Friday, 12 February 2016

Swasan a path hate to love ep40

Posted by Saba Shiekh on February 12, 2016 with 30 comments

Recap:" Laksh and Swara plays rapid fire and Swara told her that she knows his past"
The bright day is coming out from darkness, she takes a deep breath and feels the beauty of her surrounding and melodious chirping of birds.
Everyone is sleeping now, she was not an early bird before, it was very hard to wake up early for her but after last night, she couldn't sleep properly with Ragini, maybe she is become habitual to sleeping with Sanskar.
He as usual took sleeping pills for sleeping, Ragini was still sleeping and Shanaya and Laksh held meeting last night for the solution of managing Sanskar's mood. What they decided and planned, she doesn't know and really she doesn't want to know.  Now this time, sun is rising in front of her and she only wants to feel the beauty of environment and listen her inner voice.
She exhales the breath and stretches her body. She looks sky, hears the voice of nature and feels the wetness of grass into her feet which is given her sweet sensation.
She smiles brightly and she was last night that she forgets things so easily, because of that beautiful environment, she forgets last night incident and now she had confident that she would make his mood normal, she's wife of Sanskar Maheshwari. If he has so much confident that he can do anything then why is she?
Suddenly she feels someone's presence behind her and without turning she knows the one who is behind her.
Sanskar sits with her, she turns to him and softly smiles but he only gives him sleepy look.
Swara:" Do you feel well?"
He simply nods and looks ahead where is the braath taking view taking its place.
Swara again turns him:" When would we leave?"
Sanskar:" Don't know.."
Swara completely turns to him, her face is in front of him while he's still looking forward without giving her any expression, she feels something strange in his eyes.
His eyes are s much, she took this thing because of sleep firstly, now she suddenly feels that there's something else.
He wasn't sleeping actually, his eyes are effected by something else.
Swara:" Have you smoked last night?"
Sanskar is looked her by his red eyes and says:" None of your business"
His tone is rough and rude and second time, she listens his this type of tone but this time it's much harsh.
Swara looks into his eyes:" What happened Sanskar?"
He slowly removes her hand on his shoulder and says:" I said none of your business, don't you understand?"
Swara irritated to listen it:" What do you mean Sanskar none of your business? I'm your wife and this is only my matter"
Sanskar sighs:" Wife..hun? Do you remember you're my wife?"
Swara again comes to him and holds his hands, this time he doesn't jerk her hands but only stays emotionless.
Swara gets worried to see him because she never saw this shade of him.
Sanskar again says nothing and his silent is making worried  her heart.
Sanskar slowly frees his hands from her heart and again says slowly:" Swara! If you want to know about me, then why didn't you ask me this thing from me? Why did you start showing sympathy to me?"
Swara:" Did you give me any right to ask question?"
Sanskar looks her with complain:" Didn't I fulfill every responsibility of husband?"
Swara gasps, one side she doesn't bear the pain in his eyes and on the other side, she wants to explain everything and clear everything in front of him.
Swara comes in front of his face and says by looking into his eyes:" Are giving many luxuries of life enough in the responsibilities of husband?"
Sanskar jerks:" So what do you want more?  Freedom? This freedom is enough which I've given you, don't expect from me"
Swara sighs again because it's really difficult her to make him understand and deal with him.
Now she again holds his hands and says in soft voice:" I don't know Sanskar what's the responsibility of good husband but I only know that life partner means the one whom we're sharing our life, if you've decided to share your life with me, then you should told me everything with your own, by the way I didn't ask any question from Shanaya, she told me all these because she wanted to make me understand your attitude"
Sanskar slowly presses her hands and says:"  you're right in your point of view, but you should tell me, you know very well that I hate lie and you did the same"
Swara:" Sanskar! You never give me that trust which is base on relationship, I was afraid, how could I tell you everything?"
Sanskar gasps and looks the beautiful surrounding and then the innocent face of his wife.
Sanskar:" I don't know"
Swara smiles, Sanskar looks him questionably:" Why do you smile?"
Swara:" Because I read somewhere that if anyone's mood is off then he answered don't know of everyone's question"
Sanskar smiles sadly and sighs:" Swara!"
Swara:" Sanskar?"
Sanskar breaks eye contact:" Nothing..."
He again leaves her hand and about to leave but Swara holds his arm, he turns and again sits with her:" What happened now?"
Swara:" Nothing..."
The chirping of birds are echoing around them and the sun is shining brightly from the east now. This is winter season that's why the bright sunshine is making them feel relaxed.
Sanskar:" Then why do you stop me?"
Swara:" Sometimes, we do many things purposelessly.. Don't us? So I want to do many things purposelessly?"
Sanskar sighs:" And what are  these?"
Swara:" There's a huge list..."
Sanskar:" I've complete life to fulfill"
Swara smiles to listen his answer:" First tell me, do you smoke last night?"
Sanskar sighs:" Yes! But is this made any effect on you?"
Swara nods:" You're my husband and offcourse your health is important for me"
Sanskar:" You're showing sympathy"
Swara:" Don't judge my feelings with these eyes" she looks into his eyes and slowly holds his hands again but this time her grip is strong enough.
He holds her hands and hugs her suddenly, she's surprised by his action.
Swara  reciprocates his hug, she can feel his strong grip around  body and feels bit relax.
Few minutes passed silently between them and he departs from her.
Swara looks him lovingly:" Why don't you make me your real life partner Sanskar?"
Sanskar:" What do you mean?"
Swara smiles shyly and looks down:" I mean to say, you shares everything with Shanaya and Laksh, I can understand their place, but marry with me was your decision then you should give me the right place in your life, I'm not saying more than them but at least not less than them"
Sanskar:" Ok! I'll"
She smiles to listen it and slowly puts her head on his shoulder:" Weather is so nice...isn't it?"
Sanskar:" Hmm..."
Swara:" Why don't you say everything to me like you shared with Shanaya.."
Sanskar:" Commonly, I don't need to say many things, she understands from my face expression"
Swara looks his face :" But I'm not so intelligent like her"
Sanskar smiles to listen her:" No! You don't need to become like her, you're you and I like you"
Swara feels so much happy to listen it:" I thought you don't like me"
Sanskar:" If I don't, then I never marry you"
Swara relieves to listen it.
Sanskar slowly starts to caresses her hairs and holds her waist:" Do you still hate me?"
Swara:" I never hate you, it was only temporary feelings, do you hate me?"
Sanskar:" I never... Why do you think like that?"
Swara:" Because of your deed in first night"
Sanskar sighs:" I did this because I married you because of my need, this isn't mean I hate you, I just wanted to laid you down because you slapped me"
Swara:" Do you want still?"
Sanskar:" Na.."
Swara tightens her grips around his arm and closes him calmly.
He again hugs her completely:" Sometimes, I get tired to pretend strong in front of the world"
Swara:" Aren't you strong?"
Sanskar:" Yes I'm! But sometimes I really one shoulder to take a rest and showed what's in my heart"
Swara:" Why don't you take mine?"
Sanskar:" I can't believe someone so easily"
Swara:" I'm not someone but your wife"
Sanskar smiles:" Yes you're!"
Swara:" You should remember this"
Sanskar:" I would" he again tightens his grip.
Few minutes passed between then, in the same posture.
Swara:" Never show anger on me again"
Sanskar looks her:" Nowadays you're becoming courageous day by day"
Swara:" Offcourse! Because I'm wife of Sanskar Maheshwari!"
Sanskar smiles:" Yeah! You're my wife" he entangles his fingers into her and she makes circle around his shoulder.
Swara:" Why do you want to hide your past from me? Are you ashame?"
Sanskar lifts her face from his shoulder and looks into her eyes:" I never... I just wanted to disclose all this on right time, because you're innocent girl and you can't understand all this, after listening all this you start to hating me and showing sympathy to me... And look! You're feeling pity on me"
Swara shouts:" That's not like it!"
Sanskar:" Then what's like that?"
Swara smiles shyly but says:" This is responsibility as wife"
Sanskar:" Oh really?"
Swara nods, Sanskar looks her and slowly rubs her lips by his thumb. His inner devil is raising in his heart and wants to quench his thirst.
This time he doesn't restrict to his devil and wants to feel this lips but suddenly they listen the voice of cough.
It was Shanaya:" Soo... Sorry, I interrupted.."
Suddenly Swara feels bad to see her because she reminds that some day, he touches her also. And this is most painful feeling to think about your husband that he's or he was of anyone except you.
She stands up silently, Sanskar ignores Shanaya and turns to Swara:" Awake Ragini... We're leaving"
Swara:" But Laksh and Shanaya.."
Sanskar cuts her words:" They'll come, don't worry, you do what I said" this time he says in same tone of authority but his tone is soft and polite.
Swara nods and goes towards her camp, Shanaya comes to them but she doesn't want to see her now because it'll remind their proximity movements.
She also notices that Sanskar doesn't listen her and goes towards the car, inside deep in her heart, her inner devil smirks to see this.
They reached palace and both go to their room to reach, Ragini is still tired, so she falls asleep because it was still early morning.
After breakfast, Sanskar starts his work because it's one day in the opening ceremony of hotel.
He's so busy and she starts to visiting palace again and again with all her rights.
Swara sees her reflection into the mirror and reminds their conversation:" I'm wife of Sanskar Maheshwari! He chose me and I've main place in his life, neither Shanaya nor any other girl can take this place, no matter how much she was closed to him but still they're not his wife, I'm the only one and I'll be only one.."
Suddenly she reminds that someone is there who was his wife and bitter taste is felt by her.
She has done combing her hairs, then she hears the knock of door, she opens the door.
It was Shanaya..
Shanaya:" Swara! He's not talking to me, he's ignoring me so badly"
Swara feels multiple feelings, one side she feels bad for Shanaya but her inner devil feels much happy.
Swara:" Then what would you do?"
Shanaya sighs:" I'll bring Danny, he can make his mood"
"who's Danny?" Swara asks carelessly.
Shanaya:" Our son.."
Swara looks her face with confusion:" Our?"
Shanaya nods:" Our mean, Sanskar and mine"
And she feels that someone throws cold bucket on her.
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  1. No no its can't be happen! Now you are testing patience of readers. .atleast have some mercy on swara. ..plz don't spoil a beautiful love story! Feeling heartbroken!!

  2. Plz Saba don't do this.. This can't happen.. I am really scared now to read next episode. Swara has suffered enough... But I feel that this is only half truth and I hope that I am right. Really disappointed..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Today's episode was like a fairytale calm, sweet, romantic, lovely, beautiful. Throughout the episode u was smiling, but the last few sentences made me feel like someone had thrown cold bucket of water on me.
    I mean seriously sanskaar is biological father of Danny!!! Then it is too sad. I am not liking it. I know that later u will convert this one into something good or will show swaras heart in this, but still, how?? I am not able to accept it.
    As much as I know this sanskaar he has many shades, but he cannot cheat his wife. He was waiting for a perfect moment to tell about his past to his wife was also ok, but about the matter of a child.
    I am not able to digest this, I don't know what to say more. Feeling disgusted.

  5. pls dont make it worst....
    how can a women can accept this much for an husband

  6. N yeah I more thing I wanna say if sanskaar is really a father of shanaya's child so I'm sorry to say that swara is nothing but only a slave in his life!

    1. Agree with you. and this can not be love story here after if it is true.

  7. N yeah I more thing I wanna say if sanskaar is really a father of shanaya's child so I'm sorry to say that swara is nothing but only a slave in his life!

  8. Sorry to say I can't digest ur ending if sanky have son n he is cheating swara I'm sorry I'm stopping reading ur ff if what u said in last is correct then only plz have mercy on us he should be adopted son plz

  9. Hello saba..I am back and seriously I loved this twist. Even I was wondering all the days that his can they didn't had any child in their long relation ship of seven years but you did it. Not bad. Ijust loved this update as it is so close to reality. Thank-you for this one dear.please try to update regularly. I know that this is not the correct time to ask as I got to know about your uncle's demise but still if possible do upload

  10. Hello saba..I am back and seriously I loved this twist. Even I was wondering all the days that his can they didn't had any child in their long relation ship of seven years but you did it. Not bad. Ijust loved this update as it is so close to reality. Thank-you for this one dear.please try to update regularly. I know that this is not the correct time to ask as I got to know about your uncle's demise but still if possible do upload

    1. But again I got a doubt dear...actually in one of your previous episodes, shanaya remembers sanskar asking her to marry and she questions him that whether he want a offspring from her. Then he says no guesses now actually you are such a beautiful writer that you always give two options at the end of each episode but surprisingly both will be guenine. Hence we are left with no other option rather than waiting for the next update. Hope you will succeed as a good writer in your life and I wish one day to read a novel written by saba sheik and tell everyone that I was her regular reader from the initial days.....and swara's words are really soothing I mean a person with such a mentality(sanskar) needs these types of words as they will change the heart and I have experienced it. Once again all the best.

  11. for God sake saba change this son plot....plz....enough of swara's patience...please dont spoil ur ff like this....plz....a child is one who lightens parent's heart...sanskar is actually a nice person from heart....his heart would have melted away after a can u make him so damn evil??plzzz yar skip this son scene...make it a joke by shanaya....plz plz plz....its so heart breaking....plz dnt do this....its too much yar....dnt test swara too much....plzzzzzzzz its a humble request skip it plz plz plzzzzzzzz saba plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  12. hi saba...i agree with anonymous....seriously yar u r finishing swara's importance in sanskar's life...this is too much yar....this shpws that swara has no imporatance in sanskar's life....this cant be a love story...u r spoiling it....sorry to say but seriously yar dnt drag it much....there is a limit to ber anything and swara has bore so much...for God sake change ur last scene....we are dead after this plz...

  13. Hey guys! Saba is here, firstly thanks alot for your support and secondly, trust on your writer guys! You know very well that I make things genuine, let me make this genuine too and don't worry Swara is heroine of this fiction and she would remain the same as she said to herself in mirror,neither shanaya, nor any other girl can snatch this right from her. So keep patience guys and trust me don't be sooo hyper after it.
    Well! Don't worry you'll get reward of your patience. Take a deep breath and think for a while, in my episode I didn't make his character worst,only bad but he didn't do anything bad with swara or anyone else. Think for a while and reminds all the previous episode and then guess this thing with calm mind, I love yu guys and if you also love your writer then trust on her, don't be hyper.....

    1. ow what API!! I am readingdis one again and again, I am seriously in love with ur thoughts and writing skills. Love u, and I agree with sree harini I will also be Among the pols to read u novel. As u will update the next part today and as u said u will reward us for waiting, and I am dying for our reward seriously, can't wait more plz update soon. This is a request from ur fan.

  14. Thanks Saba for your comment. I am relieved now.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. hi saba... i lvd d episode so much... d way swara shwd her attitude towards sanskar is too good... nd abt last part i hav full trust on dis sanskar who can't betray anyone in his lyf.... so i thought tat may be danny s d son of shanaya (coz of miserable part of her lyf) and sanky just gav his name to her child or else dey both adoptd danny togher or may be he s from shanaya's school.... am i ryt???????

  18. yar u can make him only shanaya's son from the rapists and sanskar miight have given him the name only.....plz...plz...but dnt make sanky the bilogical father...i beg u///i trust u so i m asking u not to this u saba....update soon~angel

  19. thnx saba apa.ur the best writer.and i trust u.pls more swasan moment.pls next update.

  20. danny could be some others son he just adopted him and nothing else

  21. Hey saba di it was awesome,literally dying to read the next part,plzzzupdate soon.......can u tell me di what r u ding in ur studies & from where u r?.....zoya

  22. Dii where is our valentines day spcl!!!! Plzzzzz update nxt part naaa.!!!!! Plzzzzzzzzzz diii

  23. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz upload

  24. Hi dear
    Swasan scenes too good....
    I strongly beleive tat danny is not sanskar's son...
    Please upload next part soon...

  25. Awesome episode and ure ff is too addictive .....plsss if u ever publish this story in a book or a novel form do inform us and ure other stories also or any story novel .....A huge request from u plsss upload the ff daily and I trust my writer
    Ira ( Kanishka )
