Saturday, 23 January 2016

Yaaram Ep6

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 23, 2016 with 6 comments
She was standing in front of the historical building which located on the oxford road. Behind the ark of university... If we see upon the ark, we'll find the golden words of "University of Manchester" there.. It was established in the year of 1824.
The Moto of this university is "Knowledge, Wisdom and Humanity". Which enlightened  knowledge to almost 40,000 students. One of the best institution of the world:" The university of Manchester"
She looked the ark of main campus. She also saw this types of buildings in Lahore. It seemed like the museum of Lahore.  But she didn't know that how's this university held the world inside it. How much genius teachers are there and they're teachers of which type of students? She doesn't know anything now but will be soon, she'll know everything.
The crowd of students are going inside like that they'll find something free inside the university.. Maybe biryani or the famous pizza of Italy which now doesn't available in Italy itself.
"Come on Amraha" Darbi turned and said.
Amraha matched the footsteps of her, she firstly, stands her cycle in cycle stand which is new for Amraha. Well! Now everything gonna be new to her. Her eyes are rounding and she doesn't understand where to look. She wants to see everything in one glance. Ingress and egress of students, theirs speed and quick way.. And she was like that she didn't meet anyone speed and her friendship was only with laziness.
"Amraha walk fast" Darbi goes ahead of 20 footsteps from her and turned to her again. She walks fast and tries to match with her footsteps.  Darbi reaches to green area and point out to one group which was based on 12 boys and girls. Amraha disturbed to see them because she can recognise Shirley and Azra there. .
"Assalam o alaikum!" She goes towards them and said in weak voice. She regretted that she took some information from Darbi instead of laughing during their way.
Everyone introduced themselves with name. Their warm welcome lighten the heart of Amraha. She thinks that she was pressure of them without any reason but they're so good.
One boy and two girls get up and take her to university canteen where they bring coffee for her. When she drank last sip of coffee and praised the beauty of Nawal and Barira in her heart. Then the group leader Dayem started his conversation like this:" Miss Amraha! Will you promise to listen me with concentration and seriousness?"
" I promise" Amraha said in that style in which a child said when he hides a chocolate in one hand and made promise to extend his other hand:" I promise, I'll not eat chocolate tonight"
Dayem:" Good! Because I was in doubt.. But I'm saying again, do not interrupt between my words... You can see we three... We and our some friends, one group of those who completed their study and one group of those who are seniors from us... They made plan to give scholarship to some talented Pakistani students, we bring them there with our personal funds whose not able to afford study in good university. We want to give chance to them who are extremely poor that they re not even able to study in Pakistani universities.  Our thirty groups collected money from different sources. We arranged events, stalls, some did music and theatres. Some of them was our savings and some we got from our parents, friends and relatives etc to got our target.
We could only afford five students in that condition where they handle their responsibility of food and shelter. If we also gave them, it means we only afford three students.
We got more than thousand applications in which we chose only five, and these five belonged to village or small towns, there is cipher chances for them to study in Manchester university. They came here before week, and the happiest thing is that they arranged the shelter and food for them because they're talented persons, so they got job immediately. In which one was mend the lock of cars and S.T workshop gave him job with salute. I'm proud to saying that we succeeded to bring one student there who topped in Punjab board while mending the locks of car and he did this without any holiday from his job..
How many applications we got, these all were same like that but your application was different from there. There's nothing notable in your certifications, you were cipher among thousands. You were studied in the city like Lahore where we can find many good educational institutions, you went good college for study,  you had your own house and your father has his own big shop in reputable market, you didn't do any job and your grade was also nothing... You were not deserve this scholarship, even we didn't need to give answer to your application. But we answered.. Not because of your marks, just because of your mental condition, your last mail in which you wrote :"I'm unfortunate. It's better I'll die" we noticed this line.
Our one group member, who was student of psychology, she read your email and gave her opinion to us that your mental condition isn't good, maybe after this failure you'll break or do anything bad to you, that's why we took one month from you, that was the worst situation, we already gave scholarship but didn't want to leave you in this condition.
That time, we collected our pocket money and funds from others students. It was so much hard task that you never imagine about it, these were forty students who belong to different religions and nations, Christians, Muslims, Indian, Bengali, Japanese, American, French, everyone was included in them. So you've to remember that you've to respect to every nation and religion.
We asked from you that either you can afford fifty percent or not? I'm sure that you were not putting effort to collect that fifty percent, as we're doing so, we asked for 30% and you were agree for it,  if you didn't agree for 30%, I've to sell my car for it which I bought from my saving of my part time job, you should remember that these forty students aren't so rich, they do their job and saved every penny, you should know about that we didn't get money from magic, we arranged meetings, we observed everything and we invested every penny on you... Do you understand investment? Investment is that which we spend for profit and our profit is like that one gain knowledge and become the supporter of his country... So you've to return their money, not more or less than one pond, and you'll get their all profit. This is why they invested their money... Kindly understand my words and remember it also.
Who gave us funds, they didn't know your name, even your face.. Because we don't want to hurt your ego, except we three. No one know that this fund was for you, no one will say you that he did something for you..
Now I'm coming other side, we told you that you have to handle your food and shelter, you said you'll manage it, this was only positive thing from you, those five girls, you lived with whom, we requested to them to let you stay with them temporarily. A one who was gonna receive you from airport, met with accident, a one who received you from airport, she was helping her friend who met with accident. On which mattress you slept last night, it was arranged by these twos(he pointed out Nawal and Barira) from their savings.
Hana forbade you to touch anything but you used their perfumes and checked everything except books. You ate two noodles packets, miss Amraha! They're good hosts, in fact! we know very well how to host but we're living far from our countries, families and homes.
I wish Hana told you about that she only ate two times, where she do job, she gets burger and coffee there and in morning she eats noodles. She saved every penny for her study because in Korea, her family don't send one Pakistani rupee to her. She fulfilled her dream of studying in Manchester alone. Maybe you got these things minor because you got study in college where's study was afford by your parents, you didn't do any job in your life and you didn't need to do job, maybe this struggle of life seems you ordinary.. Specially with smile and courage. Here many of the students, are not eat so much because they've to purchase books, they got their degree in one jean and two t-shirts. But they come here with smile and go from here with smile. You've only one month dead line to live there on flat with Shirley. You've food of your one month but you've to manage your job and shelter from today..." He paused
"welcome to Manchester Miss Amraha!" He didn't leave breath and started again.
"now I've done about your staying here and now I'll give you some advices.." He smiled.
" don't mind but it's famous here that Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan and other residents of under developed countries, are often complainer, lazier, put up lame excuses... They think that only they've every kind of problem in this word.. They find excuses to cry.. Your face is also look like that you're going to cry.. You must cry , but only on big tragedy, not because these all people are selfish and they'll not console you, as we thought about foreigners,but it's like that they think that crying on every problem is such a stupidity. I also think like that... Nawal and Barira also thought same. If we console a crying person every time, he'll become coward instead of brave.
Miss Amraha! Throw your laziness, habit of making excuses and slothfulness into dustbin and burned it. These things should be burn. In our religion, where we find any proof in which said that girls are weak? It's saying that man shouldn't cry but why is it only for men? Why not for women?  So it's masculine maxim of saying that for surpasses women in low level.
Miss Amraha! You've reached in Manchester university. Now you're included in race... Either you get gold medal or separate yourself from this race and sit among the audience.  But be remember that you can easily find place among audience, so it's better to give chance to other instead of getting last number in race. Because believe me, there are so many diamonds are in this world and few one diamond jewellers."
He stopped and stay stopped..
" there's welcome week going on in university, then classes will start, in this week, you've to arrange your shelter anyhow, if you can't stay with empty tummy then you've to arrange your job, these all are your problems and you can solve it, can you?"
First her head shake in no and then in yes.
Dayem:" Do you understand everything, don't you?"
"yes" she said hardly and tried to control the flood of tears.
Dayem:" Oh good! Now you can go and dig the earth, I mean to say start to searching job... You've to return thirty percent during your degree. You've to manage your expenses like that you'll able to return your thirty percent, as soon as possible.. Do you understand?"
"yes" she hardly nods.
Dayem:" Nawal and Barira can understand Urdu but can't speak properly. So I talked to you for making you understand completely, I hope you got it and don't offence?"
Amraha:" I don't offence"
Dayem:" Well! Your face expression are narrating something else"
Amraha:" These are like that?"
Dayem:" Like what?"
Amraha:" Like telling lies"
Dayem:" Well! What will you do now?"
Amraha:" I've to get job as soon as possible.." Her voice is replete with tears.
Dayem:" You're right... Well your face expression is telling lie in worst way, if you want to cry then seek a corner and cry where no one can see you.. Ok??"
Amraha:" Ok!"
Dayem:" Now go and get your student card and get info about your classes" she got afraid to listen it that now she has to do this too?
Amraha:" Card? Where can I get this?"
Dayem:" You're standing in university, everything is happened there, you can see this crowd of students, they do everything without any fear. Go and visit university and get know that how you can do your work?"
She stands up.
Dayem:" Don't curse me in your heart"
Amraha's face color changed at once because she's doing same.
Dayem:" And when you'll arrange your job, return noodles of Hana"
Amraha:" I'll"
Dayem:" Yeah! One more thing.. Don't do any changing in your degree again, specially adding plus.." This was last blast of bomb which she can hear in the noise of canteen. She looked them like that they're lifted her from the tribe of Africa and saying that don't afraid from the bus which you understood a wild beast.
Their expression showed that how hardly they're hiding their laughter in their heart. They're controlling their laughter and they're successful in that and she's trying to control her tears but she's unsuccessful in it. Her expression is telling everything.
She thought that the attacks which she was tolerating because of her misfortune, were minor in front of these sentences of people of Manchester.
She was little girl and they didn't let her to be happy completely and they made her cry. .
Flood of tears is ready to come out from her eyes and they saw her face and become silent. They said goodbye to her and leaved. If they're her initial teachers, then they're marvellous teachers of her. They pushed her in ocean and said either to learn swimming or die.
First lesson of Manchester,
First lecture of Manchester
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  1. nc episode.saba ur really too gud.ur creating nature s too gud.

  2. Wow super dear..... I waiting for next one

  3. Wow is a lesson.. Now see what will she do??

  4. Thanks guys! And I'm again saying that it isn't my story, I'm just translating it and thanks again

  5. Good work saba... its hard to translate...u r doin it gud dear...

  6. Good work saba... its hard to translate...u r doin it gud dear...
