Thursday, 24 March 2016

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (My Follower or My Illusion) Episode 9

Posted by Saba Shiekh on March 24, 2016 with 10 comments
Swara's POV:
As soon as I reached cafeteria, Ragini started firing her questions and philosophy towards me. I was frustrated and shouted back on her. But when I said her about life and death; she was totally mum that time. I could feel the heat of her eyes from her looks. She was worried and disturbed fully by my talks. From our so long days of friendship, one thing I have understood that if anything would happen to me in future, then except my mom if anyone else would be worried for me then it was none other than Ragini. Till now, not a single word had come out of her mouth. "Had I said too much?" I thought and to make the atmosphere right I cracked a joke. 'I wouldn't leave you soon, Ragini. My ghost would also disturb you. Never think that you could leave me so soon.' I said funnily. But just then I noticed that her eyes were moist. 'It was a bad joke swara,' after sometimes she said this by hitting my shoulder. I apologized her to make her cry but then she asked a promise from me. "Swara, I know you & your pain. You are not even listening to me and also not taking proper care of yourself. What if this disease will continue to the last stage? You know how terrific it will be. Promise me Swara, you won't hide anything about the disease from me and will tell me everything about the outcomes and when ever you will be in trouble, you will call me what ever may be the time & situation.", she said all these in a pleading way. I knew that she was my friend but this much care from her, I never expected. Though I could fully trust her, but I didn't want to make her worried for my disease. However, I couldn't let her down. So, I nodded in a positive way and she became happy.

By viewing her happiness I couldn't conclude whether I should laugh or cry as my family never gave me those care which I had expected from them but in the other hand, Ragini, a stranger, became my best friend and now was worried for me. I just gave a feeble smile and to divert the topic I asked her," should we discuss the clauses of the will for which we were meeting now?" She nodded and opened the file. When she was opening the file, I ordered two cappuccinos. After opening the file Ragini asked, "So Swara, now tell me what you have decided?" 'There is nothing such in the will to decide.' , I said in a sarcastic way. 'But you have to take a decision.', she replied. "Ragini, I have decided to go with clause 1 as I can't afford clause 2 & 3.", I yelled to her. After I said my decision to her, she smiled on me. By looking at her smile, I guessed that like she had already known my decision prior to my saying. And yes! I was so correct. Ragini said,"I know swara, you will only choose clause 1 because you don't love the property that much the way you hate your dad." This time she was absolutely correct. I actually hated him.. Hated him from time immemorial. Breaking my thoughts Ragini said," Congratulation swara, you are finally going to be a doctor. Hope then you will take your disease seriously." "But is it necessary to complete graduation in medicine?", I snapped back. "Don't tell me swara that you are leaving medical in half way..?", Ragini raised her voice this time while asking this particular question. "There is nothing like that Ragini, it's just that study of medicine makes me weak. I don't want to attach with emotions.", I replied.

This time what Ragini replied, that showed she was no longer saying in respect of friendship rather on the ground of a responsible lawyer of mine. She said that as my medical study would complete with in 1 year then I could inherit the property in 1 year. But if I would pursue any other degree then it would take minimum 3 years of time to complete graduation. As the clause said that after completion of my graduation only I could inherit half of the property, so I should go with medical study. This time I was unable to cut her words as she had a point with strong logic behind it. Just then the waiter served our order. After the waiter went, I nodded to Ragini positively and she was damn happy with my decision.

She sipped the cappuccino once and gave me some files to sign and made herself involved in completing some documents. I signed those files and returned back to her. As she was doing some important paper work of this will, I didn't want to disturb her. I sat silently & sipped the cappuccino by looking towards the surroundings. Some families were also present there with their children. Some couples were also enjoying. By viewing all these things, I became sad. As I didn't get these types of occasions to celebrate. I thought that people were coming here to enjoy, but poor me!! Here also I came for some legal purposes. When I was thinking all these things, my eyes fell upon a person, whom I knew."That black covered man." Suddenly I kept the cappuccino cup on the table and looked back that spot properly but alas! No one was present there. I thought that I was hallucinating. Breaking my thoughts, Ragini said that the paper works were done and she would submit it in court. She also adviced me to join the college again as soon as possible and to complete the backlogs. I nodded positively and we left the cafeteria.

As I hadn't brought my car, Ragini offered me to drop home & went to the parking lot. I was standing near the gate of cafeteria & again I saw him on the crossroads. Just then a vehicle passed and after that again he was vanished from there. I thought that my mind was playing game with me. Ragini had already come with the car & I got into the car. When we were crossing the high way, I again saw him standing opposite side of the road. Suddenly I asked Ragini ," Can you see that person?" And Ragini rotated her head to see but alas! He was not there. Ragini then mocked on me and said, "Swara, you have gone mad! The will & it's clauses plus the academics are affecting you." I said ,"whatever, Ragini." But deep inside my heart, my feelings were saying that I saw him and might be he was following me. How ever I couldn't deny Ragini as how & why he got vanished. Through out the journey, I thought about these incidents without knowing the conclusion and his intentions...

Credit to: Kashis
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