Sunday, 18 June 2017

Swasan Second Chance By Raabia: Episode - 8

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on June 18, 2017 with No comments
Episode: 8

Guys what a response yaar I am soo happy now my cutipie wants me to Post today again soo my cuti this is only for u I hope u will like this get ready my cuti n all my reader for jealousy track of swara😂😂😉😉...and one more sorry to raglak Fan I know nobody is reading this ff only swasan fan are reading but still I am sorry but I love my swasan soo plzz forgive if I am hurting u...

So lets start the episode...

At the evening everyone were peacefully their dinner when sanskar got a Call.. he excused and went to pick the call after talking he came back n start eating his dinner which left because of call...After dinner sanskar went to study room were rp n dp were talking about buiseness which was intrupedt by sanskar who came to talk with them..

San: Papa and bade papa I wanted to talk to you and i need ur permission also

Dp: what sanskar

San: Woh I wanted that swara should complete her study

Dp: but sanskar

San: I know bade papa but plzz her principle had called me and she to only complete her only half year bade papa if she stop studying it will Ruin 2 n half year bade papa

Dp: ok sanskar u are her husband u know what is right for u and your wife

San: thanks bade papa (looked at rp) papa

Rp: (hugged sanskar proudly) u know sanskar I am very happy to know how much u think about swara I am really proud of u beta

San: thanks papa

Seeing sanskar and rp like this dp got little jealoused of his brother because he always wanted a son like sanskar who can take his deciousen himself and didnt cared about others what they wanted he was too stubborn to make understand...

Rp and sanskar Broke the hug and sanskar left to his room...

Swasan room 

Swara was taking their night clothes this was 1st time when swara taking sanskar nights clothes also till know sanskar himself took his clothes but seeing swara doing this for him He felt to happy... hearing his footstep she turned towards him and saw him smiling to her making her little confuse...

Sw: (confuse) what happend sanskar (he shaked his head in nothing) hmm ok here take ur clothes

San: hmm

He took his clothes n went to change after him swara went changing her clothes...When she Came she found him Working on Laptop making her little angry on him..

Sw: sanskar

San: hmmm

Sw: Woh I was thinking how to bring ragini truth out I cant wait more sanskar the way mr gododia n his family treat my ma I just cant tolorate them

San: (went near her who was standing near window at 1st hesitating but then slowly hugged her from back making her little shocked but then she closed her eyes leaned her back more on him making happy soon he placed his chin on her shoulder) dont worry swara soon ragini truth will be out

Sw: but how sanskar

San: dont know swara but I promise u soon her truth will be out just trust me

Sw: I trust u sanskar

He made her turn to him both looked at each other Sanskar leaned to her she closed her eyes seeing his closeness... he kissed her forehaed lovingly ðŸ˜šfeeling his kiss on her forehead she smiled he picked her up in bridel style made her lay on bed seeing this swara felt nervous she doesnt want this now but she didnt want him to tell thinking that He may he feel bad..seeing her nervous he smiled He know what she was thinking...he came above her and again kissed her n laid beside her n took her in his arms..she felt happy seeing his care n love for her n hugged him back happily...

Next morning at 7 am

Swaragini both were making tea for their respektivly husband who were in Gym doing their workout... After making tea for laksh ragini went to Gym but seeing the sight in front of her she was shocked her eyes got wide she was totally lost in her dream World...Swara also went taking tea for sanskar in Gym...she was about to enter in Gym but seeing ragini there still standing in front of door holding tea in her hand...

she looked at her n then looked they way she was looking and got shocked seeing the sight even she was can she be not lost seeing her husband shirtless who was punching the Boxing bag And the way his Sweat dripping on his bare body making him more hot and handsome... but soon swara came in senses hearing laksh voice who was talking with someone.. she looked at sanskar then at ragini who was still staring sanskar making swara angry and jealous...

She placed his tea angrily on Bench n took his shirt while taking she looked at ragini who was still staring sanskar she made fist go control herself and went to sanskar making ragini come to in senses...

Sw: sanskar (he looked at her n smiled)

San: swara u (before He could say further she forward him his shirt making him confuse)

Sw: wear ur shirt sanskar

San: (confuse) why

Sw: (looking at ragini through corner of her eyes) I said na so wear

San: (Stil confused) but swara I am doing workout

Sw: han to u can do still waring ur shirt na

San: but swara it will stinkt

Sw: I dont know sanskar anything u are wearing ur shirt or else

San: or else what

Sw: (she think something then looked at ragini who was looking here n there making her more angry 1st ragini then sanskar who was arguing with her for not wearing his shirt) I will Not talk to u

San: what for not waring a shirt u will Not talk with me (he Checked her forehaed) are u fine swara

Sw: (got more angry) what the hell sanskar cant u listen me for once

San: areee but what did I do

Sw: (frustrated) ahh nothing huh

About to leave when he held her hand n twirled her to him her hands were now on his bare chest... he shivered little feeling her cold hand on his bare chest n looked at her with love...even swara shivered touching his bare skin which was warmth up duet his workout...

Both had beautiful eyelock which disturb raglak who were burning in jealousy and anger seeing them like this lost in the world.... Sanskar went near her ear whispered something making her happy...

San: I love u only u and i have surprise for u..

Sw: (confused) surprise

San: han (kissed her forehaed) get ready my love

Sw: (smiled about to leave but turn to him) 1st wear ur shirt

San: hahha ok I am wearing

Sw:do it now

San: acha Baba

He wore his shirt to make her happy and she smiled at him before leaving she gave death glare to ragini to not eye on her husband making her sceard...

Precap: sanskar surprise for swara...
Swara dping pooja of to Protect him against evil eyes.


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