Wednesday, 27 January 2016

I'm hope Ep4

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 4 comments

Umeed... A name of hope, but no matter how optimistic she was, but she was a young girl who could be fed up easily. So, sometimes, she wanted to escape from this environment, anywhere in this world, where no one would know about her and about  her parents. No one will reminded her that how her father used her mother. She soon exhausted from that useless effort because there wasn't any window to inhale properly for her.
Because her siblings were spy of her. Her fb ID was made  up on the number of her brother, so there wasn't any privacy. She got admission in university, when Honey got the admission in bba. She did graduation of two years, so she had to do MBA of four years in university. But there wasn't any special friend of her in university. Just she had a good hello hi with some of girls.
She was fed up from these things, that doesn't mean, she accepted her defeat but she just wanted to relax for some time. Because of that useless effort, she broke many time and gathered herself again and again. She had a hope that she'll win the heart of her family but their hatred was more stubborn than her love.
That time, she wished to make any friend who would hear her every sorrow and grief. That time, she made a new friend... A friend who came from her window, every night and went before rising the sun. That friend was moon of her window.
Only a moon was her best friend, in night she talked with moon which appeared in the window of her room.
She said to moon:" Hey my friend moon! I want to elope from there, any place where no one knows me.... At least no one gives pain to me, where only people recognize me from my name, no one knows me who was my mother and which blood I belonged to from my father side... I'll be only Umeed... A good web and software designer... Umeed..." She was talking slowly slowly like murmuring style to her best friend.
She saw the half part of her share of sky which was only her
She continued:" Where everyone loves me and if they don't love me, then at least I wasn't become like question mark in front of the world"
She was stopped and took a tear from her eyelashes. While talking with moon, she got the idea and she made fake ID of facebook. She put her name of "Mahar mah" in this id because Mahar Mah has the meaning of "moon of love". Because if she didn't have the name of Umeed then she'll have the name of love. If she didn't have the name of hope, she'll have the name of moon... A moon which burned in the color of gold.
She because Cinderella after 12 of night because she was princess of this world where no one knew her and her past. Where she made a world of her imagination and she ruled in that world. She told her friends that her family loved her so much and breathed with her breathing. She was pampered by her brother and her sister had a soul in herself. She was fulfilled her every incomplete desire in this fake world.
She saw the world in her point of view of "what's this?" She said this world as enchanted world and she had only few important characters in this world.
In night time she laughed, she enjoyed every moment from heart and smiled, smiled and smiled. A smile which reached to her eyes and mesmerized anyone from the shine of her eyes. But there was no one who hated her smile.
She pressed keys after entering her wonderland. She put her dp as a girl who painted her face with green and white color on  the cricket tournament.
She was thinking to give statement, when she got the friend request.
She read the name in whispering:" Shayan Chohdari"
She opened his profile, he was studying in oxford, from personality to her educational institute, everything was inspiring but she couldn't inspired by these things. She didn't like that type of artificial people, she was about to delete friend request but she glanced at his status about work:" I don't need to do work, because I've my daddy"
She smiled because his personality showed by in one sentence in front of her.
She accepted the request just for the sake of taking joy from this type of character.
She wrote the message:" Hello! Daddy's boy"
"hello princess Mahar Mah!" A message came after a minute on her screen.
" a special greet to prince" she wrote by her beautiful fingers on magical keys.
A message came:" I'm not a prince! You're a princess, you're highness! From name as well as from style"
Princess smiled to read it and fireflies of her eyes were match with the stars of sky.
She started writing:" Surely! You're prince because you're enjoying your life on the money of King, that's why you don't need to do any work" she ridiculed on him.
She got an answer within a minute:" Actually, prince is on the training, so he's enjoying carefree life, as he entered in practical life, he'll must do work with responsibility"
She set properly because from his words, she got that he was not much careless as she thought about him.
She wrote:" Thus! You're sensible person..."
"yes I'm!" She got the answer.
She smiled and saw the time:" Ok! Now I'm going to sleep, I'll talk to you later, goodnight"
"goodnight and take care your sweet self" an icon of smile came with that sentence.
She again opened his profile and this time she boggled to see his picture, don't know why, but she felt that she saw this man before, might be, she met with that person, but where and when she didn't remind that time. Well! She shook her shoulders with carelessness and shut down her laptop.
She laid down on her bed but she didn't memorized the person... "Shayan Chohdri"  she whispered and closed her eyes with confusion...  Her best friend saw her and smiled because she'll clear her confusion soon.
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  1. Umeed, a ray of hope is now transformed to moon of love. Truly saying sometimes we want to create our own virtual world if we are unable to find that in real world. Same goes with umeed. Some times due to frustration one wants to run away from issues but survives those who faces the oppressive paths and finds success in flying colours. Umeed also like the second category girl who will face and succeed the depressing storm of life. The fb I'd, I don't know but feel is that Faraz or someone else.. As Faraz is not liked by his family?? So daddy's boy u have written.. So confused...

  2. I think he is faraz.. saba thanks .you are very nice.. you will upload swasan ff for us.. thankyou

  3. I think he is faraz.. saba thanks .you are very nice.. you will upload swasan ff for us.. thankyou

  4. Thanks guys for your precious words and yeah! Faraz will come in coming episodes, he's not Faraz
