Monday, 6 June 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (A Sense Of Togetherness) Episode 23 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on June 06, 2016 with 10 comments
Sanskar's POV
Her grips around my collarbone were tightened. She was an enchanting illumination & I was engulfed in obscurity. Like a butterfly was tempted towards fire, even after knowing that the fire could extinguish its existence; in the same way I was tugged towards her, even after knowing about my individuality.

Throughout my life, I was encircled around gloominess & was thirsted for light. Now she was showering her divine light on me & her light was forcing me to consume every bit of her. I was no longer in my own control. Her lips were tastier than marshmallow. Her feathery soft skin created undulating waves in my soul & connected all the broken strings of my heart.

Her closeness was making me desperate as I was living in solitude till now & her moaning of my name again & again was making an impact on my brain to consume her beauty more & more.

Swara's POV
I made him realise about love and his possessiveness for me. From eternity, I was deserted and now I didn't want to lose his intimacy. I clung my lips with his to make him mine forever. My brain was out of my control, so as his. He devoured his lips with mine in such a way that I moaned his name.

My moaning was setting fire in his dusky eyes & he crushed his lips more harshly with mine. This vigorous touch of his harsh lips was giving me forbidden pleasure. Genuinely! Today I felt that love was composed of a single soul, inhabiting in two bodies. 

I didn't know why it seemed to me that we were always in unison, he was the only one for me from eternity but circumstances divvied us into two & then both of us lived our lives in yearning & melancholy until we wished to be united with each other again..

Now we found our twin soul & our lives were complete. He gave a love bite on my lips & this time I bemoaned his name so loudly that he jerked from me. We both were panting heavily. He set himself free from my embrace & by lowering his gaze, in a painful tone said,"I... I amm.. sorrrryy.. I haven't done this purposefully. My mind is out of my control & I have crossed my limits.. Sorryyy..."

I didn't let him complete his statements by putting my finger on his lips & said,"I'm selfish, impatient & a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control & at times hard to handle. And you are the one, who has handled me at my worst. When everything in my life is a lie, then you are the only dazzling truth. I love you & I know about your feelings too. Please don't defame this sacred feelings by asking for apology."

I could sense the myriad of emotions going inside him & in a murmuring tone, he uttered,"Ask me why I keep on loving you when it's clear that we can't remain together!! The problem is that as much as I can't stop you to love me, the same way I can't force myself to stop loving you. You are the one who has ignited a sense of remorse in me. Your presence has resurrected me & has made a new person out of me, just like my mom's wish. If this is the feelings of love then yes! I do feel the same for you, swara!!"

I couldn't control my overflowing emotions & embraced him so tightly that I could hear his heartbeats. With a forbidden bliss & heavy heart, I said,"Don't hold back your love, sanskar! Express yourself! I want you. All of you. Your flaws.. Your mistakes.. Your imperfections.. I want you and only you. I know who you are & I don't care about your past. After my mom's betrayal you are the only one I have left. This is my life, my story... my book... I will no longer let anyone else to write it & be a cause of my sorrow nor will I regret for the edits I have made to insert you in my life.."

Sanskar's POV:
I embraced her back tightly to console her & said,"Don't feel bad for your identity. Where have you born isn't supposed to be in your hands. Don't make the situation worse by attending parties & consuming alcohols. It won't bring any benefit. And swara! I am like a poisoned bread. I may eradicate your appetite of loneliness for the moment, but there is death in it at the end. Forget me swara & let me go because I am also a nightmare for you which can ruin your life."

Before I could say much, she came very close to me & said,"Sanskar! Can you feel my heartbeats? The pulsating rhythm of my heartbeat is thrilling because of your closeness to me. How can you even think of leaving me, sanskar? You are the first & last thing in my life which only belongs me. If you are thinking that the darkness will engulf me if I will remain close to you, then let the darkness may engulf both of us as staying without you is a much more curse than assimilating in darkness."

Girls!! The most unpredictable creation! She accepted a slayer so easily. She was even ready to devoid of her life but didn't want to leave me. Honestly the purest kind of love, which was one of a kind could decontaminate even the darkest heart.

Breaking my thoughts, she said,"We are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open & think we are dying, we're actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we're suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before!! Let's accept our fate & fight this darkness together sanskar! May be a beautiful life will be waiting for us after breaking this barrier of duskiness."

When I was listening to her, my phone buzzed & suddenly I departed from her to pick up the call. It was the call from laksh. I picked up & in a lower voice asked,"What is the matter laksh? Why do you call me now? Is there something related to shomi?" From the other side, in a worried tone, laksh replied,"I am actually apprehensive about swara's health. Is she fine now?"

Quickly I replied,"Ya! She is fine, buddy! You have always saved my life from upcoming dangers & that day, you have even rescued her & dropped her safely at home." Cutting my words, he asked,"Has she doubted about our connection, sanskar?" I replied negatively & in an anxious tone, he said,"Now listen to me carefully, sanskar! Swara needs immediate medical attention. These stressful situations are hampering her condition even badly."

In an awful voice, I asked,"Are these outcomes related to her disease? Recently she has again consumed alcohol. Will it affect her health?" This time, in a shouting tone, laksh yelled,"Alcohol... Again... It will definitely worsen her health. She is already facing sexual dysfunctions & many complications due to alcoholic neuropathy. Sanskar! Do take care of her & consult the doctor immediately as I am not an expert in that field."

I felt sorry for her condition. Somewhere due to my mistake, she was suffering, I thought & asked him to arrange a refined & reputed doctor for her cure & disconnected the call.

Now I was determined. I promised myself to take care of her & not to hurt her again by my stupid saying to leave her. After facing the vicissitudes of life, if there was one thing I learned, it was that nobody was here forever. I had to live for the moment, each & everyday.. So, until that darkness came when I would vanish like fireworks, let me take care of her & cherish our beautiful togetherness the way she wanted.

Credit to:Kashis
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  1. Hi, I'm so happy you posted at last, was waiting for your story to read so eagerly, hahha.
    I tried commenting before, but slow data networking, arghhhh,....
    anyways, like every time you've amazed me today also with your tremendous writing, both personages were in such emotional turmoil, now clearing it, superb...
    Neatly written dear, keep it up and take care :-)


    1. Sorry dear, I was busy in studies and some Facebook page stuffs. Ya! Slow connectivity, I was also facing from past few days.. Life sucks due to bad connectivity. Thanks for liking dear.


    2. don't be, as I am glad to read your story. But slow connectivity does suck, also it's irritating when college assignments are due....


    3. Ya dear.. Same I have felt when assignments left. I was frustrated still couldn't do anything that time to raise the speed... Only refreshing pages..


  2. Was just missing you like hell!!.....
    Was again again coming over here to read it. It was sweet to wait.
    Beautiful episode dear;
    It was described wonderfully!!.....
    Just loved it. ...
    Love you too buddy!!❤ ...
    Upload soon <3

    1. Lots of love to you too!!! Thanks for the appreciation..


  3. I so missed you kashis. ..where have you been? ...Anyways as always awesome story. do you even manage to think about such explicit metaphors ....See I've been telling you that you are a gifted writer

    1. Thanks a lot priyanshi. Coaching classes started and entrances are lined up. So, barely getting time for updates dear... Your comment motivated me a lot to write more & writer! Dont know. A lot to learn before that!


  4. Hey thank god you are back.I was little worried for you...But its nice to hear from you after gap..and for episode its beautiful..thanks again..take care


    1. Hey neelam, I am fine but stuck up in studies and Facebook stuffs. So can't upload as coaching is also started. Thanks a lot dear!

