Thursday, 25 February 2016

I'm Hope Ep 15

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 25, 2016 with 4 comments
Faraz came outside where Arbaz was waiting for him.

He parked his car behind the house, so he didn't know about the arrival of her parents.

"how was it?" He asked happily but then he saw his face and stopped smiling. "what happened Faraz"

Faraz said nothing and hugged him "Lala.."

He could feel that he's weeping.

He patted his shoulders and when he finished weeping then he asked again.

Faraz told him everything and he sank in thoughts to listen him.

"you did wrong again Faraz.." He saw him with anger.

"I did the same mistake of our childhood" he said in tears.

Arbaz gasped and looked him"now you've to correct it also"

"how?" He looked him questionably.

"we would think on this topic but first we've to tell all the incident to chachu"

"no... Agha Jan would kill me" he shouted.

"first tell me, you want to clear Umeed's character or want to live" Arbaz asked calmly.

"want to clear her character" he said in low voice.

"good boy, now leave everything on me" he patted his shoulder and started the car.

They reached the home, it was beautiful house with old architecture but its interior was modern and it was three

times big than house of Umeed.

After listening the whole incident, Agha Haroon first looked him calmly and then slapped him hard.

Arbaz tried to stop him but he raised his hands to stop Arbaz "let me handle my son in my way" he said in cold


"I know your company is bad and you've lots of girlfriends.." He started.

" these were my friends only.." He tries to explain.

"don't interrupt Agha Faraz! Otherwise you get hard punishment" he always used his complete name whenever he

was anger on him.

"so.. I knew everything but I thought this is your age and you would become mature by passage of time, but I was

wrong I should punish you on your first mistake, I told Bahroz that I wanna keep Umeed with me so I want to give

my son's proposal. I don't want to let any wrong word on her character. So it's proved you're not deserving for her,

so forget her Agha Faraz! And live your life however you want" he told his decision and about to leave when Faraz

held his feet.

"don't do it with me Agha Jan! I promise I would do whatever you'll say to me, but at least don't punish me" he

clearly pleaded.

After ignorance of his childhood, Faraz started to avoid them, so he thought that he lost his only son but Umeed

gave him hope now he would get his son.

He was so hard but children could melt the heart of stone.

He looked him and sighed "stand up Agha Faraz! It's not suitable to bow down to anyone to Pakhtun"

Faraz got up and wiped his face.

"sit on the sofa and I would think what should I do for both of you" he said solemnly.

Faraz looked his father gratefully because he knew his father could correct everything.


Umeed was in shock after listening the words of his daddy. Everything was unexpected for her.

The strong layer of rage came inside her heart because of Faraz, she again lost her respect.

She wanted to kill Faraz at that time, she went to Romana's room and knocked the door very badly.

Romana opened the door, she was in nightdress or her way expressed that she was sleeping.

Umeed held the hand of Romana and went towards her parents room.

He knocked the door and cams inside with Romana.

"what happened Umeed?" Mummy asked from her.

"tell them honey, you called Faraz at home, I didn't know about anything" she turned to Romana.

Romana nodded in no "what are you saying aapi?"

She looked daddy and said "aapi told me that he and Faraz love each others and wanted to meet, I made her

understand that aapi this is not good, there's always a demon between alone girl and boy, but she didn't listen

me... I was afraid that something would wrong so I called you and told about their relationship... Now she's

blaming me"

Romana was telling lie continuously and Umeed looked her with shocked expression on her face.

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  1. Oh , poor umeed how cud romana do dis ....but faraz character portrayal was gud ....waiting for d next episode.....

  2. I had a feeling that it was her plan..

  3. Relationship is not a bed of roses.. True relationship comes when every hurdle will be passed in flying colours.. It's all about how to handle the situation.. Faraz has again shown the maturity and umeed is broken as she again lost her father's little bit care... Romana , a beauty with devil is a drastic combination.. She is a perfect example.. But if u will think about positive side then I can only say that this will enhance the relationship of both faraz and umeed.. This will teach them how to handle the situation.. So in that way this will build an unbreakable bond... Nice episode after all.. And telling the full name of faraz is awesome as I have seen the same thing.. When people are in rage then take the full name instead of the regular calling name...
