Wednesday, 10 February 2016

I'm hope ep9

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 3 comments

Recap:" Umeed asked Faraz to make pair with her and he agreed"
Umeed:" Oh! Thank you Faraz! I need to participate with the camp, you don't know what you did for me"
Faraz starred her smile with all his concern and smiled her back:" You don't need to say thanks because I can do anything for your one smile" Umeed downed her eyes to listen it and said:" Faraz! Remember your promise please, our pair is only for this camp, always remember that and don't remind any memory of our past" her tone was bit rude, Faraz got his limit and purposelessly crossed his fingers into his hairs.
"I know my limit Umeed very well!" This time his tone was much serious.
Umeed:" Good for you"
"hmm..." He was about to turn when Umeed called him:" Faraz!" He turned and she said again:" We've to go for registering our name there and make plan for our stall"
Faraz silently nodded and signed her to lead him. They started to walking towards camp.
The bright sun was showering hs rays on them and the rays were encircling around her body.
In those days, she was so much busy with Faraz, office responsibility and this extra activity tired her so much.
She spent most of her time with Faraz but except necessary work, he didn't do any extra conversation with her and she was satisfied to be with him.
Daddy agreed for the engagement of Romana and those days, she was shopping for her engagement. Mummy also ordered special dress for Umeed also because it was assumption that they got her alliance on that party too.
But because of her tough schedule, she didn't have any time to see shopping, although daddy specially sent her with Arman to get her dress and tell her mother that either she liked this or not.
It was simple parrot green frock with printed pink flowers embroidery. She liked the dress for party because mummy ordered it according to her taste.
She took dress from boutique and went to their festival directly. It was final day of their festival, they were arranged stall of handy craft items. Faraz knew many women who did handmade work and they've no any way to sell their items. Because of his mother, social work and father's election, he knew so much and she found him so much matured more than her thought.
They were completed their work, now many of the students went towards the concert where the well known singer was showing his talent.
Faraz:" I love this singer!" They can hear the music from distance too.
"I know" Umeed said unintentionally to collect the remaining stuff.
They were purchasing remaining stuff to sponsor the camp as well as helping those women. So Umeed collected all stuff in one shopping bag.
Faraz looked her with amazed that it meant , she remembered everything but she was only pretending.
Umeed lifted her face to him:" Yes! I remember, you were crazy for this singer"
Faraz smiled brightly to listen it because now still there was hope to renew their friendship but for him, it was more than friendship.
"hey Faraz! You're here" one girl came to their counter, Umeed and Faraz looked to her.
She was a smart girl in jeans and black flowy top.
Faraz smiled to see her and did handshake with her. Umeed looked them with offence because she didn't like the closeness of that type between boys and girls. But there were also manu girls, who openly and easily did this.
Faraz:" Laila! What are you doing here?"
Laila:" I came here for concert, I guessed that I'll find you here because your favourite singer is here but I didn't expect you to working here"
Faraz turned to Umeed:" She's my friend Laila.." Umeed greeted her. He turned to Laila:" She's Umeed"
He only introduced her by her name, Umeed felt awkward what to say next but she could clearly seen that Laila's face color changed to listen her name.
Laila:" Oh finally! You got her"
Faraz looked Umeed with fear and signed her through his eyes to shut her mouth but she didn't do that.
Laila came to her and hugged her:" I'm happy that finally, he got his childhood friend and love..." Her words were shocking for Umeed but main thing was that  her tone was mixture of sarcasm with happiness.
Umeed didn't know that either she was really happy to see that or only pretending to be happy.
Umeed:" Sorry...?"
Faraz again came to her and held her hand to took a side.
He said something to Laila but Umeed was still working because that time she was only wanted to finish her work as soon as possible.
Both came to her and Laila said:" Sorry Umeed... I took you wrong, it was his another friend which I got you"
Umeed took a glance of her and closed the boxes to put them in cart.
She upped her face and looked into her eyes to say slowly:" Faraz had only childhood friend and it was me and if you search on facebook, you would know that in Pakistan, only I bore the name of Umeed"
She said and carried the cart without asking the help to Faraz.
It was bit heavy and Faraz excused his friend to come to her for helping.
Umeed:" Go and give time to your friend"
Faraz silently took the handle of cart from her pulled it to towards their car.
She said nothing and the small distance was passed silently.
Faraz arranged the stuff in her car a d turned to her:" Calculation is still remained"
Umeed murmured with absent mind:" Yes! Calculation is still remained"
Faraz gasped:" If you don't mind then may I drop you, we can do calculation also"
Umeed nodded in no:" I've s function at my home, so I've not much time for it"
Faraz opened the door of her car for her:" Then?"
Umeed set and looked him:" Then... On the day of meeting, I came two hours later for calculation"
Faraz nodded:" As you wish"
Umeed closed the door of car and leaved while Faraz starred her car until it vanished from his sight.
Mummy gave her responsibility to go with Romana to parlour and come with her.
Romana was  wearing pink and golden suit and after makeup she looked extremely beautiful that Umeed also mesmerized to see her beauty and hugged her unintentionally:" When did you grow up Romana? That now today you're gonna engage with someone"
Romana smiled and slowly dragged her:" Please Umeed api! You'll spoil my makeup"
Umeed smiled to listen her and slowly pat on her head:" Now stand up! We've to go hotel, otherwise we'll late"
She supported her and they went to function.
She was busy in arrangement and daddy were introducing her to his business partners and friends. She already knew many of them.
When daddy and mummy cut the cake and she took a piece of cake and went to one corner, when someone came to her.
It was beautiful lady, wearing golden saree and tying her hairs beautifully.
"are you Umeed?" Lady said and Umeed could say that she did never hear this type of melodious voice in her life.
Umeed nodded slowly, she hugged her:" Nice to meet you, I saw you today and I decided you and I really impressed to you, from your potential and your passion..."
Umeed smiled slowly, this type of words are common for her but this time she puzzled to listen it because she knew the purpose of this party.
She talked with her and leaved for a moment, mom was came to her and pointing out on many boys, whose parents were want to come for her proposal.
She listener her carelessly because she didn't want all this. She looked her mummy and hoped that maybe she pointed out on her sister that she wanted Umeed for her son (Shayan). But she knew that it's completely impossible because mummy's relatives were not like her because of her real parents.
She gasped and suddenly mummy saw the would be groom of Romana and leaved, she had no interest to see the person of Romana. She thought that she saw Shayan here but she took it as her allusion. But a hope raised in her heart that might be  he has arrived in Pakistan and came here to attend her cousin engagement party or her aunt's anniversary.
She attended her guests when she saw Faraz, unintentionally she uttered a word:"you're here" she was amazed to see him there.
Faraz smiled to see her as he was already known that she would be there.
"yes! My mom and dad are invited here"
Umeed:" You never go in parties, where your mom and dad invited"
Faraz smiled bit with victory:" You still remember"
Umeed looked to mom who was receiving gifts from guests.
She nodded in no and about to leave but that lady called her who met her before.
"Umeed! Sit with us for sometime" she said.
Umeed looked Faraz and felt uncomfortable because the fear of her childhood was not leaved her yet. She unintentionally afraid from that her daddy  would see them together and again take their relationship in wrong direction.
Faraz turned to that lady:" You enjoy with your host, just excuse me" he felt her condition and leaved that table.
Lady turned to her:" Is Faraz your childhood friend right?"
Umeed didn't understand what to answer but that lady again said:" I saw your pictures with him and when I saw you in this function, I recognized you and because of your name, I became assured about it"
Umeed gasped that there's no use to saying wrong but she was confused that how did she know this?
Umeed:" Sorry I don't recognize you"
That lady:" I'm Mrs of Haroon Agha, the business tycoon and chairman of chamber of commerce, recently he involved in election.."
Umeed nodded, she commonly met this type of people and she was used to meeting with them from childhood.
Lady continued:" But I'm also mother of Faraz"
Her eyes widened to listen it but she became normal after a minute.
She felt something fishy to talk with that woman or mother of Faraz.
Mummy called her because they were about to start ritual of Romana and as a sister,she should be there.
She went to there and happily met with guests and turned to in laws of Romana. It was her mummy's sister.
Umeed thought:" Maybe she took Romana for her younger son because he's the age of Romana..."
She thought and made sit Romana with her groom and shocked to see Shayan on the  chair of her fiance.
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  1. Umeed and Faraz are connected even for small period through this camp. Faraz won't cross his limits as by knowing her from beginning of college he never crossed that limit. Laila part was funny and the way she covered up is commendable.shayan and Faraz came to the same party.. And the way umeed had remembered each small parts of Faraz was eye catching. Really like a soulmate. Umeed's fear regarding nearness about Faraz is understood as the childhood incident was still hunting her and also that may affect relation with her dad.. Eager to how Shayan will reciprocate to this situation and Romana must want to destroy her sister umeed for this.. Waiting for next

  2. Fabulous dear.I like the proses of narreting story it is simple English and easy to understand and we can imagine the characters......sravani

  3. Fabulous dear.I like the proses of narreting story it is simple English and easy to understand and we can imagine the characters......sravani
