Friday, 5 February 2016

Yaaram ep 11

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with No comments

That time a minor incident happened that turn into a big problem. An other group approached her and few other class fellows of her. They wanted to arrange party for the new classes. And they gave this opportunity to university students to arrange party so that they could earn ponds in few hours. Her few class fellows and she said yes to them. They've to manage every arrangement of party from decoration to serving. Party was arranged in the house of one of them and that house was located in almost depopulated area.
Early evening, they arranged everything. Their remaining work was serve the food to every guest which was arranged far from tables.
"you seems like Pakistani" Erik and his friends suspected on her.They came there to see the management of party.
"I'm also Pakistani" she felt offence.
"no.. I mean to say.. They're fearing... Actually they're so much fearing"
Amraha:" Who afraid?"
Erik:" Many of the students whom will come in the party"
Amraha:" Are they have Pakistani phobia?"
Erik:" No.. Maybe yes...actually news, tv and media spoiled their mind... Please don't offence but they're people of weak belief, they believed what they watched in news and you're muslim too... They're afraid from bomb blasting"
Amraha:" afraid of bomb blasting... I'm muslim? What do you mean of your words? I also afraid from bomb blasting but I don't tell you this thing" she didn't understand.
Erik:" Look! You minded, you're taking us wrong.. No any bomb is gonna be blast there... I mean nothing would happened then why are you fearing?"
Amraha:" Is there any chance to happen anything.. Are you frightening you?"
Erik:" I'm just telling you because some students uncles and fathers are in police department, you don't worry, I'm just telling you"
Amraha felt dizzy:" What do you mean to say and making me understand ?"
Erik:" Nothing... I'm just sharing things to you"
Amraha:" This isn't a way of sharing ideas, you're starring me suspiciously. You're thinking that I'm gonna bomb blast there... What type of joke is this?"
Erik:" No! We're not talking about it, you're thinking don't know what?"
Amraha:" Yes! You didn't say straight but it was mean to say the same dangerous thing"
Erik:" Don't need to be afraid.  Your color is turning to pale from now?"
Amraha:" What do you mean now?" She turned into pale.
They became confused:" Nothing.. We're just sharing ideas"
Amraha:" You're sharing dangerous thoughts. And I don't like this type of thing"
She starred her work but in her heart, she terrified that if anything will happen there, they'll blame to her and then police and then...? .
In lawn, they also arranged DJ in an upper side same like clubs. When day turned into dark, then twist lights increased twist of party. They checked DJ sounds which were dangerously high. Blue, yellow, green, red twist lights started to move.
Guests were coming and they served soft drinks on tables. They had to serve meal after two hours.
One hour passed, second too then they were arranged meal on tables. DJ experienced with light music which were liked by Amraha. She was about to put tray of glasses when Erik called her.
She was about towards him when the bomb blast was happened. The sound of blast was tearing the eardrums. Amraha fell on floor badly. She heard the bomb blast with screaming of humans. Then there was one minute silent. Amraha was never afraid so much in her life which she was afraid from that blast. She hardly stood up and other were also trying to move to their place. This was a horrible scene. Not because bomb blast was happened because everyone was starring her. She was wear long shirt with jeans and Erik told her that she had to do work with coveting head. So she covered her head with scarf.
She thought that it was her misunderstanding that everyone was starring her. But as she took a glance of her surrounding, her misunderstanding turned into reality because they were frozen on their place and starring her.
One of them pointed out to her with his shivering finger:" You.. You do this"
This little sentence was blasted on her head. She started to imagine in vary second about nine eleven, London blasts, news of tv and newspapers, documentaries, everything were mixing  in her mind and everyone started to say "you do this" her face showed her fear.
"no.. I don't know" she murmured but she couldn't answer them because of fear. She thought that she'll not utter any word in her whole life. And then the other blast was happened same like the first one.  She closed in ears by her fingers. The crowd of many glass pieces showered on her and she heard the moaning voice of girls and boys. This time she didn't fall, she stayed stand on floor but with horrible style. The sound of police cabs and fire brigade were echoed in whole environment. She could hear the voice of burning fire.
"she tied one bomb with herself" someone screamed and everyone was trying to stay away from her.
She was not believe in everything and she could hear the voice of police cab which was coming to her. Her misfortune did bomb blast in her party. She could imagine her photo in tomorrows newspaper and guessed about the news of tv. Few thousands Muslims would taken rally for her and court will tell their decision.  Her family would cursed her and she became terrorist although she was innocent. What would happen to her? She'll must die. She was started screaming from her full courage and like mad.
"I didn't do anything.. Didn't" she said five times in one second and still she was screaming. Group of every students which scattered around her, started to starring her.
"are you listening all? I didn't do anything" she said with her full courage and they were watching her like they were watching stage show.
"you.. Your media, your tv channels, all are lying.. You're making fool to this world, we're not terrorist, you're terrorist because you raised the frustration of people. You're the rotten apple, and I'm not so much fool that you blame on me and jailed me.. I'll kill all of you, I'm not terrorist"
She set on grass and started to cry with full sound. And this sound was raising every minute. The sound of police cab and fire brigade was stopped at once. Only her crying sound was echoed in party. And they were starring her like they were watching horror movie.
"this was practical joke with you"
She lifted her head on the familiar voice. She looked towards the voice. It was Aliyan who was enjoying the cocktail by sitting on a chair. He said this words in a calm attitude like he was watching opera.
"practical joke" she shocked to listen this. She couldn't believe that anyone could do this type of practical joke.
Aliyan:" After third blast, they would told you.. These seniors and juniors.."
"shut up.." She said in a full voice and then she pointed out everyone and said "shut up" to them individually.
"you.. British.. White people.. Rule to world.. You do what you wanted to do..  You consider us as slaves. You joked whenever you want and whenever you want made us slave. What do you think to us? Firstly, you came in our country, then ruled over us, insulted us and now you're making us terrorist. You envy with us that might be we would developed more than you"
Every person used their mother tongue for counting and abusing..  So she also started to shout on then in Urdu. Aliyan was translating with her:" You white people... Came to our country and we hosted you, made you king and gifted you koh-e-noor before leaving" Aliyan translated her words in his own way which raged her more. Amraha didn't have time to handle Aliyan this time.
"what do you consider yourself ? Yes! Tell ms.. You're most honorable and virtuous man.. And we're illiterate, uneducated, terrorist..huh?  Muslims are not terrorist? You and your nation made us terrorist.. An infant child is also terrorist if he's muslim.." Amraha's rage was touching to cloud nine. After finding her furious, no one had courage to say any word to her.Aliyan became silent and didn't translate her words.
"translation please" someone said from corner.
Amraha:" You only find this joke for practical joking? What you did in Guantanamo Bay?"
"they were  American" Aliyan said.
"they were tyrant and tyrants were not belong to any nation.. These all are same like them" she said while weeping and her eyes flowing the flood of tears. .
"translation please" someone said again. She looked everyone in full rage and this time she said in English:" If I get heart attack from this joke then? You're so much cruel that you planned this type of horrible prank, damn on you.. You're so small people.. You studied in great universities and you learned this thing? You all are dirty and illiterate.. You insulted me... Go to hell you all.. You spent so much ponds in these blasts, you can use that ponds.."
"we didn't spend ponds on it, it was happened like that" DJ pushed the button and she heard the sound. Allah saved them from evil eyes that how much they're talented.
" these crystals.. These were of hard crystal sheet" she threw that crystal on DJ and shouted:" May god break your fingers, may you all become deaf"
Aliyan came to her:" Relax.. It's enough now, stop it"
She became more angry:" Stop your nonsense" she again started crying like she cried before coming here. She knelt down and her tears were flowing into her eyes and they all encircled around her. But they didn't have any courage to go near to her who became tigress that time. It was practical joke and it became more practical. Now she was crying and everyone was looking her with shame.
Aliyan stood up and came to her:" They were just joking, forgive them"
But she was still sobbing.
Aliyan:" Please forgive them"
She lifted the eyes which were cried and sobbed from years, and looked Aliyan with them.
Aliyan numbed to see her. He did never see any eyes which have so much pain, sorrow, anger and grief at the same time. He saw black eastern eyes but he didn't see then complain in eastern black eyes. She was looking her with complaint in her eyes that he's the one who could speak Urdu and his name shown him Muslim.
Aliyan became silent to see her and his brown eyes complaint to him that they shouldn't go to these black eyes. So if he had done this, so he would have to face the horrible end of this.
If mundane love has any pet name, it would be rage of beloved's eyes ad if any pet name of crying, dark eyes, it would be Amraha.
Aliyan was hardly remembered that where he was and it was harder for him to took off his eyes from those tear filled eyes. He stood up suddenly and stepped back of two footsteps. And then he again ran towards her nd set again in front of her.
Master Bali was playing the melody of spring on his clarinet.


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