Wednesday, 10 February 2016

True Love - 1st episode

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 10, 2016 with 13 comments

1st episode

This love story start from one institute; Early morning Azlan khan as routine awoke their in bed and ready to go for a new classes, He reached at new institute and went to clerk office to know about his new classes. Clerk gave address to class and Azlan followed the address and reached his new class first he knock the classroom door and say Salam to all and enter to sit the chair.
One of the teacher gave instruction to all new batch students with introduction. Azlan khan is little bit shai person he silently listen to the introduction of student with their aims, know turn of Azlan khan he standup respectfully and introduced by self-Mr. Azlan khan and am a bachelor and my aim is businessman & etc. etc. Still he continue the introduction suddenly classroom door is open & one girl entered and say salaam then sit in the free chair beside the girls portion. Azlan complete his introduction then last turn who enter the classroom which one is fariya she stand and introduced herself name is fariya she’s also bachelor and her aim is writer etc. etc., All students are new and watch each other faces. Azlan khan think in his heart K this class is bour he bhug his classes then he hear the break bell after listening bell all students faces were glowing and teacher said ok student we will meet after the half hour break.
As told you this institute is new for all no one know about the canteen (Cafeteria); then Azlan khan saw the most people are going to be in north side then he also decide ok go there side. On half way he saw yes there is one big cafeteria and he feel hungry he entered the cafe he saw the counter is full with student and crowd give me first give me (Mujhe dydo phele mujhe dydo)    he stand half mint there. And decide no need for buy anything because if he bought something he late for his classes then he decide ok now visit the institute what’s new here he visit the library mosque park hostel and other places after that his legs was hurt then he went his classroom again & he saw the all student are there and also teacher then he feel shai k why he come late and show his bad expression in class. Ok then teacher again starts their lecture. And Azlan khan mind and eyes walking in his classroom he saw the students face one by one and think who is my best friends and watched the girls which one is hot as usually boy’s thinking. After that class is off and teacher  was given time to student  for chit chat each other and know about the student each other first girls are start with girls as usually chaper chaper and boys are also starting with boy’s and usual show there muscle means I have car i have this this and this. After that class is over and boy’s exit there rooms and goes back homes.
Next day again one by one enter class with glown faces and clothes with confidence and start lecture  as routine and take interest to study. Days were going like this after few days azlan khan and some other boy’s make one group sit together and chit chat.
Girls also make there groups and same chit chat.  TO BE CONTINUE IN NEXT EPISODE.


  1. Guys’ two three episode are going be like this after that you guys enjoy much more & I need your support or comments after that I will continue my story.

  2. Saba its good keep on continuing

  3. Nice starting dear,,,

  4. good one....plzzzzzzzz tell me how to post an ff here......plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  5. Hey guys! Thanks for supporting, but this story is not mine but my friend and he's shy to show his name, I'll convince him to show his name then this story will publish on his name
    And dear anonymous, you can send your ff on this mail

  6. nc story saba i really liked it.....tell ur friend dnt be shy.....thanks for new ff...

  7. but yar how do i send this to u???i dnt have an email address.

  8. and i had posted on submit ur article but its not posted yet....its been a it ur page??

  9. hey saba plzzzzzz post swasan ff plzzz and make that long i am unable to wait plzzz~sneha

  10. Its good saba continue dear............sravani

  11. Hey dear! Sorry I think there's little bit problem, you can send me on fb this is link of my fb

  12. nice story.both of u r fabulous writer.pls upload nxt part of swasan

  13. Hey Friends, am read your comments and complication thank you for this all,
    And And am not a shai person as told you Ms. Saba, actully I will show my name soon when the success of my life first story.

    once again Thank you All speacial Ms. Saba who allow me.
