Sunday, 18 June 2017

Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya by Zuzu Part 9

Posted by Unknown on June 18, 2017 with No comments
Hello readers.... Many of u loved d previous part am so glad n thank you all.. Guys first I would like to inform you all dat I'll not add any kavita to d ff.. cz I dnt want such..
Here der will b no past of sanskaar... Swara is nly his first n Last love..
N many of u gave me suggestions to add sme things . I'll add guys bt not totally partly ill add :)
Enjoy d read !
Recap of part #8 -"Sanskaar accident.. swara's strange feelings.. Emotional swasan scne.."
From d day of Sanskaar's accident.. It has became usual dey talk evry day... D frndship began to deep Grove day by day or Can we say Love...
Der was always a dilemma in Swara's heart ... no dout she enjoyed b his company... yeah dey were far.. bt dey were always together by hearts...By souls..
In no tym swara began to skip her lecture.. dsnt mean bunk dem.. Sanskaar was in Bulgaria.. Bunking d lectures here refers.. She was in thoughts..No no deep b thoughts of something.. which makes her happy.. n puts a curve on her lips called "Smile" ...
Swara in gang of frnds.. began to feel alone.. she was in deep thoughts many of tym .. dsnt mean she didn't used to enjoy with her ppl called "Friends" ... Bt usually.. She had became as "Mind absent n body present"
She was unaware of dz drag if her towrds sanskaar.. to which she thought a bst frnd.. may b have increased from d heights of friendship...
At one fine evening swara was with her frnds at bakers world.. not much far.. from her collage...
She was unaware.. of a guy keeping eye on him from a distance on his bike...
Swara was cheerfuly enjoying with d bunch of frnds.. her best buddies.. dey were Gossiping with many tyms hi-fi to each other... d stranger was..looking at swara.. or else I can say staring at her...
As d tym passed it was already 4 of evening...
Sam -"Shall I drop U ?? Swara "
Swara-"No Sam ill manage ill go by my self "
Avi-"So guys now to move to our homes... At six we need to meet again right.. "
Neha-"Yeah we need to.. so nw we shud move.. so by d tym we can be der soon.."
Niel -"Ok guys text me address of Ridz farmhouse where we are going to stay tonight.. As a frnds outing"
Swara - " Yeah guys.. text me too "
Ridz -"Don't worry all of u ill text u all"
D stranger was wearing a helmet.. on his cool bike was listing dz all... all of 6 were unaware of this..
Soon all left.. swara went her way straight to her place... Swara was on her foot n have to reach d main road in order to take a taxi.... all her frnds already left from der...
D stranger comes on bike n stops it in front of swara..
Swara (in anger) - " Are you mad.. dek k nai cala sakte andhe ho kya ?? (Can't u see n drive.. are u blind)
D person get down frm bike comes towrds swara.. Says -"Am srry"
Swara - " Wht sorry (as d prsn was getting more near swara got scared)
D person takes out d helmet which has covered his face..
Swara was in he'll shocked.... She can't belive her eyes.. n says -"Sanskaaaaar"
Yeah he was sanskaar ... her sanskaar....
Sanskaar was mesmerised seeing her with his eyes dat to so much close to him..
Sanskaar - " Yes laddu me .. Y are u so shocked.. I had said na we will meet soon "
Swara - " Yeah bt u dint told me ull b here today n hw come u knw about dz place ??"
Sanskaar - " Laddu I wanted to surprise you... n see ua ... Dz place address.. remember laddu at fine evening I asked y where are you .. u said me am with my frnds at our daily evening spot.. den u asked about d place name.. u named it as bakers World.. so I got to knw "
Swara remembers -"Ha yeah "
Swara - " Bt whn did u come here..?? Today ?"
Sanskaar (teasingly) " two days back "
Swara ( Angry ) - " What n ua here to meet me nw..?? "
Sanskaar - " Swara I was kidding Just two hours back my flight landed.. n nxt thing I did is to meet u here "
Swara - " Oh.. Bt where will u stay ?. N ua visiting is i think ua purpose of work ?? "
Sanskaar - " Laddu I leave here in Mumbai I have my house here.. I was in Bulgaria from 1 month to attend my concerts.."
(Remember guys it's after 13 days of Sanskaar's accident)
Swara-"Ok "
Sanskaar - " So madam aap k douts khatam ho gaye ho to can we go for a coffee??"
Swara - " Really I can't sanskaar ki tum Rockstar ho .. i mean mujsy ese baat krna koi attitude nahi.. na hi ego.. Am u dreaming "
He pinches her
For d first tym he touched her...
Sanskaar -"Ua not dreaming n kis ne keh dia ki Sab ke ego n attitude hota h.. Am ua frnd first den a Rockstar ok.. "
Swara - " Really "
She hugs him.. It was a friendly hug..
Sanskaar felt a electric current passing trough his body..
Sanskaar-"So shall we move "
Swara - " Yeah bt today I've to go with my frnds.. at farmhouse ..."
Sanskaar - " No prblm.. We can go fr a coffee den ill drop you at home "
Swara - " Ok "
Dey went to cafe.. beside bakers world.. both had a great time together.. Talking with each other .. Sanskaar for d first tym seen her laughing out.. she looks d most prettiest girl when she laughs..
Der were many hi-fi.

Bill was presented on table which was payed by sanskaar as a gentle man...
Dey moved out..
Swara sat on his bike.. with legs either side....
Sanskaar started d bike.. Swara kept her hands on his shoulders.. He felt A dream come true of his life.. as she was sitting on his bike.. behind him.. He smiled..
He drove d bike fast.. As it came near d signal..  Sanskaar had to make a sudden break.. By which swara falled on his back.. dey had a eye lock.. swara was so close to her Sansku n so was sanskaar to his Laddu (Sanskaar was not wearing helmet)
Bg -"Ruk si Gayiiiiii Dhadkaneeeeee
Pal bhi q tham saaa gayaaaaa
Muj ko hui naaaaa khabarrrrrrr
Aurrrr pyaaaaar hooo gayaaaaa "
Dey were lost in each others mesmerising eyes.. Soon dey were disturbed by Horns.. as d signal became green..
Swara-"Sorry "
Dey move to directions which swara was showing to him
D way to her place..
Soon dey reached to Swara's banglow..
Swara got down
Sanskaar -"U have a beautiful house.. "
Swara - " calo sanskaar ill show u my house"
Sanskaar - " Bt swara u need to go with ua frnds na ?? "
Swara - " Yeah sanskaar Bt.. hamesa unk sath hoti hu Calo plzz "
Sanskaar couldn't resist .. swara drags his hand and takes him Inn..
She shows her whole house.. N finally her room..
Her room was coloured in blue.. evry thing was placed In its perfect place..  d room was neet clean n tidy..
Sanskaar -"Wow itna acha room h n kitna clean h "
Swara - " Acha Sanskaar tell me.. tum mere lie kuch laaye Bulgaria se ?? "
Sanskaar - " No laddu ?? Tumhe kuch chiye tha kya ??"
Swara ( Making a cute pouted face) - " Nai kuch nai.. Frnd ko bhul gaye tum..."
Sanskaar smiled n got lots of love on her cute face ..
Soon swara faced her back to him n said -"I don't wanna talk to u"
Sanskaar soon took a Pendent n a chain.. frm his pocket.. n placed infrnt of her
Swara shocked.. she turns to him n says ..-"Sanskaar ye q me mazak kr rahi thi "
Sanskaar - " Bt me mazak nahi kr raha hu.. me apne laddu k lie na laun ye ho sakta h kya ? "
D chain n pendent was of platinum.. with beautiful diamonds on itt.. D pendent was not a designed one bt was a alphabetical letter "S"
He turned her n made her wear dz.. he moved her hairs a side n touched her neck.. Swara closed her eyes
Letter "S" Guys was dz for Swara or S-"Sanskaar" (donno) bt ye swara abb hamesa phne rahegi.. Sanskaar ka dia hua gift apne dil k pass :p
Swara -"It's Awsm "
Sanskaar - " No phle acha nahi tha bt abb acha lag raha h after u weared itt "
By d tym sanskaar sees a guitar placed near d window of Bed.. he went near ittt ..
SWARA To went back Of him ... As der were few drops of water.. swara loosen her balance n was going to fall.. bt at nick of movement sanskaar saved her.. by wrapping his hand around his waist.. Swara flt some different in his touch...
Soon sanskaar lost his balance n both were on bed.. Sanskaar was on top of her... he got mesmerised seeing her hairs on her bueatiful doe eyes... he took dem n tucked dem back of her ear.. both was lost in each others deep n mesmerising eyes
Bg plays -"Bawreeeee Dono Naina palke kiwade ( door ) Hai bichaye
mancala mora saiyyan khwabon k panghat q na aayeeee
Har saans ki gunjaish tu h
katra me baarishhhh tu h
Tu h auliyaaaa "
******To Be Continued******
Precap -"SwaSan meet "
Guys I knw am nt up to ua xpectations bt am not well.. ummm I knw dz can't take am xcuse.. Bt plz do say hw it was .. any swasan scne or any scene rqsts plx .. give in cmnt box ill try to add d scne.. :)
Plz do leave ua precious cmnts

Credit: Zuzu


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