Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Passage Of Time) Episode 2 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on May 03, 2016 with 15 comments
Swara's POV:
Time... Like a crazy bird, she was. Only flew when none watched.. None could keep her. All failed to train her but she was revolving around everybody's center. Sounded funny!! Yet, this was time.. Time was passing speedily. After my escaping from that dark cellular jail, my life was passing hurriedly. I indulged myself in assignments, backlogs & many more academic activities. At least 20 days had passed from those chaotic incidents. My life was again got back to normal. Though I was safe & happy,still my heart contained a void inside it,just like those clouds on the sky which didn't have rain bearing capacity. Despite of the busy lifestyle, I felt emptiness somewhere inside my soul. Whenever I felt down, I picked up that jacket of my kidnapper & surprising I got strength to fight back my problems, just like some invisible hand was protecting me through it.

My series of thoughts were broken when my phone buzzed. It was none other than Ragini. As soon as I picked up the call, she said,"Swara! You won't go alone to that party. I will accompany with you." Cutting her words, I said,"Ragini, don't worry. I will be fine. What will you do in that party? You even don't know, Laksh." This time Ragini shouted, "Swara! I don't want any argument. You are kidnapped from his birthday party only. And I don't care about the party & your friend but I do care for you..I will join you for your safety."

Now I was in dilemma as nobody was there to kidnap me as my kidnapper was my saviour at last. But how could I convince Ragini about it? She was so right in her own place & her genuine concern wasn't ignorant to me. So, I nodded her positively & said,"Ragini, behave like my friend there, not like my lawyer & today is a big day for Laksh as he has completed his internship & become a doctor." Ragini didn't allow me to complete my sentence & yelled,"No need to repeat,swara. My only concern is you. If you are safe then I don't have any issue with anyone." I just smiled and said,"OK! Come early and pick me up from my secret place." Before cutting the call,She asked,"Swara, have you ordered the sim with same number as you have lost your phone..." I nodded & said,"Yes! I will receive that in 2 days." We both waved good bye & disconnected the call.

I opened my wardrobe & chose a decent cloth for the party as this was more like a gathering than a party. In this party, one should look dignified. So, I carefully chose my clothes according to the venue. While searching for my scarf, that jacket fell down from the shelf. I picked up it to place it again on the shelf but there I found a photograph which perhaps I had already seen when I was captivated in my kidnapper's room. I looked at the boy present in that picture. It was definitely Sanskar. However in this picture, he was looking far bubbly & cute than the present ruthless one. As soon as I saw the tearing part of that picture, sanskar's memories were flashed back in my mind. I could never decode that mysterious man but at least I could treasure his unforgotten memories. I put that picture in a photo frame where he along with a middle aged lady were present.

I had never seen Sanskar after my escaping from that dark world. My so called father had also come to limelight from his hideouts after some days of my evading. But I didn't know anything regarding Sanskar & about his whereabouts? Was he safe or not? While I was thinking about these things, the door bell was knocked. Perhaps Ragini had already arrived. I opened the door & it was Ragini. She ordered me to dress up early & I got ready hurriedly & we left for party. As soon as we reached to the party, Laksh welcomed us heartily. I introduced Laksh with Ragini by telling her as my friend rather than my lawyer. The party was going on in a full swing.

Laksh's POV:
The day after my conversation with Sanskar regarding her insecurity & unsafe life, I saw Swara in college on the very fine morning. As soon as I saw her in college, many thoughts entangled in my mind. A mixed feelings of sorrow & happiness were undulating in my mind. I didn't know about the outcome this girl would create in Sanskar's life but certainly this girl was no less than an oasis for Sanskar. Just like oasis was the lifeline for a caravan trader who had surpassed many mirages of water body during travelling, in the same way, Swara was the real creature who would pull back sanskar from that intertwined illusion of darkness.

At once I dialed Sanskar & said,"Buddy! I have seen swara today in college?" Sanskar told in a firm tone,"Ya! She has escaped." I just smiled at his lie as nobody could escape from that jail where a ruthless slayer was present & corrected his sentence,"Has she escaped or has someone helped her to escape,sanskar?" He just kept numb & again said,"Laksh, never utter these words in front of anyone as I have controlled all the matters." I assured him to maintain secrecy & he narrated the whole incident to me.

I just couldn't control myself from divine bliss as he had risked his life for someone's good & his humanity side was opening up gradually. Before cutting the call, he said in a concerned tone,"Take care of her, Laksh & yes! Do convey me entire details regarding her disease after the revelation of all reports." From that day onwards, whenever I called sanskar, he definitely asked me about her apart from our mission & targets.

So,now a days I always talked with swara & became more friendly with her to give sanskar all the correct information about her & her health. Eventually I had got her landline number as she had lost her phone in my birthday party & invited her to the party to celebrate my success of being a doctor. But swara was ignorant about my two life styles & my connection with her kidnapper..

Now I was addressing all the guests in my party & today swara had come with her friend Ragini. I liked Ragini a lot as she was a very down to earth girl. In our short conversation, I could relate her care and concern for swara. She was a selfless girl which was rarely found in earth now. The party was going on smoothly. Many guys present in the party were occasional drinkers.

Soon my eyes fell upon swara. She was sitting in a corner & gulping some juice. I was beyond shocked. The voracious drinker of my last party was gulping juice instead of alcohol. Surprising enough!! Wasn't it? Though I was happy as alcohol couldn't harm her health now still I filled a glass of wine & offered it to her to show my curtsey. She refused to take even one glass of wine which stunned me. I just casually said her,"You have changed a lot, swara! May I know the reason behind it?" She waved a smile & said in a firm tone,"In an uncertain life, change is the only certainty & alcohol will do more harm than good.." I looked at her in unbelievable eyes without getting the meaning of her sentences.. Ragini was also shocked as her facial expression said so.. She hugged swara tightly. The DJ lights were flashing on the faces changing our facial expressions & I was thinking about this dubious girl in the prevailing illumination....

Credit to: Kashis
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  1. Superb Kashish. Are swasan going to meet in this party?

    1. No dear, as you know sanky is a slayer and in laksh's party he will come, won't be possible as it may threaten his as well as laksh's existence....


    2. Do you when Saba will upload I'm hope?

    3. I have already told her to write the next episode. But she was busy in some projects plus her windows had shown some errors. Hopefully she will upload soon.


  2. Hey kashis again amazing and super updated. Hope they meet soon, and would love to know their reaction..it would be amazing ..Thanks for update again. And take care of your health..


    1. I m fine now dear. Thanks for your liking... Ya in some next updates they will surely meet...


  3. so sanskar's didn't find the connection with swara is true or fake

    1. No till now sanskar didn't find his real connection with swara as half sister will be true or false!! In 1-2 episodes, he will come to know about the real truth...


  4. Good to see you.. thanks for ff.. nice episode.. as i am swasan fan..bt 1st time i am hppy after reading about raglak..

    1. Thanks a lot dear.. I am also a swasan fan.. I like raglak but love swasan a lot.. And raglak here are only supporting characters as the central leads are swasan.. So, where there will be necessity, raglak will be shown....


  5. Hehe.... I'm late!!:(

    Both if them are missing each other. But I hope they meet soon.

    Laksh became friends with Swara just to get information so that he can keep Sanskar updated on her status. And he has an instant liking towards Ragini. So Raglak is also going to happen not now but soon.

    Swara still cherishes her Savior and misses him. She has started to listen to him.

    Kashis when will they meet again? I think he will come to that secret house...



    1. They will meet soon... I will let my swasan meet in a few episodes dear... Ya Raglak, I never planned as its totally a swasan ff, so raglak part I won't concentrate more... You are late but happy to hear from u...


    2. You should have realised by now that I'm addicted to this FF. I'm always hovering over this over checking for updates or re-reading old chapters.

      I'm excited to see how and when they meet. How the conversation will be and all.


    3. Ha ha ha ha!!! Girl I am also just like you... But now a days after leaving Telly updates, story reading is reduced due to studies..... And seriously I don't know can I meet your high expection from this story?? Don't know..... Hi hi


    4. Trust in yourself. I know you will do great.
