Friday, 12 May 2017

Swasan Second Chance By Raabia - Episode 1

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on May 12, 2017 with No comments
Swasan Second Chance By Rabia - Episode 1
Swasan Second Chance By Rabia - Episode 1

The episode will start with sanskar after Filling swara maang with sindoor...

Swasan room..

Swara was standing near window looking at sky tears were fowlling down from her betiful eyes...she was thinking how her life became a mess how happy she was before laksh entering her life with ma n Dida without gododia family...then how mad she became after knowing that Shekhar gododia is her much craved for father love but everything got ruined with sanskar entry his stupid revenge ragini killing her for laksh n laksh not trusting her instend of her he trusted ragini by marrying her..for uniting parents she n sanskar did fake marriage Drama...n today she standing her being his wife...

On the other hand sanskar was Working on Laptop to avoid swara question he dont know how to Face her he very well know what ever he did is wrong..thinking all this he couldn't concentrate on his work...he leaned his head back n closed his eyes thinking about today incident...

Sanskar pov:

Ahhhh what hell is wrong with me how can I do this to her...I ruind everything to Prove laksh ahhh I am soo stupid without thinking I filled her Maang..I am soo sorry swara I know After this u will never forgive me I am really sorry but I couldnt see when laksh was pointing his Finger on ur Charakter...I cant See when everyone is blaming u how can They blame u After knowing that fact I wanted take revenge from laksh I was the one behind ur n laksh broken relationship soo how can They blame u...but I promise to u swara I wont leave ragini..she has to pay n i will make sure her truth will be out soon as possibel...I cant See tears in ur eyes beacuse I LOVE YOU yes I do swara but I cant be selfish not this time for ur happiness I will do everything..I will leave you for ur happiness but I will never stop loving you u are my everything but for u I will control myself I wont tell u about my love will never came in ur path...
Pov ends...

Thinking all that sanskar left towards their room..When he entered he saw swara standing near window without saying anything he went towards his wardrobe took his nights clothes out n was about leave when swara called him...

Sw: (still looking out) sanskar (he stoped but didnt say anything swara turned to him now she was facing His back) sanskar (still he didnt turned soo she went towards him) sanskar we need to Talk (now he turned towards her looking down) why you did that 

San: (still looking down) wo swara wo..

Sw: do you even now the meaning of Sindoor sanskar
(Hearing this he looked at her now he could see her Red eyes duet crying ) tell me na sanskar do you know the meaning of Sindoor 

San: (avoiding eye contact) see swara for uniting ur ma Baba I had not any other Option n the way everyone was pointing their fingers on you I couldn't see so that why I filled ur Maang but don't worry we know na that this sindoor is meaningless for us n (before He could say anything more swara slapped him)

Sw: (anger) what do you mean by this that this sindoor is meaningless han do I am looking like Doll to u all han When ever u wont or anyone can Play (held sanskar color) first laksh then u n ragini (pushed him n start clapping) woooow mr sanskar maheswari today u all showed me that I am Not human for you instend that I am doll na that why nobody cares for my feeling u all are selfish for ur so called revenge u made my life hell n my sister for her soo called love she tired to kill me n seprated our ma Baba n then my so called love didnt trusted me instend me he trusted my sister who tried to kill his love han (crying felt on her knee) my Baba for whom love I craved from childhood he threw me out n belived his own doughter but what about me han was i not his doughter did he ever condsire me as his doughter or not (crying n shouting) why me than why me don't i have feeling or what n today u sanskar you were my best friend na I thought u know me Better then anyone but no even u Proved me wrong you very well knew the meaning sindoor in my life..seeing my mother without sindoor do you know I felt when everyone taunted her no u don't know this sindoor is not meaningless for me sanskar its my life 

Hearing swara outburst sanskar was shocked n tears start falling down from his eyes seeing his love in that state he knelt down in front of her..cupped her face lovingly wiping her tear n kissed her forehead lovingly😚 

San: (cupping her face) I am sorry swara I am really sorry plzzz forgive me

he hugged her tightly while swara was still crying badly after some time he released their hug n saw swara sleeping still there was few tears..
He picked her up n made her lay on Bed He was about to go when swara held his shirt tightly not let him go...Sanskar tried to free himself but swara thight her Grip on him After lots of trying sanskar gave up n laid beside swara looking at her lovingly while crassing her hair je slept...

Episode ends...

So how is this episode guys...

About Raabia:

    Hello !! I am Rabia, Writer of this ff "Swara Second Chance"

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