Monday, 2 May 2016

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (A Different Sunrise) Episode 1 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 02, 2016 with 17 comments
Swara's POV:
Cobwebbed clouds came floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky. The stormy weather had already passed away from my life. But everything fell apart, like the devastating tempest created a violent tumult in my life and disintegrated every relationship therein. Still in all odds, I came across a cause to lead my life in a joyous way, not for me but for those persons who cared for me.

The knocking sound on the door broke away my thoughts & I rushed towards the door to open it. It was none other than Ragini. As soon as she saw me, she hugged me tightly. I wasn't at all surprised by her reaction as I knew about her concerns towards me. She started her questions,"Are you OK, swara? Have they hurt you? Why are you kidnapped? Have they demanded anything? How have you escaped?" I just calmed down her & said,"Ragini, you are standing on the door, at least come inside. Then I will answer all your questions." She complied & we both came in & closed the door.

I told her all the incidents about the dark cellular jail as far as possible but some facts I twisted while telling. As I knew that Ragini wouldn't understand my abductor & as a lawyer, she would see all of them in her suspicious eyes. After ages, we were talking heartily. So, to continue this midnight conversation, I made two cups of coffee & continued our uninterrupted talks for hours while gulping coffee.

Suddenly I remembered something & asked Ragini,"Have you enquired about me from my mom? Have you told her about this secret home? Have you filled any missing report in the police station?" Ragini said in a taunting tone,"Why are you asking me about these obvious outcomes? You haven't contacted me for 10 damn days.. Do you know how much scared I am?" I made a pout face and said,"I am sorry, Ragini.. But nothing is in my control.. Tell me na, have you informed mom?" Ragini said,"Ya swara, I have contacted your mom but haven't told about this secret place. But seems like she isn't very worried about you at first. However when I have filled missing complaint, she is hell shocked & cried a lot." I said in murmuring voice,"She isn't worried earlier as I have told her about my busy schedule & about my pending backlogs and I have assured to call her after completion of my busy routine." After listening to me, Ragini said,"Oh! This is the reason for which your mom has also assured me about your safety when I have first contacted her." Then I said,"What's next, Ragini?" Ragini informed me to go to police station to withdraw the missing complaint and as she was very sleepy, she slept over the couch itself. I covered her with a bed sheet and went to my bedroom.

I rested on bed & thought,"Thank god! I haven't told Ragini about my molestation & disease incidents, otherwise my mom has also come to know about it eventually & I don't want to make her more worried for me." After many days, I felt secured in my home & slept early.

In the next morning, we both went to the police station to withdraw the missing report. Police asked me all sorts of questions. I misled them by giving the wrong info about the physique of my kidnapper. I also lied that my eyes were covered with black robe & I was ignorant about my kidnapping location. I planted many false stories to make my answer believable. The policeman also finally agreed to my justifications as my father was a businessman & he must had many rivals for monetary issues. I withdrew the complaint & now we were heading towards my home to meet my mother.

There was complete silence in the car. I was thinking about Sanskar & his helpful deeds towards me. Breaking the silence, Ragini started,"Swara, have you given all the correct information to police to capture those miscreants?" Lowering my gaze, I nodded positively to Ragini. However I thought,"How can I harm that person who has saved my life by putting his life in danger? How can I even think about him as a miscreant? Thank god! I have told the same things to Ragini, whatever I have confessed in the police station & Ragini can't detect my lies." After that the whole way had crossed with utter silence.

As soon as I reached home, I hugged my mother tightly. After all of all the small gifts that my life had offered me, a loving & caring mother was the greatest of them all. She was the one, who could take away all my pain to give me happiness. She was relieved after seeing me healthy & fine. But she didn't want to leave me now after listening regarding my kidnapping incident from Ragini. She persuaded me to stay at home & complete the graduation in medicine. But I refused as I couldn't share the same house with my so called father after my kidnapping incident & didn't want to give my mother a belligerent atmosphere everyday due to that man's presence. After convincing my mom, I left home & went to college as I had already missed many classes & now I had to complete a stack of assignments.

Sanskar's POV:
Smart, courageous & mysterious girl!! Concerning for an abductor, while she was getting her freedom. Desiring to meet me again!! What an irony!! We were at extreme ends like two far reaching poles of earth. Our paths could never coincide. Gradually she was vanishing from my sight & I felt an empty hollowness hole inside my heart. I started my car to go away from that place even before coming to someone's notice. While travelling, I remembered about my mom & felt happy. Today I had done something, which my mother always wanted me to do..

Now I wasn't at all worried for myself as she was safe now. Breaking my thoughts, my phone buzzed. I saw the caller ID & it was from Alex. I knew about the purpose of his calling & the way he was touching my target flashed back in my mind. Still I controlled my rage as it was the time to act smartly, not to be hyper. I picked up the call & said,"Yes Alex! Are you keeping an eye on her?" I felt frightenedness in his voice & he said,"Sanskar, I don't know how has she escaped?" I made shocking voice & shouted on him & said,"What are you saying? How can she escape when you are keeping an eye on her? What will I tell to captain now?" His voice was trembling & he said,"I am sorry, Sanskar. I have consumed some alcohol but I don't know how I have dozed off so early." I smiled evily due to my smartness & said,"You bastard! How can you consume alcohol & doze off in front of a precious target? OK, let me handle this case in my own way. Wait for me, I am reaching in 20 minutes." & I cancelled the call.

As soon as I reached to my dark world, those two morons nailed down on my feet & asked for my forgiveness. I slapped them hard by remembering their mischievous attitudes towards my target. I thought to call my captain but stopped as if her father hadn't given money yet then captain would again ask me to kidnap her. So, I waited for my captain's call.. Those two bastards were sitting besides me in a horrified way.

That entire night was passed in agony. 'What if her father refused to return money then again what my captain would ask me to do..??' These thoughts distressed me & the whole night was passed in confusion. Sleeping was away from my eyes. But luckily I was fortunate enough and God had bestowed his divine blessing towards me on that day. In the early morning, I got captain's call & as soon as I picked up, he said in a jolly tone,"Sanskar,our new deal has finalised as her father has already returned the amount." I was happy beyond words could define but suppressed it as I had to tell captain regarding her escaping.. But when I told captain regarding her evading, he was indifferent to it and said,"Let it go Sanskar! I have got my money and I don't have any acrimony with that girl." And he disconnected the call before I could tell him about Alex & Martin incident.

Now this was something unexpected for me. My captain never forgave a person for his irresponsibility but this time it was different. However, just like me, might be Alex and Martin were also fortunate that day. So, they eluded from punishment. Irrespective of Alex & Martin, I was happy as she was safe. Swara's chapter was closed in my life and finally we didn't meet again and she could lead her life peacefully away from this darkness....


Thanks guys for all of your precious replys.. It means a lot to me. You all are my strength.. Do comment and enjoy the story..

Credit to: Kashis
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  1. Love you Kashis. Will read and comment

    1. Wow!! Swara lied to protect Sanskar. And she is back in her hostel.

      He is happy that she is safe and hopes to not meet her, like that is even possible.


    2. Ha! Ha sree.. "That is even possible".... Correct dear...


    3. Hey you updated on Facebook? I don't have an account so can't comment there. Now my friend a lot of people are going to pester you for updates. I'm glad I'll not be alone. ;)


    4. No dear, I have only updated the season 1 in fb.. Season 2, I haven't started updating till yet... Yesterday my entire body was aching so can't update... Today I will update for sure sree.... Why r not u in fb??


  2. Ohh dear!
    Fabulous was brilliant..loved it...����

    1. Thanks a ton dear...


  3. Super , love you... love you....thanks a lot..
    Keep it up...

    1. Love you too dear... Mention not... Thanks to you dear for the support...


  4. so is it end of the story?

    1. No dear... This is the beginning of the story...


  5. Kashish regularlly you post till afternoon .. Not today ..we are waiting dr..pls post next ff

    1. Sorry for inconvenience dear... Body was paining yesterday... So can't update.. I will update today for sure..


    2. Its ok take care of yourself.. Your story is very nice that we cant wait..thats why i asked.. You can post ff when you feel better..
      Sorry for bothering you..take rest and get well soon

    3. Thanks dear and you aren't at all bothering me.. I have already uploaded the next part.. Do read..

      # kashis
