Saturday, 6 February 2016

I'm hope Ep8

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 06, 2016 with No comments

Umeed didn't reply anything to him, just silently deactivate her id and shut down her laptop. She went towards her window of room, moon had reached to its lunacy.
She looked moon nd whispered:" My friend! Have I done right? I have no need to escape from my environment now... Everything gonna be right in my life, hmmm I'm not completely happy but I'm satisfied, I don't want to be Mahar Mah more, if Shayan loves Umeed,he'll must do anything through he can get his love, otherwise my father is with me and this is enough for me" She was saying sadly and closed the door of window.
She went to her bed and decided to not to miss Shayan again.


Daddy was arranging great party at home on their anniversary, every year they celebrate their anniversary in  foreign country in trip without children.

This time, they changed the plan, just because of Umeed because many of his business partners and relatives want

her but he didn't want to show her in front of anyone like a toy for selling.

So he was arranging the party for this purpose.

In those days, mummy was also seeking girl for Arman but most shocking news was that mummy was planning for Romana's engagement.

Umeed thought that she's so young to get engage but amazingly she was happy with that alliance because she liked her would be.

Daddy was also not agree to fix her alliance, in his point of view, first they've to seek the groom for Umeed then they will think about Romana but mummy was trying to convince him that it was only engagement.

Romana was with mummy, Arman was with papa but she was neutral as usual.

In those days, only their proposals, party themes and decorations and guests were discussing.

Umeed was sad about to leave her wonderland and disgusting with these issues, so she voluntarily participated in
the aid camp of her university group which arranged functions and festivals in the main city site and earn money to pay the fees of poor students.

She was only paid money to them everytime because of her tough schedule, she couldn't participated but this time, she took leave from everything and participate with them.

They arranged festival on the beach which would be going on whole day.

They had to arrange stalls in professional style, their professors were also there to guide.

But there is a problem, when she went their to give her name for participation, then teacher asked the name of her partner.

Umeed:" Partner...?"

Teacher:" Yes! You've to arrange stalls. So every stall would be settled by two students"

She gasped to listen it because now she had to seek the business graduation student.

She asked from Romana to make pair with her but she she denied.

Romana:" You stay with your social work, I can give you my pocket money but I don't have time to participate with you, you know mummy is planning for my engagement on her anniversary party"

Umeed suspiciously asked:" Whom are you going to marry?"

Romana:" You don't know him because it was mummy's relatives"

She nodded because she really didn't know many of mummy's relatives.

She was about to leave for university when someone came inside the home.

It was her mummy's sister, she came here after a long time.

She greeted her.

Aunt:" Are you Umeed? You've grown up and become beautiful"

Umeed smiled slowly asked:" How are you aunty?"

Aunty:" I'm quite well! And you?"

Umeed:" Me too.. Well! Excuse me, I'm getting late for university"

She allowed her to go..

She went university and asked many junior to become her partner. But she couldn't find any companion for her

because she participated in last days, so many of students who were participating, already made their pair and whom who didn't participate, they were not agree to paired with her.

When she fed up from asking everyone, she went to the best place of relaxing pf every student, canteen. But it was welcome week, so there's so much crowd because classes were not going on. She felt thirsty and wanted to take a juice and she had not courage to go to department for drinking water. She tried many time but she fed up and went to the stairs of canteen.

She took out her mobile and purposelessly changed the dp of her what'sapp when someone gave her juice.

She lifted her face, it was Faraz.

He had one juice and coffee in other hand.

Faraz:" I'm not sitting with you, just take it, I saw you that you want this, so I took this for you, you like mango flavour, I took this"

Umeed smiled and took juice from him because she really needed this:" Thank you"

Faraz:" By the way, what are you doing here in these days? As I know in welcome week only three types of students come here, one who has so much time to waste so they come here for enjoying with friends, second the fresher and third the volunteers... I'm in first category"

Umeed gasped:" I'm in third category"

Faraz eyes widened:" But today there is no any meeting of volunteers. Why are you come here?"

Umeed:" Actually I need a partner to make pair and do work with me, but I couldn't find anyone"

Faraz was about to say something but after thinking something, he said nothing and leaved.

She starred him while going towards his group, suddenly she realized something and called him:" Faraz!"

Faraz was far away from her.

She was slinging her bag and clasped juice and her stuff to chase him.

she got up from stairs and ran towards him.

She breathed heavily because of the her stuff and running.

She again called his name, this time he listened and turned.

He went towards her:" What happened Umeed?"

Umeed:" Will you become my partner?"

Faraz's eyes widened.

Umeed:" Actually.. I didn't find anyone for pairing, if you'll then  you'll must get reward from god for this good work"

Faraz smiled bitterly:" My father is sponsor of this all and my mother was doing this types of things from my childhood, and you know very well Umeed how was my childhood... I already had so much reward for their good work... I'm fed up to take this reward from my childhood. I've no wish to gain more reward"

Umeed disappointed to listen it and about to turn but he called her again:" But if you give me your smile as my reward then I'll must do this goodness"

Umeed turned and smiled to listen it. Her smile reached to her eyes which can beat the brightness of great sun.
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