Friday, 5 February 2016

Swasan a path hate to love ep 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with 1 comment
Sanskar lifts her before falling and brings her towards the room.

He calls Dr and intercoms Lavanya to wakes her up.

Dr comes and checks up her, after checking her vein, she comes to him and looks him with deplorable expression.

She says:" Mr Maheshwari! I didn’t expect this type of act from you, she’s so weak. Might be she was starving from two days to three days, instead of caring her, you did with her.. because of physical weakness, she could not bear all this. I didn't expect this inhuman act from you"

She sees him in anger and says again.:”well! if you want to see her alive, then take care of her, and don't go close to her until she recovers from her weakness”

Sanskar feels bit guilt in her heart but at next moment he banishes the guilt.

He orders Lavanya to make soup for her and give medicine her after the meal. Lavanya nodes and leaves.

He comes out from the room and looks her from the window. Lavanya makes her sit and gives her juice while she continuously says that she doesn't want to take.
He looks her and calls someone.


It was small but beautiful and clean house of Gadodias.

The whole family are gathered at the dining table. But the face of each person is sad moreover they're not eating anything because they’re missing Swara. A beautiful girl named Ragini says:"maa papa! Dada ji dadi! Please eat something, after breakfast first, Then  we’ll go to meet swara! Otherwise, we'll not go. Today she would come here for the ritual. Please don't be sad you al! Otherwise, I'll start crying and look! I'm still here”

Shekhar looks her with the sad smile and says:”After your marriage, you’ll leave us too and we would live alone” everyone gets emotional to listen to it.

Ragini stands up from her seat and hugs him and tries to console him while she hears the ring of her phone.

She picks up  the phone and happy to see the number of Sanskar’.

Ragini:”good morning jiju! How are you and how's our swara? Where's she?” Everyone's concentration diverts on her after hearing the name of Swara and Sanskar.

Sanskar:”Ragini! I’m well but your sister isn’t well, I actually I need your help because your sister is angry with me and now she’s not eating anything to annoy me, so please, if possible, you all come here and convinces her to eat anything.  She would definitely listen to you and stop annoy me. You don't know how much I'm worried about her”

Ragini:”but today, she should come here according to ritual”

Sanskar:”Actually, I'm the liberal man who doesn't believe in this type of rituals and this is also because I don't want to leave her for one hour and you’re talking about one day. So, I think this the same condition, either you’ll come her or we would visit you , the main thing is we would meet each others.?”

Ragini:” you're right but first, let me ask from elders” she tells to everyone what Sanskar wants.

Dadi isn't agreed but Shekhar convinces her.

Ragini:”OK jiju! We’re coming to your home in one hour”

Sanskar greets her and  disconnects the call. He orders his driver to bring the family of Swara.

After an hour, Gadodia's family arrive at the mansion of Sanskar.

He takes a blessing of elders and greets Ragini.

Sanskar says to her:”Thanks, dear to convince everyone to come here, now give me a favour.. Go to kitchen and Lavanya will give you a meal and make eat that meal to Swara, and one more thing kindly don't take my name, otherwise she would not eat! So..”

Ragini smiles and feels happiness on Swara’s fortune that she gets such a  lovely husband.

Ragini hesitates and says:”I please to do this but I hesitate because... I mean it's your home then how am I? ”

He understands her hesitation and smiles:" Ragini, you’re just like my sister, don't hesitate, do what you want, if you want something else, tell Lavanya without hesitation and she'll give” Ragini nods and leaves.

She brings soup for Swara and greets her. Swara glades to see her and asks.:”when were you come here?”

Ragini:”jiju called me and asked me to come here”

She praises Sanskar and tells everything which Sanskar told her on the phone.

Swara tries to smile but she can't. On the other side, she also feels relief from her family side that her family is satisfied from her side.

Ragini  makes her drink soup and after that gives her breakfast too.

Swara:”I know your intention that you  want to make me fat”

Ragini in teasing mood:”I can see you the mark of love on your neck, so you need more energy to take this love more and more”

Swara hardly controls herself to blush.  She feels shame after heard that but also smiles bitterly because she knows that this mark is of hatred, not of love.

She hears the noise and looks on entrance or room where Sanskar is standing.
He comes inside and says to Ragini:” I need one more favour too, you’ll find dresses in dressing room, please make her change and get ready, actually my mom would come here to meet her”

Ragini:”finally you called your parents, well! I'll make her ready”

Swara is worried to listen to his words because she's unaware of his family.

She remembers that he never talked about his family, and she never saw them on her wedding also.

When Shekhar asks him about his parents on his engagement then he replied that they’re angry with him.

But he never told them the reason for their anger.

Ragini goes to a dressing room with her and says:” Swara! This is like I’m in boutique, jiju brings every brand for you”

Ragini chooses orange saree for her

Swara  nodes and goes for changing.

Ragini does her make up and makes a beautiful one sided braid with her long hairs.

Ragini:”you look marvellous in this attire Swara! Put a black dot on you. Now let's go downstairs, everyone is waiting for you”

 Ragini notices that she feels uncomfortable while walking.

She asked her about the reason her unstable walk but she answers that it was because she doesn't habitual of wearing saree commonly.

Annapurna, Sujata and Laksh come to their house.

Sanskar introduced his family to Swara’s family.

They are glad to meet each others but only Sanskar feels a bit disturbed in the presence of Sujata but, he doesn't say anything.

Sujata excitedly comes to Sanskar and says:”where is my daughter in law?”

Sanskar hardly controls his emotions and says nothing.

Sumi also says:”yes where is she? She’s taking so much time to get ready?”

During their conversation, they see Swara, who is coming from upstairs with ragini.

Everyone becomeS happy to see her.

Laksh mesmerised to see the innocent beauty of Ragini. But he doesn't know her so thought in his heart:”maybe bhai kept a new maid, but she's  really beautiful, poor middle-class girls who served people just for the sake of money.

Sanskar has many female servants, and many of them were pretty and educated so he guessed that might be Ragini would also include in them because during a meeting with Swara. All forget to introduce her and she’ll go to the kitchen immediately.

Sanskar holds Swara from her shoulders and slowly drags her towards her family:”swara! This is my badi maa and this is my mom and that’s my brother Laksh” he points out to everyone.

Swara greets and takes blessing from elders and handshakes with laksh.

She notices that his family is such a nice and not arrogant like him.

She likes her mother in law who shows extra concern to her.

Sujata hugs her and kisses her on her forehead while crying she was amused to see her concern.

Everyone also surprises to see this  although Sanskar gets embarrassed and says to Sujata:”mom! It's enough, are you gonna eat her? Just stop it”

Sujata wipes her tears and says"! I’m so happy to see her as my daughter in law, so I cant control my emotions...Excuse me...” She  sits down on the sofa and makes swara sit down near her too.

Gadodia family is happy to see Sanskar’s family and his care and concern for Swara.


Laksh comes to the kitchen for drinking water.

Ragini is already there for making dum biryani especially on Swara's demand. .

Laksh who considers her as a servant, says:”miss! Would you give me a glass of water?”

Ragini looks him with shock that might be he gonna be mad. So she says in anger tone:”you can see fridge there and as I can see, your hand is not broken, go and get a water, otherwise orders to others servant”

Laksh gets furious:”I’m already ordering and talking to servant ”

Ragini looks again him with her rage eyes and says again:”oh Mr.! … Are you blind?”

Laksh gets angry and says:”you’ve no manners to talk with your boss”
Ragini says in sharp  voice:”your brother married with my sister, that doesn’t mean  that you’re starting to considering me as servant, you’re just ill-mannered person”

Laksh shocked to listen to  her words and says:”oh god!! You're Bhabhi”s sister?”

Ragini gets what he considered her and says:”ohhh god!!! You took me as servant!!!”
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1 comment:

  1. poor swara,luckily the doctor gave lecture to sanskar, luv it
