Wednesday, 10 February 2016

swasan a path hate to love ep7

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 3 comments

Sanskar was at his cabin, after that last incident, he stopped following her and took every information about her to know about her weakness and this was her family and he made plan to take benefit from her weakness because it's the best work he knows very well to do and he did this thing perfectly.
He called his secretary to send his manager Suree to his cabin.
Suree came  inside his cabin and he signed him to sit.
Suree:" You called me sir!"
Sanskar gave him a file:" This is gdggn of approval of your loan for your marriage"
Suree became happy to listen it:" Thank you sir! Thank you so much"
Sanskar raised his hand:" No need to say thanks because I've a work for you"
Suree:" Ok sir!"
Sanskar:" In wedding, commonly females to do so much shopping of dresses"
Suree:" Yes sir!"
Sanskar:" Now you would go to one particular shop which address my secretary give you and give the owner of shop a big order of saree, big mean which profit can  change their life and which lose can give them big shock... Are you understanding what I'm saying to you"
Suree:" Yes sir!"
Sanskar:" Good! I would pay the bill of your order, you can leave there"
He leaved and Sanskar smiled with proud with all his evilness.
Sanskar was at home at dining table when Shanaya came his home.
Sanskar looked him:" Welcome sweetie! Your timing is perfect!"
Shanaya set with him and looked Lavanya who was serving Sanskar.
Shanaya turned to her:" Lavanya! Would you please leave us" Lavanya nodded with obedience and leaved.
Shanaya started to serve him his dinner and took out for her also.
Shanaya took a first bite:" Finally! You're gonna marry someone... Well! By the way what date do you decide for this purpose?"
Sanskar:" Actually I don't yet decided any particular date for it, because I want to make her down first when that arrogant beg me to marry her"
Shanaya laughs to listen it:" You're such a devil Sanskar! I can see her future and also I'm worried, how would she handle you?"
Sanskar:" I'll make her handle me, don't worry Sanskar has always solution of every problem"
Shanaya:" I know Mr. perfect, but I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about her"
Sanskar laughed to listen it:" Yes you should be!"
Shanaya raised her hands:" Oh! Finally! I'm getting rid of you"
Sanskar:" Would you miss me?"
Shanaya:" What do you mean miss me? I'll with you always"
Sanskar:" Yeah! But in that aspect, you know that very well! Loyalty come first for me in every relationship"
Shanaya:" You don't need to say like that because you're my mirror and we don't need to explain our mirror that how we are!"
Sanskar smilesd to listen it and hugged her.
Sanskar was going on right path of his plan. When he got know that Shekhar drew money from bank, he sent his men to robbed him, he knew very well, his house was kept as mortgage for gaining loan from bank. Now he was empty hand and he got a golden chance when he got know that Ragini came his office for seeking job. He got new idea and he asked her to give demo  of one day because he wanted her to engage her in office and ordered his secretary to don't let her making call someone.
He again went to house of Swara and waited for her to come out from his house.
She came out for some work and he stepped out from his car and came towards her.
Sanskar smirked:" Hello miss Gadodia! "
Swara fumed to see him in front of his house, many of people noticed this because of his car.
Swara:" What the hell are you doing here"
Sanskar:" I've come to see the condition of your father"
Swara's face became pale to listen it but she tried to control her emotions:" How do you know this?"
Sanskar downed his neck:" Because it was just because of me"
Swara's mouth opened to listen it:" You're just a ....." She didn't understand what word is suitable for this man.
Sanskar:" You can praise my mind.... Wwll! I came here to inform you that Ragini is under my custody, and she'll not come home tonight, you know I can do everything which you never imagined"
Swara shouted:" You're lying"
Sanskar:" I never tell a lie... Well! If you don't confirm then I can show you the video of her and yeah! It's useless to call police for it"
Swara looked her helplessly:" What do you want?"
Sanskar set on his car and gave her his car:" I don't want anything but soon, you'll want something from me.... Well! See you soon" he started car and rushes away.
Swara shouted behind him:" Go to hell"
Swara came inside the home where sumi was walking with tension as she saw her, she came towards her:" Swara! Someone called me that he kidnapped Ragini, if we would not give 5 millions then they'll not leave her"
Swara shocked to listen it because the same Sanskar was said.
They waited till night maybe she'll come but she didn't. Shekhar asked for her many time but due to his health condition, they didn't tell anything to him..
At the night, when no one helped her in this regard, she decided to give Sanskar what he wanted from her, because the ego can't become more important than family. She rented an auto and told her family that she was going to bring Ragini at home.
Swara came his house and asked for Ragini.
Sanskar came down and saw the clear defeat on her face but there's also rage on her face and he wanted to finish it completely.
Sanskar:" Welcome home miss Gadodia! Well! I'll release her but first give me price of it"
Swara:" I'll give you whatever you want, I accept your proposal. Just leave my sister and family"
Sanskar set on couch and pulled his one leg on other:" Hmmm... I'll think about it because now I'm not interesting to marry you... But as I can see, you're beautiful and I'm beauty admirer. So if you convince me to marry you, I'll..."
Swara downed her eyes but suddenly she looked him up and set on a couch opposite to her:" Look Mr Maheshwari! I'm the one who you wanted to marry... You know why? Because you can't get me without it... But now ball is on your court so I'm giving you my proposal to you, for it, you've to support my family and stand with my father like son... If you do this, then I promise, you'll get said everyone has a price and this is my price"
Sanskar smiled to listen her:" I like your courage... Well! I'm accepted your proposal but this time you gave me proposal then this time it'll do on my conditions"
Swara upped her face to him and said:" And what's that?"
Sanskar:" Only one condition, after marriage you've to do whatever I said to you... Without any restriction or objection"
Swara thought for a moment:" Ok deal"
Sanskar:" Done! And I'm not so bad to kidnap any girl... She came my office for seeking job... She's safe but if try to divert to your words, how much I can become so much bad of betrayer, you don't know"
Swara wanted to divert from her words but she recalled his words and thought about the condition of her father and accepted her defeat.
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  1. Saba u have written this episode earlier also but it was a bit different from that but it was nice

  2. Saba u have written this episode earlier also but it was a bit different from that but it was nice

  3. I love the stories that you write on this seventh episode. Thanks writers, authors may want to visit my post can click on this
