Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (The shocking happenings) Episode 7

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 22, 2016 with 19 comments
Sanskar's POV:
"Ignorance is a lot like alcohol, the more you have of it, the less you are able to see its effect on you." This was the line which came to my mind repeatedly when I saw my target's situation. "Why the hell did people drink so much that they couldn't control themselves?" She could barely stand up by her own and every time her weight was inclined towards me. Anyways I gave her support and now we both were in my car. I didn't know where to drop her and she had already passed out. "Should I wake her up?" I thought this but "No", the reply came out of my mind. In that toxicated state also she was able to remember me. I had heard clearly that she told me the black covered man..I knew she was courageous but this time she proved that she was smart as well. But this attitude of her made me more restless, as being recognized by some target wasn't good for my profession. This was the sole reason for which I couldn't wake her up. As she would ask me lots of question & I couldn't answer them. My captain had already disappointed by those silly information & I couldn't do another mistake by waking her up. Might be this action would make her more suspicious about me & I couldn't gather more information about her and her father.

I was driving helplessly. I didn't know my destination. This feeling, I felt for the second time in my life. Ya! Second time!! The first one was more heart wrenching incident. That incident was made me a slayer. My captain had helped me a lot to overcome from that incident. So, I owed to him. However that time my captain was by my side to help me but this time I was clueless.. I didn't have anyone to guide me. But sometimes fortune played it's role & bestowed it's good will upon you. The same thing happened with me as well. She coughed and my series of thoughts were broken down.

I knew this was the best time to ask her about her address to drop her home. Might be in subconscious state she would tell me about her private place. I gave her water to drink & as soon as she had started to drink, she puked. Yes!! That crap girl.. Puked on me.. Holy shit.. I couldn't control my rage and pressed her shoulder tightly.. She murmured in pain and tried to open her eyes.. 'You!! Black covered man!! Are you following me?' Could you imagine, this was the thing she told me when she was trying to open her eyes.. 'Oh! She had already recognized me.' I thought & jerked my hand from her shoulder. 'You... Hurting...", she was telling this in her subconscious state. I tried to be polite with her to know her secret address information. "Look! I protected you from those bad persons. You were not in senses. So, I tried to drop you. I was not following you. Where was your home?' I told this to her. But I didn't know that if she was listening to me or not. Even I was unsure that had she remembered the incident happened in bar where those morons tried to misbehave with her. In short I was unsure about everything. But just then she stammered, ' you are good.. My home.. Umm.. Mazagaon... No.. No.. Can't go there.. Mom.. Anger.. Drop me.. Mazagaon Christ Church route.' I could not understand everything but what ever she told to me by that I guessed Mazagaon Christ Church was her secret place and she was telling me to drop her there.

This time I knew that she was telling truth as I had already seen her going to that place by telling me lie. Before I could ask her more; she was not in her senses and resting her head on my shoulder. Slowly I rested her head on the seat and cleaned those pukes. Now I was sure that I was close to my destination. She was sleeping peacefully. Good for me. I didn't have to listen her bogus talks. After sometime, we reached near that secret place. I supported her to get out of the car but she couldn't walk. It was already 3AM. I was running out of time. So, I lifted her in my arms and proceeded towards that secret place. There was no security guard as I had checked carefully. Good for me.. No suspect.. No witness.. As that was a single home, I didn't have to bang my head to search the room number. I placed her down & checked her bag to get the key to open the lock of the house. I found out the key & unlocked the door. Again I lifted her & went inside.

That was an auto locked door. So, I didn't have to close it after entering. Before placing the key inside her bag, I took its imprint on a soap & kept the soap inside my pocket. So that might be in future, I would require the duplicate key & this would help me. I entered to her bedroom. Placed her on bed. She had already passed out as I knew it. "It's time for work Sanskar." I saw a big picture hanging on the wall. In that picture, she was there with her mom. She was sitting on her mother's lap like a baby.. I could recognize her mother as my captain had shown their photographs to me and as they were rich, anyone could find their photos in media. In that picture she was looking different like an innocent baby. Again none of my concern!! I searched the entire home and only found some medical documents. I clicked pictures of those documents to analyze them in future. Apart from that I didn't find anything important. The strange thing was that there was no photographs of her with his father.

I thought might be in her phone I could get some information. "But where was her phone?" I searched her bag again to get her phone. But strange!! There was also no information about her father. Even she didn't have his father's mobile number. I was hell frustrated. This girl was impossible. "How did she not have her dad's number in her contacts?"

Now it was time to leave her home as I had searched everything and there was no need to stay here anymore. I placed the phone on the table near to her bed and just then her hand collided with mine. She grasped my hand and was uttering, " Please mama.., don't leave me.. I won't do any mistakes. Don't listen to papa.." I could see her restlessness even in that state & the way she was behaving, it was like she was in deep pain. But again none of my business and I bent to release my hand from her grip & just then I saw something was there under her pillow. I slightly moved her & dragged that piece of paper kept under the pillow. In the backside, it was written "I HATE YOU." I flipped to see what was there on the front side. After seeing the picture, I was hell shocked. Like the floor had slipped under my leg. Ya! It was a photograph and the lady in the photograph was none other than "MAYURI" only.

Guys! Give your precious feedbacks. And thanks to all of you for supporting me in the earlier episode.. 

Credit to: Kashis
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  1. Its awesome ...nd by d way nice twist....

  2. Its awesome ...nd by d way nice twist....

  3. ohhh, interesting now what to know who is this mayuri

    1. Thanks dear.. You will know about her in upcoming episodes..

  4. Nyc episode...interesting. .keep it up! !

  5. Nyc episode...interesting. .keep it up! !

  6. Amazing.. intresting dear

  7. when you post next part ????

    1. With in 2 hours dear...
      # kashis

  8. Thanks dear!!
    # kashis

  9. Mayuri!!! Who is she? Y does swara hate her? Hw do sanskaar kno mayuri!! Tooo much of qns!! Bt will wait fr d ans!! :) awesum epi... I luv dese types of typical strange stories!! Tq fr sharing ur creation wid us! :* #priya prettypie

    1. Thanks dear, r u the same prettypia in TU? For curiosity I m asking. Don't feel bad..
