Monday, 22 February 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep 46

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 22, 2016 with 39 comments
Swara looks into his eyes and says boldly:" Then let me go Sanskar..."

"I can kill you but won't leave you" Sanskar says sternly.

"then kill me.." Her tone and voice witness of her state of mind.

Sanskar's heart numbs for a moment to listen this.

He suddenly leaves her and goes to balcony, she knows now he would do smoking, she wanna stop him to do

smoking but on the other side, she just wants to go from there.

She stays lean on the bed in the same condition.

On the other side, Sanskar lit his cigarette and her voice is echoing in his mind. His bird wants to fly and he just

wants to cut her feathers. He is thinking why is she think about to fly when he did everything perfectly.

His mind is concluding the reasons of his defeat while his heart is cursing him to act like that she became like just

because of him.

He throws the cigarette and squeezes it with his feet. He touches the flowers and gasps. He didn't see her to enjoy

the beauty of his house or palace. He personally likes wanton type girl. That's why he fell for Meera but Swara was

silent girl and she becomes more and more silent because of his attitude. She could be happy and enjoy

everything. He gave to her if he tried to make her happy.

He hits his fist on the frame of grill and curses himself again to make her like that. He goes to glass wall and sees

her laying in the same state. The repentance is making place in his heart and this time

He was not hurt her personally but when she did anything which hurts his ego, or he was suffering from fit

problem. He couldn't control himself that's why he told her to go outside because he knew how much he became

mad in this state. He doesn't want to harm her but he did and second time in life he accepted his defeat.

He looks her and touches the glass wall, his mind says him to let her go but don't know why his heart sink to think

that she would be gone from his life.

"you wanted me like that? Aren't you? Then I become like this... You should be happy now,  Just as per our deal"

Swara's motionless voice echoes in his mind.

"why am I not happy if she became an obedient girl without any arguments or restrictions?" He asks to himself.

"because you like her as strong and courageous girl as compared to just puppet.  You can't love the dead body but

the soul"

He boggles to listen his answer:" Love..." He whispers slowly and looks her.

But at the next moment, he banishes this thought from his mind and looks her again.

He collects some courage to face her because he wants to do that thing which he never do in his life, not even in

worst condition of his life.

He goes inside the room and she wiggles to feel his presence.

"Swara!..." He calls her, she turns to him..

He thinks:" Should make deal with her to stay there" but at the next moment someone whispers in his heart:"

Don't make it business deal Sanskar Maheshwari! This is your wife, not only client... Don't repeat one mistake

again and again"

He gasps to listen the voice of his heart and slowly sits beside her.

"do you really want to leave me?" He says slowly.

Swara gets up from her place and leans on the the back of bed:" Do you have any doubt?"

Sanskar nods in no:" But why?"

" are you still asking me the reason?" She screeches to listen him.

"I know, I wanna listen to you" he says in slow voice.

Swara stays silent to listen this, she gasps and collects some words to make him understand:" Tell me one thing

Sanskar, you marry a girl, what do you want from that girl?"

Sanskar amused to listen her question because he expected that he would listen lots of complaints in the answer

but answer or question was unexpected.

He gasps and says after thinking for a while:" Loyalty, obedience, happiness from her, she cares about me and

gives me whatever I want. Love and respect etc.." He says finally.

Swara looks him victoriously:" If I marry someone, I expected the same things from my husband, apart from my


Sanskar looks her with amaze, how easily she conveys her complaint without complaining.

Sanskar sighs and looks her. He's collecting courage to say the words, he never said to anyone.

"Hmmm..." He bents his neck and takes a deep breath to say:" I'm agree with you, I couldn't give you these all

things which I expected from you..." He again inhales breath, he thinks that might he would need inhaler.  "I've

accepted my defeat, I was wrong",

Swara is surprised to listen it but she stays emotionless in front of him.

He continues:" Now you've two options, one you said, you wanna leave me then this is legally your house, I would

go from there, you stay here, the servants are reliable, you shouldn't worry about anything. Not about money or

anything else... If you feel to take div..." His tongue stagger to say this word but he says again " if you wanna take

divorce.. Then also this house would be yours with all stuff and anything, if you stay in marriage then I wouldn't

come to you, but you would my responsibility and I would fulfill my responsibilities without hurting you"

He gasps and opens draws of his bed's side table. He takes out inhaler to take a breath, Swara hurts to see it, the

overwhelming feelings is encircling her. Now she forgets all things he did with her, just wants to hug him and says:"

Don't go..." But someone scolds her in her heart "you can't be weak at the end of this battle"

She hardly hides her emotions from her face and stays motionless.

"you can't walk without woman in your bed, what would you after it?" She asks motionlessly.

Sanskar looks her, he doesn't think about anything and he says truth to her:" Don't know.. But it's confirm, I won't

touch any girl until you're in this marriage"

"then why did you call Shanaya at that night?" She asks.

Sanskar gasps:" Oh! That time I was mentally unstable and she could handle me without touching her, she's expert

of it how to handle me without making repentance"

Swears relieves to listen him but says nothing because she doesn't want to leave him from the bottom of her


"now its time to say him what do you want Swara" her inner voice whispers.

She's about to say something when Sanskar says:" But you've other option too.."

Swara looks him questioningly.

Sanskar says in one breath:" Give me a one chance.."

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  1. Yes..yes...sanskar accepted his defeat that too in front of swara.....second option surprised me....he is not so badddd...or he is moving away from bad....

  2. saba its awsm episode.waiting for next part.pls upload as soon as possible..

  3. Amazing episode saba I loved the last line of the episode

  4. Saba I am so so greedy ur giving very quick uploads but I am so greedy plz upload the next episode as soon possible I am very excited to know swaras reaction

  5. Wow saba
    its really really fantastic superb amazing awesome one.
    Finally swara got what she want.
    And am damn sure she will change him completely a good guy.
    Sanskar's each and every words shows his pain of her scilence,
    his mind accepts his love for her, soon his heart also accept it.
    I expect this one from u Am so happy soo happy.
    And plz give him one last chance
    dont seperate them plz plz plz...

  6. it was like wow and so happy to read the episode
    make swara give him one more chance and sanskar understands her importance in his life ..just waiting for the next episode and thanks for the fast update words or speechless for ure story

  7. Pls pls pls upload the next part asap..pls pls..Can't wait. :D

  8. M still nor satisfied with his behavior.. Would like to wait for next episode. Ya but nua unexpected change is his behavior. Sanskar Maheshwari accepting his defeat is not digestible n that's ahy will wait for few more episodes. N as usual Swara and Saba rocked...

  9. Wow... Finally Mr. Sanskar M bows down to his love.... and yes he loves her and is asking for a chance... wow... Sanskar asking for a chance... Love u Saba... u are a super writer... please give us daily updates...

  10. M still nor satisfied with his behavior.. Would like to wait for next episode. Ya but nua unexpected change is his behavior. Sanskar Maheshwari accepting his defeat is not digestible n that's ahy will wait for few more episodes. N as usual Swara and Saba rocked...

  11. Saba apa thank u soooo much if possible pls update next part pls swara give him one chance don't separate them

  12. Thanku sooo much Saba, fir uploading it so soon well, I'm very much surprised with sanskaar's behaviour I mean how can he accept his defeat so soon well, swara score' s n extra point for putting some sense in his mind ...well I'm happy that he listened to his heart nd not head it well , call me greedy but plzz upload d next part soon can't wait to know if swara would give sanskaar another chance or will ask him to prove himself for it ....

  13. Thnks dear Saba for uploading it so soon..
    Its really amazing episode.. mainly reaction of Sanskar I just loved it... waiting eagerly for the next epi.. Love u dear for giving us such an amazing story... I m great fan of ur writings.. Roja

  14. But why he is asking second chance??????????????/

  15. Saba one more time u killed it by ur writing words for u the way u shape sanskar character it just 2 good .I don't have a word for u......hats off dr .plz plz upload next part as soon as

  16. Thanks for d update saba......the last line was fab loved it u rock asap

  17. Wow nice epi today saba... u showed us that evil sanski too have have heart wr he had emotions stil lying behind in deep.. he ws not able to bear her silence nd diz made him to take few decision... nd his defeat ws awesome scene asking swara to give him ine chance... swara now ball is in ur court... u can change him completly by ur care love silence... amazing epi saba... u rock..

  18. Superb....
    Sometimes we know d value of people when they keep distance from us.....
    Here our devil can't bare this emotionless swara...who used to argue /restrict...
    Good to see...
    I know he won't change suddenly...
    He couldn't accept her absence....
    He loves this legal relation....bcz now he too hve his own family...
    Nowadays he is having peaceful sleep....
    He don't want to lose it...
    Even he is not admitting frankly,he was longing 4 family(his own family)...
    To cover that longingness he used to wear a mask of emotionalness devil.....
    Now he got he don't want to lose it easily...
    Only problem is his inner devil in d memory of his horrible past....
    Awesome dear...
    One of d best episode...

  19. Wat happened to ur mail id sister????no reply...

    1. dear my eamil id is ok, you can mail me whenever you want

  20. Nice fiction....but one request, pls change the background image as it effects my eyes a lot while reading, pls put some plain background

  21. Heyy plz make it fast.. Eagerly waitn fo d nxt epi.. Actuly nw a dayz u r updating early so m being a lil greedy.. I m a silent regular reader n I adore it mch... U r amazing dea!!

  22. thanks alot all of you guys! and which backgroud are you talking about Solanki?

  23. Hey u super gal....u r jzz way awesum...if u publish dis as a book ..i'l b d 1st 1 to read it.......tq fr ur wonderful update once again...candy ... :* :* :* :* :*

  24. Which looks like some old home n tv is there. I can recognize that only. Background of ur blog..

  25. dear i can only change the fot now because uf i would change bg i ve to do settig again... but ill try to change after some time

  26. super... plz update next part sooooo

  27. Saba dear plz update next part soon we r eagerly waiting to know about swara's response...

  28. Hi Saba,

    Please update the next part dear....

  29. Saba dear plz update

  30. pls update next part Saba apa I'm eagerly waiting for this

  31. Saba it's much better now. Thanks.

  32. Saba pls upload next part,pls saba,as soon as you cancan pls pls pls

  33. saba apa pls update next part i'm eagerly waiting pls pls pls

  34. Hey dr when ll u upload nxt part of swasan n i m hope ☺

  35. Pls update next part saba dear plzz plzz update asap

  36. Pls update next part saba dear plzz plzz update asap
