Err I know guys you are not quite happy with my previous update.. Wat to do guys am so busy.. So here is d next part.. so lemme give glance from last update as recap right..
Recap of Part #15 -" Sanskaar giggling swara... Swara laughing.. SwaSam phone convo in sanskaar's house.. Where Sanskaar Feels Jealous... Sanskaar tells swara he wants to meet her frnds swara gets supper happy.. Swara calls all her frnds to bakers world at 11 by tomorrow.. Sanskaar drops swara Home.. Swara calls sanskaar n ask him to drive slowly n worries about him.. n dunno y she is feeling so.. on other side sanskaar is happy to see her care n concern..Sanskaar draws a conclusion dat she has also fallen for him.. Next day swara comes to place.. Neha says about birthday of Niel " (now next yaha se ) (Guys u want Recap or else I should omit it ??)
#Part_16 (The most Awaited Part :p )
All are in Bakers world.. Where Neha told about Niel's bday..
Sam gives a suggestion to celebrate at avi out of city banglow..
D shop dint had much rush cz it was Sunday
At d tym Sanskaar comes entrance (Sach batana guys is Scene k lie kitne log wait kr rahe the )
Swara sees him as she was facing d entrance door.. He was looking Stunning n dazzling in Black narrow jeans n A lemon yellow colour T-Shirt n A black blazer..
Swara's eyes freezed on him for a while.. which was soon back to her senses As a girl Screamed "Rockstar sanky"
She ran to him n hugged him .. which disturbed swara.. Sanskaar saw swara sitting der...
Girl still hugging-"Am ua die heart fan.. ua really amazing.. "
All looks at dz.. As her scream was Horrible..
Swara dint liked it.. BT she dunno y ??
Sanskaar dint hug d girl back..
She got up.. n went towards dem.. leaving all Her frnds stunned.. dey dunno what's gonna happen next..
She comes near sanskaar and sees d girl n gives her ha glaring look.. Girl separate from hug..
As soon as d girl freed him from hug ... Swara catched his hand n said -" He is my frnd sanskaar.. My Bst frnd.."
He Saw Swara.. she was Looking at d girl with anger in her eyes.. n Holding his hand...
Sanskaar gets happy seeing her jealous.. Where as all d other friends was shocked..
Swara holding his hands takes him to table n introduces..
Swara-" U all know him right.. Rockstar sanky.. He is my best friend.. I wanted u all to meet him "
She was still holding his hand
Sanskaar -" Hello I just wanted to see u guys.. Hw are you all "
Sam forwarded his hand to handshake...
Sanskaar looks at Swara who holding his head and in such a way dat no body can take him away.. He smiles n signals her to leave d hand.. she understands n leaves his hand n tries to hide her smile..
Sanskaar shakes hand to Sam n so did with all d friends ..
Neha-"(Angry on Swara ) Swara u know sanky n u are his best friend n u dint even tried to tell me dz y Swara ?"
Swara-"Neha b actually......"
Sanskaar cuts her words n says -"Actually she wanted to tell BT I stopped her.. BT After Hearing so much praising of u guys from her so I decided to meet you all ." (He cover ups d topic.. Swara sees him n finds him so understanding..)
Swara -"(to herself) Hw understanding he is.. He knew it can create a difference between me n Neha.. So he covered it up for me.. Am so lucky to have him as my best friend.. Not cz of popularity.. BT coz of his nature.. His kind heart.. Everything of him makes him so special.."
She then tanked him trough eyes.. He to replied back with a smile on his face..
Ridz-" Woh sab theek h but tum dono mile kaha.. I mean friendship kaha hui ?? How d Rockstar became ua frnd swara "
Sanskaar-" Woh Actually Me n laddu FB per mile "
Avi-" Laddu kon ? "
Sanskaar looks at swara.. who was looking at him.. With a angry look
Sanskaar -"La..la..laddu koi nai guys leave it na.. hum baate krte h.. We can know about each others.."
Sam And Avi Notice d contacts of Swara and Sanskaar by der body language ...
Neha -"Hmm We have a friend birthday tomorrow.. so we are going to give a surprise to him tonight... Actually he don't like parties much"
Sam-"Yeah So we are going to celebrate at house of avi which is out of d city..Der will no party we just frnds gonna celebrate it with nature.. "
Sanskaar -" Wow That sounds so perfect.. Well wish d birthday to ua frnd from my side..So swara enjoy today :) (looking at swara ) "
Sam looks at swara and feels change in her behaviour.. she don't insist anyone to come bt for d first tym he saw Her insisting Sanskaar
Swara wants him b also to join so she tells -" Sanskaar plz tum aao na.. We can enjoy together.. "
Sanskaar -" Swara it's ua frnds party how can I.. no u go n enjoy"
Swara-"BT sanskaar so what ua my frnd too.. plz plz u should come..I really enjoy a lot with u...plz will u sansku (looks every one looking them ) I mean Sanskaar.. Niel will also get so happy seeing u "
Neha -" Ya swara is right.. y don't you join.. "
Avi, Ridz, Sam -" Yeah sanky we would love if u join us "
Sanskaar -" Ok guys ill :) "
Swara Gets happy n says loudly -" Yey now we will enjoy a lot.. Thank you sanskaar.. llloovv.... (stops in middle realising what she was up to ) Or .. or bolo "
(Fumbles wid words.. She even dunno what she is speaking)
Sam gets confused.. But happy as swara is..to see her happy.. BT confused -"Swara itna kisi k sath comfortable nahi hoti bt Sanskaar k sath ese free k se h .??" (Thinking)
Sanskaar gets it n Laughs in his mind -"Dil ki baat jubaan pr aate aate reh gai... bt don't worry I'll make u confess ua love soon My Love Laddu "
Sanskaar -" So guys Howz d collage life ?"
Dey all talk with each other swara talks very freely n comfortably with sanskaar n tells about der collage n all.. She chuckles..smiles... Give hifi to sanskaar.. She was totally lost..
All Her friends were seeing her for d first time enjoying fully with other person rather than dem ...
Sanskaar too was enjoying dey made a plan.. N Said that all shud wear Royal blue colour outfits as it's Neil Favorite color...
After a plenty of time sanskaar said -"So Guys Meet U Tonight.. Now I must leave I have Buy gift for Niel..swara shall I drop u somewhere "
Sam interrupted.. -"Err it's Ok sanskaar ill drop her where ever she wants :) "
Sanskaar feels irritated bt to his surprise Swara said -" Actually I also wanted to get something for Niel on his birthday day.. so shall I join u Sanskaar"
Sanskaar -"(super xited n happy cz she chooses to go with him not Sam) Ya swara it will b awesome... "
On other side ... Sam dint like it.. She wanted swara to come with her rather than sanskaar...Somewhere he was disturbed by seeing Sanskaar n Swara's bonding.. He was A bit jealous....
Swara -" Ok calo let's go.. on ua bike full speed like yesterday "
All her frnds were again in shock
Sam got angry dat swara lied them as she had some work.. bt she was with sanskaar..
Neha -" Swara tu kuch imp kaam me thi tune bola tha na den full speed bike ride"
Swara got nervous as she never lied to her frnds..
Swara -" Offo neha .. tu b na he gave me lift.. when I was done with my work so.. I came on his bike.. (making up a story..at d same tym don't wanna lie her frnds.. BT can't say also ) (Haye Meri tuti futi English.. Sorry guys :( :( I wish I could write accurately..)
Neha -" Oh okay "
Swara looks at sanskaar n so does sanskaar .. Sam sees dz and things something is going on !!
Sanskaar-" Ok Swara cale let's go! "
Swara -" Hmm yeah calo "
Tell wish gud bye to all n leaves.. Swara was still sad.. sanskaar looks at her. N says -"Don't worry Swara.. its Ok"
Swara-" Hmm Ok "
Sanskaar-"Toh my laddu First give ur million dollar smile.. N let's go.. As u want ill do Ok.. u like fast rides na Ok ill do it.."
Swara -" (becomes xited) Wow.. Calo.. I wanna have fun today.. bht tym Ho gaya bahar ghume road side masti kare "
Sanskaar-"Toh calo.. der kis baat ki h"
Swara takes her back seat on his bike.. Which is really meant to b her's only her's..
Dey drove off... Which is watched by Sam bt he can't here there convo.. (poor guy 😂😉 )
So common avi sirf SwaSan per concentrate krte h Ok :)
Swara sees A pani puri stall on the way...As we all know how girls are crazy about pani puri..
Swara -" Sanskaar Sanskaar stop plz plz roko "
Sanskaar -"Kya hua swara..?? (Worried)"
Swara-"Phle Roko Fir batati Hu "
Sanskaar-"Ok baba (he stops..) abb bolo..Kya hua achanak q gadi rukwadi ??"
Swara -" Woh sanskaar (and points out d stall ) Muje pani puri khani h.." (childishly)
Sanskaar -" Offooo swara.. u know Muje laga kya Ho gaya hoga swara achanak stop stop bol rahi h (Relived ) Ok u wanna eat Ok calo bt Usk baad u have to eat ice cream with me...Dat to my fave Dark chocolate ice cream it's my fave Ok (Actually it's my fave :p ) "
Swara -" Ok abb Calo " (She drags him catching his hand )
They reach der.. It was a area with Lil bit traffic not more n not less too...
Swara -"Plz two plates of pani puri.. Spicy Haa full spicy "
Sanskaar-"Swara Spicy.. BT itna spicy q ?? "
Swara -"Common u just eat na "
The man gives dem.. Sanskaar makes faces as he too don't like pani puri like me..
Swara takes it n put whole pani puri in his mouth.. Sanskaar eats it cutely.. making faces.. Swara stares at him lovingly ...
Hehe again mera BG aagaya
BG -
(It's more for swara Dan sanskaar ... dz lyrics Are d feelings of of.. Prince ki princess ;) )
Namkeen si baat hai har nayi si baat mein Teri khusbu chal rahi
hai jo mere saath mein Halka halka rang bitay kal ka
Gehra gehra kal ho jaayega ho jaayega
Adha ishq aadha h aadha Ho jaayga kadmo se milon ka wada Ho Jaayga..
Adha ishq aadha h
Adha Ho jaayga kadmo se milon ka wada Ho jaayga "
She too eats.. While sanskaar began to caught due to spicy..
She pats his back n makes him drinks water by her hand.. She become tensed.. BT soon sanskaar becomes Ok..
He sees some children's at road side begging for lunch.. He gestures swara to wait he'll b back in 5 mints..
Swara stands der n watches him..
BG continues -
Beshumaar raatein behisab baatein Pass aate aate gum ho jaati hai
Bekhudi mein dhal ke bekali mein jal ke
Sau hazaare yaadein nam ho jaati hai
Phika phika pal bitay kal ka Mehka mehka kal ho jaayega ho jaayega
Aadha ishq aadha hai adha ho jaayega Kadmon se meelon ka vaada ho jaayega
Aadha ishq Aadha h aadha Ho jaayga
Kadmo se milon ka wada Ho jaayga..
He goes to dose kids n Get them some food from near by shop to eat.. n smiles with d kids.. n Brush hand in kids hair..
Seeing dz swara gets more effected ..She thinks such a nice person he is.. She looks at him.. Sanskaar came back to her ..
Sanskaar -" So swara remember u have to eat my fave ice cream with me"
Swara -" ya calo.. She holds his palm.. He too holded her back.. (Means dey went to ice cream parlour.. Holding each others hand..Swara was quite happy n gud with him.. she dunno y.. bt she now loves to spend time with hum
They takes der seat der and order der Order.. ;)
Soon order came n both started to eat..
Swara was eating Lil childish..
BG continues
Intezar sa hai imtehaan sa hai Itmenaan sa hai kya hai na jane Itra rahi hai itna hui hai Inteh hui hai kaise na jaane Chalka chalka pal bitay kal ka Tehra tehra kal ho jaayega ho jaayega
Aadha ishq aadha hai adha ho jaayega Kadmon se meelon ka vaada ho jaayega
Aadha ishq Adha h adha ho jaayega kadmo se milo ka wada ho jaayga...
Sanskaar was talking.... Swara gets her cheeks n chin dirty with ice cream on it.
Sanskaar sees it and laugh..swara beats him in fun.. Sanskaar takes out his hanky n c k clean her face lovingly...well She was staring at him.. eyes filled with love .. He is bzy in cleaning her face n she is totally bzy in him.. She was smiling all d tym..
Sanskaar watches dz.. n smile in mind.. -" Laddu jab itna pyaar krti Ho toh bol q nahi deti.. (to himself) "
Sanskaar cleans it.. Swara gains her senses .. she looks at Sanskaar.. She was in a masti mood... She applied Ice cream to his nose from her cornetto..
Sanskaar -" Swara ye kya kia ?? 😣 (Makes a puppy face... )
Swara -" (Laughs..) ( N pull his cheeks n says) ua looking so cuteeee "
Sanskaar -" Acha really wait.. (He to apply Ice cream on her face ) Abb lagrahi Ho na tum super cute...😛😝😝 "
Swara -" Haaww Sanskaar (Makes a pout face ) "
Dey both laugh together at der childishness.. That time a kid sitting in Ice cream parlor N gave swasan a rose ..
Swasan took d rose N asked -" Thank you.. cutie bt y dz rose ?? Something special ?? "
Child -" U both look Beautiful with each other (He kisses on swara and sanskaar's kiss N runs away )"
Swara -"aaww kitna cute bacha tha.. "
Sanskaar looks at her smile N says -" Hmm Aur baate b cute krta h"
Swara -"Woh toh h (She den realises wht he said N her reply ) (smiles)
Dey finsh der ice creams N takes d gifts for Niel....
Sanskaar den drops swara at her home to get ready.. After completing there masti :p
They reach her house.. swara gets down..
Swara -" Ok Bye Sanskaar.. C U In 1 hour "
Sanskaar -" U know avi's dat house address ?? "
Swara -" Hmm I know "
Sanskaar -" Ok ill pick u.. be ready we will go together... "
Swara -" Ok Get ready in blue Ok.. come fast ill b waiting "
Sanskaar -" Yeah Ok ill :) "
He leaves n she goes in....
After reaching home he smiles remembering all d movements.. how she came with him n mot with Sam.. her masti her laugh.. her Staring at him ..
-" swara u love me bt u are not aware of ua feelings.. Now I'll never leave u.. I love you.. Yes I Love u.. I love you swara (He says it loudly)
On other side Swara was thinking about him.. How he cared for her... -" Yaar Woh ladki kitni chipku thi.. ese b koi karta h kya .. ese kse hug kr lia...Arey he is a rockstar so esa toh hoga hi na.. pr me itna q soch rahi Hu.. Uuhh leave it ill go mad if I keep on thinking like dz "
She gets ready .. In a royal blue shoulder less knee length frock.. With light white lace work on it.. she leaves her hair open with light curls .. Simple blue and white earrings.. n S pendent gifted by sanskaar ( :p )
It's tym now dey have to leave.. Gets ready n arrived at her place n called her.. -" Swara am waiting out.. If ua ready come "
Swara -" Yeah am ready just two mints "
She comes out n sees sanskaar waiting for him near his black swift car..
She kept staring at him.. He was looking D most handsome n dazzling person in d world.. He was wearing A Royal blue jeans.. A pure white shirt n a royal blue Blazer.. which was adding more hotness to his Hot personality..
He looks at swara ands mesmerised..
Swara comes to him while looking straight to him..
He asked -" wht happened am I not looking gud ,?"
Swara -" Y did u wear dz ??"
Sanskaar -" U said na it's a theme to wear blue so..Acha nahi h kya ?? (Nervous) "
Swara -" No ua looking soo handsome.. "
Sanskaar -" Oh thank god bt fir q bola ki why I weared dz ??"
Swara -" How dat girl hugged u today.. Ua looking So Dazzling.. so koi ladki fir se aakar tumhe hug karegi na is lie "
Sanskaar -" (got d point) no Yaar me kaha Acha dikta hun "
Swara -" No u look Awsm any girl will Go flat on u.. to hug you"
Sanskaar -" ohh Ok.. let dem hug na what's wrong"
Swara -"(forget wht she is saying ) Wht u don't have any problem bt I do have..(understand wht she said ) no I mean.. I mean hmm kya problem ho sakti h "
Sanskaar -" Hmm Ok.. U don't like to hug me.."
Swara -"(quickly) who said "
Sanskaar -" No no one said bt u don't ask na anytime so I said "
Swara -" (Again coming in his talks ) No why should I ask u ua permission to hug u.. ua mine I can hug u any time... (Bechari swara) mera Matlab h my Bst frnd na so y do I need d permission.. "
Sanskaar -" (laughs in mind n says in his mind ) Yeah ua write am urs.. n ua mine only mine.. "
Sanskaar to swara -" hmm Haa..BT swara y did u wear dz dress ?? "
Swara -" Acha nahi h 😥 "
Sanskaar thinks of Ridz farm house party.. How Sam touched her shoulders n ppl looking at her -" No achi h ua looking stunning bt ye dress.. I mean Woh party me.. u know na wht I mean "
Swara -" Yeah I know bt yaha sirf hum 6 frnds hi h so don't worry"
Sanskaar in his mind -" Wahi toh Sam will b here n how he touches u.. I don't like anyone touching u like dat "
Swara -" Kuch kaha kya tumne ?"
Sanskaar -" No kuch nahi calo we are getting Late.. "
Swara -" Hmm yeah calo "
Dey both sit in car
Sanskaar in his mind -" I am here dz tym with u ill not allow any one to touch u.. In such.. u will b always safe with me I promise laddu "
They leave..
Sanskaar -" Swara aaj mere sath dance karogi na ?? "
Swara -"ummm sochungi "
Sanskaar (pout face ) -" Kya U can dance with Sam but not with me it's Ok if ua not comfortable "
Swara -" No I was kidding Yaar .. y not ill dance with you... definitely ill do :) "
Sanskaar -" Hmm Love you laddu .. v se ye pendent Acha lag raha h na ?? "
Swara -" Bht Acha h.. I love it "
Sanskaar -" Akhir choice kiski h ?? (Puts his collar up.. In self prasing manner)
Swara -" Haa baba tumhari h "
They reach D house.. It was all nature decorated.. A bonfire.. With wooden seater.. Moon light.. yeah bt music system.. der was cool breeze..
Sam saw dey arrived he thinks -" Yaar ye sanskaar kuch jyada hi chipak raha h swara se "
Sam was mesmerised seeing swara.. Sanskaar saw it.. He catched Swara's hand.. swara holded back his hand... Sam sees dz and get angry and jls ..
Swara -" Hii Sam "
Sam -" Hi swara .. hi sanskaar...Btw Swara ua looking so hot.. I mean beautiful n see u n me are matching Blue "
Sam was wearing a black jeans n royal blue shirt..
Swara -" Hmm yeah bt me n sanskaar are matching totally isn't it ?? Blue n white.. "
Sam -" Yeah ua (Burning from inside by getting dz answer from her)
Sanskaar gets angry at her compliment.. But he was so happy for d reply swara gave to Sam ..
In short der was a cold war btwn Sanskaar n Sam in der minds.. now let's see swara hoti kiski h ??
Soon all d frnds came.. BT Niel n Neha was not der ..
Swara -" Ridz Where is neha n Niel "
Ridz -" Swara neha will bring Niel.. u know na.. n after celebrating here dey both will go with each other as neha planned a surprise for him "
Swara-" Hmm yeah calo tab tak hum baithte h "
They all goes near bonfire n swara n sit side by side.. Sam watches this.. bt he stares at swara.. Sanskaar notice dz..
They all continue d talk.. and at d time Sam n avi went inside d house to talk something .. .
Avi -" Aaj propose kr De "
Sam -" Haa Bro party k end me ill surely do dat "
Dey again comes back n sit ..
Neha and Niel arrives n... Neha told about Sanskaar to Niel in d way..
All wished him.. Sanskaar hugged Niel n wished him.. der was still 15 ... For 12 .. Sam Ask swara for dance ... Swara looked at sanskaar.. As if she is asking permission.. she dunno y she looked sanskaar dat tym it was not d first time she was dancing with Sam..
Sam took her hand n Song got started..
Kabhi jo badal barse.. me deku tuje ankh we bhar k tu lage Muje phli baarish ki dua.. Tere pehlu me rehlu me khud ko pagal kehlu tu gam De khusiyan seh lu sathiya..
He pulled her n put hands on her waist.. She was a bit uncomfortable.... He then made her go away n pulls her again n lifts him from waist..
All couple joined.. dats Ridz n avi .. neha n Niel..
Sanskaar stood alone..
Sanskaar was burning with jealousy.. His love His Swara was dancing with some other.. Swara also don't want to dance bt he was her frnd so she can't deny..
Koi nahi Tere siva mera yaha manzile h meri toh sab yaha.. mita De sabhi aaja fasle me cahu Muje Muj se baat Le.. zara sa Muj me tu jhank Le me Hu kya ooh ooo ...
Kabhi jo badal barse me dekhu tuje ankhe bhark tu lage Muje phli baarish ki dua..
He places her down n takes a move for other step.. While his hand touches Her shoulders.. Dz Made Sanskaar To Turn Furious BT He Knew His Princess Love Him.. So He Made Calm Him Self...
It was tym for 12 dey stopped dancing... n They cut d cake n enjoyed.. where Sam was trying to b with swara bt Swara's attraction was sanskaar ..
Soon after cutting d cake Niel n neha went..
Swara came to sanskaar... who was angry a Lil bit..
Swara -" Toh sanskaar shall v dance now ?? "
Sanskaar -" do u want to dance with me.. I thought u want dance with ua frnd "
Swara-" Offo sanskaar abb man b jao "
Dey were talking slowly...
Sanskaar -" Ok.. islie I told you not to wear Shoulder less.."
Swara -" Hmm Ok abb calo "
Song started....
Bheegi Bheegi sadko pe me tera Intezar karu
Dheere Dheere Dil ki zameen ko tere hi naam karu..
He catches her right hand wid his left n pulls her slowly..
Khud ko me yu kho du k fir na Kabhi paun
She rotates . Wrapping his hand around her..
Haule Haule ko abb tere hawale karu
He cares her left cheek with his right hand..
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re.
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re
Karam re Karam re tera Muj pe Karam hua re..
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re
He lifts her up.. where he holds her waist.. Her legs are pointed towards his opposite side.. Her hands are snaked on his neck.. She looks into his eyes.. He makes her spin..
Tere kareeb jo hone laga Hu to tute saare bharam re..
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re
Ooo ooo
He puts her down.. dey are dancing without breaking eye contact..
Badalo ki tarah hi toh tune Muj pr saya kia h
He takes one hand in his and n other hid hand on her waist.. Tey are not opposite to each other..
Barishon ki tarah hi toh tune khusiyon se bhigaya h..Andhiyo ki tarah hi toh tune hosh ko uraya h
She keeps her right hand on his left cheek.. Both are lost in each others eyes ... Both rotates round slowly.. slowly..
Mera mukaddar sawara h yu naya savera jo laya h...
Tere sang hi bitane h mujko mere saare Janam re
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re
Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re
Karam re Karam re tera Muj pe Karam hua re.. Sanam re Sanam re tu mera Sanam hua re ...
Swara comes beat him n slowly places her head on his chest.. Both are lost n not in senses wht dey are doing..
Soon song got completed. Dey were still like dat.. later dey separate
Ridz n avi looking dem in shock where as Sam was angry seeing der closeness..
Dey parted..
Sanskaar n swara were smiling looking each other.. soon Sam came .
Sam -" Swara I need to talk to you "
Swasan look at each other
Swara -" Ha bolo "
He gets on his knees n says holding her hand..
-" Swara I really love you a lot.. I love you.. will u accept my love "
precap -" wait till next update"
******To Be Continued******
Finally as promised a long part.. I made totally messy.. its not gud.. my keypad is not working properly ... Well I know I stopped at very imp scene.. bt abb ill write later..
Hwz dz plz tell
Waiting for your precious feedback