Thursday, 18 February 2016

I'm hope Ep 12

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 18, 2016 with 4 comments
Recap:" Faraz proposed Umeed but she refused him and left the place"

Faraz looked Umeed helplessly and slowly her picture became blare because of his tears and he amazingly saw the

tear which came from his left eye. He remembered everything when that incident happened and he went to home.

His dad and mom suddenly realized that they were doing wrong to not giving time to their only son. That's a

reason he spoilt but this wasn't like this.

He stopped to talk his family, in his childhood, he desired anxiously for their time and then they wanted to give

time to him, he didn't want more from them. Agha Haroon admitted him in other school and his life was not life

without her.

He just wanted to go to her and many times, he also called her to her home, one time her dadi attended the call

and made him understand that his calling could suspect her character.

He stopped calling her but after his school,  he went to her school and stay there in the heat just because to see

her. Suddenly he realized that this act can also ruin her character. So he stopped to following her and just started

to stay normal. But he wasn't normal at all, he was still impatient child who wanted to take attention of his parents

by doing ridiculous but now his want or desire divert to Umeed. But he didn't understand that it's love or not.

He tried to make friends, specially girls because he knew girls are more caring as compared to boys. After his

intermediate, he reached to university for graduation and made one gang of some bad boys. He was like that

because he hadn't any motivation or purpose of life to live better life. He did friendship with any girls, just because

to divert his thought from Umeed. His burning desire wanted her for his whole life but he knew that it's almost

impossible because she never become of his friend again. He didn't realized his love yet. His every female friend

almost fell for him not only  because he had charming personality but because in Pakistan, many girls take

friendship as love, if one boy and girl  are together, that means, there's must something between them. Just

because of mentality of people and culture of society, those girls fell or wanted him. But he unintentionally only

wanted to see reflection of Umeed in every girl. He didn't have affair with anyone but just because girls started to

want more then he left that girl. At this stage of his life, he got lesson and avoided to do friendship with girls. But

before it, he made impression of "playboy" in university just because of doing and breaking friendship with girls.

The last girl was Laila who was bit different from others, he often called her "Umeed" unintentionally during their

conversation and she made her realized that he was in love with her.

He connected every dot of his life from his childhood to last incident and he realized that it wasn't only friendship

which he considered. For him, it's more than of it. In those days, he got know about admission of Umeed in his

university.  But in his own eyes, he became so bad so he didn't deserve a girl like Umeed. That's why he stayed

away from her. But last night, Agha Jan gave him hope, hope of changing, hope of living his life and hope of getting

his hope. But Umeed's words dragged him into despair and he just only wanted to end his life just because his last

hope was broken down.


Umeed was disgusted by his words and now she's in library and because of his words and Shayan's behaviour, she

felt so much pressure in her mind.

She opened the book of accounting and starting to solving problems. But because of stress of her mind, she

couldn't concentrate on study and at the end, closed the book and put her head on the book.

She didn't want to cry but Faraz's words realized her that how much she wanted to listen all these words from

Shayan. She wasn't sure about love but unintentionally she started to dream about Shayan. She was sure about

that Shayan would come and asked her father for the proposal of Umeed. Yes! He asked her father for the

proposal of his daughter but that daughter wasn't Umeed. Sometimes, she felt depression to think why God didn't

made her real daughter of her daddy. She loved her so much, sometimes, love of someone poured into our soul.

Her daddy's love was absorbed in her soul. She just wanted to make him happy, she looked him with desired eyes

whenever he hugged Romana. She wanted the same for her and in her early childhood, she starred him from the

corner of his room and observed his every activity carefully.

But the incident with Faraz ruined everything because daddy started to show some affection towards her but that

incident again extended distance between them. After that, she put great effort to win his love and trust again and

she didn't want to lost it again.

And Faraz... After that incident, he called her many times but she didn't listened his any call and at the end, she

requested her dadi to talk with him and make him understand about her situation. She didn't know what dadi said

to him but he stopped calling her and then she saw him in the way of her school and she again disgusted by his


But this was worst act of him, how could he propose her in front of everyone. She wanted to hide her face with

embarrassment that she wasn't that typical girl who fell for him specially with the label of playboy. But he did this

and she felt extreme anger on him just because  of his proposal and she was cursing herself why did she offer him

for partnership in the occasion.

She stood up from her place and stepped towards the entrance of library. She suddenly realised that library was

empty now. Some of students were rushing outside but she didn't notice because of absent of her mind.

She went outside and there's ambulance in the university and many students were gather in some spot and

volunteers tried to stay then away from the spot.

She didn't understand what was going on.

Someone was saying:" Love is blind"

Murmuring of students were coming to her ears but she didn't understand what the situation was.

"she shouldn't do like that..."

"Faraz was playboy, we know but he did this we didn't know that.."

"suicide in university..."

"at least, suicide attempted person should think about his family, just for the sake of one person, how could he do


"refusal of love, sometimes bring despair"

She felt dizzy to listen them and reminded the moment when she refused his proposal and went from there.

"is he attempt suicide?" Her great fear came in front of her and she rushed to the spot and tries to crossed

between the hundreds of students.

Her heart was praying that may she wouldn't see anything bad there.

She went there and finally reached the spot and her heart drowned and eyes widened to see the view of spot.
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  1. What a twist!! Ya it's True one should never do suicide in life as it is a coward attempt and must think about your loved ones prior to committing this attempt. But Faraz's case is different. The only girl whom he can rely upon, can desire love from rejected his proposal. He never got love from family so he committed suicide. And umeed is hopeless and helpless as she has to maintain her reputation and also need his daddy's love. Yup Saba, in many countries people misunderstood friendship as love. Still this social stigma continues in many countries. He is not a playboy the society named him so. And thanks to Laila who convinced him about his love for umeed. In our life we all need a special one to convince us what we want from life as from social fear we suppress our desires.. Many things can be learnt from this episode.. Sorry I m unable to comment in early 2 episodes..

  2. WWhen will you upload dear?

  3. Saba when will you upload?
