took coffee in cafe and reached the counter. She could easily find work there but there was a problem, and it was really a big problem. She could see waitress who wore the shirt and mini skirt of label of famous coffee company. Means, they were the walking advertisement of that particular company. She didn't has any problem about advertising but she couldn't wear that skirt. But because of her conditions, she couldn't leave this last chance of "vacancy '
She talked to the tall and fat man British man who has  white complexion. He asked some questions to Amraha and said her yes for the job. Instead of felt happiness, she saw him with sadness that she got the job which she might be lose in next minute.
Amraha:" I need this job so much, if I won't get this job, my future will be dark" she was trying to name that British emotional.
Man:" I've hired you on job"
She:" I can't wear this dress, I can wear this shirt on jeans" she pointed out to the waitress.
Man:" You don't need to do this arrangement, you can go now" .
She:" Just for the sake of bright future of this world, can't you ignore this incomplete dress for a girl who tried to complete her education? Can't you give me a favour? Everyone in this world, respect the student"
Man:" I only worry about my own bright future"
She:" Which religion, do you believe?"
He starred him. You couldn't ask question about religion in Europe, they can offence.
Man:" I'm Jewish"
Amraha numbed  to listen it. She starred him for a minute.
Man:" Stop starring me and go from there"
She:" Look Mr! If you give me this job, everyone will praise about you that you  gave the job to muslim girl and respect about her values... You know etc etc"
Man:" What's etc etc?"
She:" Praise... More praise... You'll receive the cordially of people" .
Man:" I only love to sit on my own chair"
She:" Think about for a while, this is university area,  how much students will respect you, may be.. No I'm sure they'll invite you on the annual convocation day.. And you'll have chance to give your speech... This type of day will never come in your life again..'
Man:" I'm not interested to go on convocation"
She:" If you'll go there, you'll feel interst there"
He stopped and hit the surface of counter from his fingers. His blue eyes became more blue.
She:" I heard that British is most kindhearted people"
Man:" I'm polish"
Amraha:" Oh! I thought that you're polish! Polish's people is famous for their human friendly nature. Those who come first for helping and serving people..."
Man:" Does your tongue  always run like that?"
Amraha:" No.. It's effect of your coffee, which I took here, you can keep me for one week trail"
Man:" Then what will happen?"
She:" I can bet, when people will see the Muslim lady in full dress, then people will attract towards your cafe, because they'll think that owner of this cafe has broken the rules for humanity"
He again hit the counter from his fingertips of his both hands:" Oh really?"
"sure! You can examine it" by saying this, we should counter her influence from evil eye.
Man:" Ok! You can come from tomorrow.. But you'll get half of real"
Amraha:" I'm agree... By the way, do you guess that how many people come in this cafe every day?" Amraha's wit was increasing.
Man:" I've been running this cafe from ten years.. I can recognise new customer at one glance"
Amraha:" I mean to say if more people will come here.."
"then I'll get know" he smiled by pressing his eyes inside and this smile was  freeze on her.
When she came home, she talked to Shirley and everyone about it that they've to come cafe tomorrow with their friends. Except Hana, everyone promised to her that they'll try to come with one or two friends there. Next morning, she also went to Dayem and Nawal and told them truth. Dayem saw her face with amazed for a minute:" you did this with much cleverness... Didn't you?"
Amraha shook her shoulder:" I had no option"
Dayem:" I'll tell my friends and class fellows also... How many day of this trial is?"
Amraha:" Of one week... If 8 to 10 people will come, then it'll be ok"
Dayem:" No.. This is less.. At the last day, I'll increase it to forty"
Amraha:" This is fine"
Then it was happen like that first day, ten people, second day fifteen, then eighteen, twenty... Twenty five and at last day, totally 50 students were come there for taking coffee.
And most interesting thing was that they performed very well. They took coffee and went to  counter:" How noble you're!" Someone said with smile.
"you gave job to muslim woman without any difference" one said.
Other said:" How can we find the human friendly people like you?"
3rd said:" We'll praise you to our principal about to invite you on convocation day"
4th one:" You're such an angel... We can't find this type of people in this world" .
Other:" We'll come daily here for coffee"
He was smiled during 6th days of their performance. But said on last day:" I saw may dramas in my life, but this was splendid performance which was done by university students"
She was shocked to see him because she thought that her plan was successful
He:" You can't fool a businessman"
"right" she said in weak voice.
GE:" But... You can impress the businessman... Right?"
"right" she smiled.
" Look miss walnut! I can't keep you here" this time he was serious and Amraha also. Her happiness vanished at once.
He:" Company is paying me for this dress and the fifty percent shares has also owned by the company... But you impress me.. And I'm now interesting to go on convocation day, so I can keep you on job temporary.. Until you'll get other job, but if company will object about it, I'll have to dismiss you from job immediately"
She:" Company will not have objection about it'
He:" Why? How do you know?"
She:" Because I'll pray"
He:" Why don't you pray that you get a good job"
She:" I also pray about it too, but now it's also my duty to pray about it"
He smiled softly to listen it.
She:" And don't call me walnut.. Yeah! You can call me pine nut.. I like them most"
She was continuously talking in happy mood. Outside, there was a bright night on the road of Manchester. Whenever darkness become white.. Nights become bright then many buds blow in the soil of life. And these buds spread fragrance... Fragrance which was come from flowers and fruits.
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  1. wow, she is really witty.

    nice writing saba.waiting for next part.

  2. Amazing ... I love this episode.. Her clever ness and truthfulness wins many hearts.. And saba pls upload swasan ff soon..

  3. Ha ha... amraha... so cuteeee

  4. Wow Amrah so much courage seriously i didnt expect this from her after redng previous episodes but 2day really she is just amazin n she prove that evry ting is possible in this world if we blv in ourself....mind blowing work saba .now story is bcoming more n more intrstng wait for next ep

  5. Wow I love this. Amraha...keep it up darling...u r rocking
