Friday, 5 February 2016

Swasan a path hate to love ep 37

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 05, 2016 with 15 comments
Recap:" Ragini wanted promise to Sanskar for Swara happiness, he's confuse"

Ragini:" What happened jiju? Promise me"

Sanskar boggles through his voice and looks her:" Hmm.. Actually isn't it hard promise?"

Ragini:" To keep happy your wife, is a hard task?"

Sanskar:" Not so much! But it's hard to keep happy anyone because we never keep happy everyone, sometimes,

we stick in situation, it's hardly to express but we can not do it exactly actually"

Ragini:" Now, you're telling philosophy"

Sanskar:" Philosophy is based on reality"

Ragini thinks for a while and says:" Hmm... Then make me promise that you'll not let any sorrow come to her"

Sanskar thinks:" I'm his big sorrow" then looks her hand, holds her and says:" This is also not possible Ragini..."

Ragini:" Ok! Then what's possible for human being?"

Sanskar:" Everything is possible for human being my dear! But it should be in front of our eyes.. And you know I'll

not allow your sister to go off from my sight"

Ragini:" Awww!! How romantic you're! Well! Then promise me that you'll keep happy her with you" Sanskar:" Ok! I promise, I'll make sure her any type of happiness, until she's with me"

Ragini:" Awkward promise"

Sanskar:" Hmm.."

Ragini in a teasing tone:" Isn't this impossible to do this task jiju?"

Sanskar bows down to her:" There's nothing impossible for Sanskar.. But one more thing is there"

Ragini:" That what?"

Sanskar:" Hmm.. It's bit complicated..."

Ragini:" Tell me.. I'll understand"

Sanskar:" I'll never leave your sister"

Ragini doesn't understand and she is about  to say something but Shanaya calls them:" Sanskar! Ragini! Come


Ragini stands up:" Jiju! Now stand up! We're come here for enjoying, not for just sitting at one place"

They go towards them where Shanaya is arguing with Laksh while Swara is watching them like she's watching

interesting movie.

Sanskar:" What happened? Why are you arguing?"

Shanaya turns to him:" Your mad brother want to go for hiking this time?"

Sanskar:" So what?"

Shanaya:" So what, what do you mean? Is this time for hiking?"

Sanskar:" Lucky can do anything like Sanskar handle anything?"

Laksh makes face to Shanaya:" Oh Shanaya baby! You should agree with me"

Shanaya gives him disgusting look:" You're mad! Do whatever you want"

Sanskar turns to Laksh:" Don't go now, after opening ceremony of our hotel, we'll go together for hiking"

Laksh shows his thumb up to him:" Ok! Done, but don't make any excuse that time"

Sanskar looks Swara and says:" I always keep my words, you know very well"

Laksh:" I'm feeling hungry now, if you all dont want to eat something, I don't care, I  gonna eat my dinner"

Sanskar holds Laksh and they steps toward to their camp, while girls are chasing them slowly.

Ragini comes to Swara and says slowly in her ear:" If you and jiju come here alone, it'll be your honeymoon but

alas! We all become big distraction between the romance of you two"
She looks Sanskar, who's talking to Laksh and Shanaya is again teasing Laksh.

These three have strong and good bonding, she accepts this fact, so instead of breaking them, she has to become

part of their bond.

She looks her sister, who's still teasing her and smiles because she would be join their bond soon.


After their dinner, Laksh takes out his guitar.

Swara:" I didn't know that you know to play guitar"

Laksh smiles proudly and says:" You don't know many things Bhabhi about us.. But you'll know soon"

She can understand the second meaning of his words and gets silent.

Laksh starts playing:" One song for my secret beloved" he glances to Ragini and starts playing Mark Antony's

"wherever you go"

The song is deep and Swara feels that song in her heart but she's not agree with its words because she will gonna

spend her whole life with him, so she doesn't need to say this type of word to him.

At the end of song, they clap for him and she changes her seat because she was sitting with  Ragini, Shanaya was

with Sanskar but she goes to Sanskar and sits with him.

Shanaya:" See! Your wife has come, so now I should go"

Swara stops her:" You don't need to go anywhere Shanaya"

Sanskar:" She's right, stay here"

But Shanaya stands up, I'm going for walk with Ragini , I'll join both of you later.

Ragini listens this:" We'll go for walk after one more song Shanaya"

Laksh raises his hands:" I'm not mood in to sing more"

Ragini makes face to him and says:" I'm not talking about you lucky, I'm talking about Swara" she started to call

him lucky.

Laksh:" Oh yeah! I remember, Bhai told me, when you two met first time, he heard her singing... So Bhabhi! Start

singing. I'll play guitar for you"
Swara hesitates and looks Sanskar, she knows he'll not say anything to him but don't know why, she wants to listen

this demand from him.

Shanaya understands her gaze to him and asks to Sanskar:" Sanskar! Do you like her singing?"

Sanskar looks her wife and holds her from shoulders and says:" Yeah! She sings well.." Swara lifts her eyes and her

eyes tackle to him, heat is still in those two penetrating gaze but this time that heat is soft and warm which relaxes

the body instead of burning.

He looks into her eyes in which, he only finds love nowadays but he's avoiding this type of gaze in his life because

of his ten years of business, now he's only good in making deal instead of love.

Swara is still awaiting for his next word, he smiles softly and says:" Would you like to sing a song for us?" He says

with authority, like he's not asking , just telling her. And she.. She's now understanding his tone.

She nods and looks down, Laksh asks:" Which song Bhabhi?"

Swara looks Sanskar who leaves her shoulder now and sits on the weights of his palms by pushing himself back and

still looking her.

This is time of night, moon has its early dates but there's weak moonlight but her heart has strong brightness to

observe the heat of his eyes and says slowly to Laksh:" Jaltay diye"

She again downs her eyelashes and feels his gaze touching to her cheek which gives her pink color in this dark


"Sunte hain jab pyaar ho toh

Diye jal uthte hain

Tan mein, mann mein, aur nayan mein

Diye jal uthte hain"

She looks him, Ragini is slowly clapping for her, Laksh is playing guitar and Shanaya is listening her slowly. While

her beloved still watches her with same intensity and she can feel his heat is raising with her melody.

"aaja piya aaja

Aaja piya aaja ho..

Naa ja piya aaja

Teri hi tere hi liye, jalte diye

Bitani tere saaye mein, saaye mein

Zindagani bitani tere saaye mein, saaye mein"

She forgets that there is anyone exist except him, like the moon, her love is touching lunacy day by day and it's

almost about to complete its full circle.

Sanskar feels strange things in her eyes and he wanna avoid this thing because, she doesn't know there is no any

place of love in his heart. He wants to stop her but jerks his head because he reminds himself that there is nothing

like love in this world, so how can it possible that this is love which he can see in her eyes.
She observes that his eyes are stopping him.

" Kabhi kabhi..

Kabhi kabhi aise diyon se

Lag bhi jaati aag bhi

Dhule dhule se aanchalon pe

Lag hain jaate raag bhi

Hain viraano mein badalte

Dekhe mann ke baag bhi"
But she ignores the message of his eyes because she's not at place to stop and sit. She wants to go and conquer.

"Sapno mein shringar ho to

Diye jal uthte hain

Khwahishon ke aur sharam ke

Diye jal uthte hain

Aaja piya aaja teri hi, tere hi liye

Jalte diye..

Bitani tere saaye mein, saaye mein"

All clap at the end and Shanaya hugs her:" You're soo good! If your husband isn't such backward, then I'll must

advice you to sing professionally"

Swara smiles:" Its ok Shanaya! I also don't interest to sing professionally"

Laksh:" This is great Bhabhi (he turns to Shanaya) and baby why didn't you hug me after completion of my song"

Shanaya:" Kido! First grow up"

Laksh makes face to listen it:" I'm not a kid"

Shanaya:" You're! Right Ragini?"

She asks to Ragini ans Ragini nods.

Swara and Sanskar smiles together to see them and looks each others.

His soft gaze slowly touches her eyes, moaning of night is slowly moving into melody.

She's melting slowly and holds his hand and put her head on his shoulder.

He was amazed with her action but holds her with his all rights.

Shanaya and Laksh stop their arguing for a minute and look them.

Ragini gives them questionable look, they sign towards them, Ragini looks, three of them look each others and

smiles. Their smile silently pray for them.


  1. Really awesome and fantastic dii

  2. awesome ...try to upload next prt today itself ya..i m waiting last two days ..for ur ff...

  3. very nice yar.....pls dnt mind upload next epispde...plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. Perfect. Everything is perfect in this episode. Song selection, people and purpose. I just love this song and when it is for SwaSan you can't imagine my happiness.

  5. ur amazing yaar, where do you get such ideas?

  6. Thanks Saba for this amazing episode.

  7. hey saba angel was so cute epi...upload next soon it and love u....

  8. Hi Saba..i really really love your ff..waiting for the next part eagerly.
    meanwhile even i have written a Swasan FF. please give it a read whenever you can :)
    Thanks :)

    1. Hy dr i couldnt get ur page plz hep to get the like yar

  9. Thank god he didn't made any promise. Nice episode

  10. Saba awesome episode eagerly waiting for the next episode

  11. Awesome dear...
    I loved it...
    Pls give more swasan scenes...
