Thursday, 18 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 8

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 18, 2016 with 7 comments

Swara accepted her defeat and after it, Sanskar met her parents and asked her hand for him. It was easy to get her

to this type of person, so she is there in his house in front on his family and her also. And now his brother and her

sister wanted to know their love story and she can't understand how to make them understand that there is

nothing like a love, their marriage is just a deal between them.

She gasps and looks their excited face, she wants to give them satisfactory answer which is also suitable to keep

her respect in front of them.

Ragini:" What happened Swara, After you met with jiju at the birthday party of your friend?"

Swara nods in no and says:" That was little bit filmy, Sanskar told me to dance, I refused there was small fight held

between us but after the financial problem of papa, as he supported us then I found him as good life partner for

me, so accepted his proposal"

She arranges the salad and puts it into fridge.

Ragini and Laksh unintentionally look each others and their eyes are witnessed that there's something fishy.

Laksh was satisfied because if he asked from Sanskar, he'll tell him. Ragini becomes worried because she got from

her words that she accepted this proposal just for gratefulness or covering financial problem of her dad. But she is

much satisfied to see the attitude of Sanskar and his family towards Swara.

Three of them come outside, Swara asks Sujata about to arrange the table for lunch, when she hears the voice of


Laksh:" Oh finally Bhai! You arrived here"

Sanskar:" How could I say no to you?"

Laksh smiled and they both go towards the sisters.

Ragini happily greets him while she says nothing.

Sujata asks her to manage dining table but Sanskar stops her to do so.

She looks questionably to Sujata, Sujata turns to Sanskar:" Son! It's traditional that daughter-in-law of our house

manages the dining table"

Sanskar looks his mom and says in little cold but in low voice:" Mom! This is my house and there's lots of servants

to serve food and manages dining table, you don't need to say any work to her..."

Sujata nods with embarrassment but they sit on dining table and Lavanya serves them food.

One by one, everybody gives her gift according to ritual.

Laksh asks to Sanskar:" Bhai! Aren't you giving gift to Bhabhi?"

Sanskar:" Actually I didn't know about the custom, I'll give her later"

Ragini:" do you like the food?"

Sanskar smiles:" Yes! It's good..."

He says and takes a spoon of rice and thinks about the moment when he was used to eat food which made by

women of his house.

After dinner everyone gathered at lounge, while young party comes into their room.

Laksh brings basket of dry fruits from kitchen and starts to eating, Sanskar also joins him and he also asks from


Ragini takes some but Swara refuses. Sanskar looks her and reminds the moments of morning. He slowly takes a

plate from counter and puts some dry fruits in it.

Sanskar:" Eat, this is good for you.."

Swara wants to refuse him but she looks his firm expression and starts taking silently.

Ragini teases her:" Ohhh!! When lucky asked, you refused but for the sake of jiju, you took this. What an obedient

girl you're!"

Laksh and she laugh at her and give hi-fi to each others.

Swara and Sanskar smile to see them.

Sanskar's mobile rings and he gets up to listen the call. Swara looks him and hears the name of Shanaya.

She doesn't want to give attention to the phone call but just because of name of Shanaya, she started to listen him

because she only suspicious about the girl name which he took during sleeping. It is clear that if he takes her name

while sleeping then she must makes her awake normally.

He is talking about any function, she doesn't understand completely, after  listening the call, he comes to then and

sits on his place.

Laksh asks while eating almonds:" Who is on phone?"

Sanskar:" Shanaya... She was asking about reception"

Laksh looks him with confusion:" Reception?"

Sanskar turns to Swara:" After two hours, beautician would come to make you ready, we've to reach hotel before

guests arrive there"

Swara:" For what?"

Sanskar:" I arranged reception of us"

Swara:" You should inform me at least"

Sanskar takes his favourite pistachios and smiles proudly:" Now you get know? It's enough, you should be ready


Swara makes face and gets silent..

Ragini laughs to see that:" You both are mad"

Sanskar smiles:" How do you say that?"

Ragini:" Look each others... You both don't seem like newly married couple"

Swara and Sanskar look each others and then avoid eye contact with each others because they're not normal

newly married couple in reality.


Ragini asks to Sanskar:" Jiju"

Sanskar:" Hmm.."

Ragini:" You didn't invite us for your reception?"

Sanskar:" Actually... This reception is just a formality of get together of business tycoons and elite class, many of

things we've to do in this type of party because of clients, that's why I didn't invite my family to come here, Swara

have to become part of this reception and as my wife, she would attend this type of parties in future too. So, I'm

taking her there, otherwise I wouldn't take her there"

Ragini:" Hm..."

After spending quality time with each others, both families go to their respective house.

Although Laksh and Sujata were there. In his house, he specially designed one room for Laksh, whenever he comes

here, stayed in his own room. Although Sujata comes first time. So she's staying in guest room.

Beautician and designer come to Swara and Swara looks her dress which she's gonna wear in party.

It was white gown with diamond jewellery. Laksh comes inside for calling Sanskar and looks the dress:" Wow

Bhabhi! It's beautiful"

Swara:" Hmmm.."

Laksh:" Surely, it's Shanaya's choice"

Swara:" Shanaya?"

Laksh:" Actually Shanaya is right hand of Bhai, actually we were sure Bhai wouldn't marry but inside my heart, I

was sure if he would marry someone, it would be Shanaya but you made us wrong but I'm happy that he chose


Laksh is continuously talking but she's not listening because her mind is confuse about the mystery of Shanaya.
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