Friday, 1 April 2016

Swasan ff: An Incomplete Scrapbook (Uncertainty) Episode 16

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 01, 2016 with 12 comments
Swara's POV:
"Money is a necessary evil. Those who have money, are craving for more and have become insane in lives. Those who don't have it, are crushing their fates and also have become insane in lives to acquire more money. In both the cases, becoming insane is the ultimate truth.. Only money can't give you peace but without money also you will lack peace." These were some of the thoughts which were roaming in my mind after knowing about the brutal killing of that captivated person by my kidnapper, Sanskar.

"My real mother, Shomi Suryavansi, left me due to money only. During those days we weren't that rich, so, she eloped with his so called rich boyfriend after giving birth to me. She couldn't take my burden and also as she wasn't married that time; so, she felt ashamed to be called as a mother.. Shameless woman left me and my mom, Annapurna Suryavansi adopted me." I had heard this news about my real mom multiple times in my life from my grandfather. I always loved my mom due to her selfless nature. But in life, all were not like her. Today I got another example of that. Due to money only, that person got killed.

My series of thoughts were broken when I saw sanskar. He came towards me and put chair in front of me. Till today I couldn't see his face as it was always covered with mask. I didn't want to lie close to a killer. So, I moved my legs away from him. Just then I noticed cramps & stiffness in my muscles. I had skipped my doses. So, they were coming up. But who did care for those cramps when I didn't know about my future... Anyways I was going to die. Either by Sanskar's bullet or else due to my disease and lack of its doses.. But as if I cared?

Viewing me in those thoughtful situation, he judged that I was scared. 'Stupid man!', I thought. I gave him a long lecture about his killing & remorse and how I didn't worry about my death. Though I was unable to view his face due to that mask, but I could sense his uneasiness. Like he was sitting in front of me but his mind wasn't here. However suddenly what happened to him, I didn't know.. , but he strangled my neck and dared me to kill my family. Though I wasn't at all worried for my so called dad, but I was hell worried for my mom. That great lady had sacrificed all her happiness to protect me. Over the top, in this cruel and selfish world, she was the one who was genuinely my family after the demise of my grand father. How could I even think about her death due to my stupidity?

Now I was on my knees in front of Sanskar and was pleading him to leave my mom. But he was continuously asking me about my father and his whereabouts? I couldn't hear that person's name as my father for this much time. So, I couldn't control my rage and shouted on Sanskar to stop calling Mr. Shekhar Suryavansi as my father. I knew that this answer was hell shocking for him. I didn't want to reveal this but what could I do? Firstly he threatened me to kill my mom and then calling that person as my father.... How much could I take? Father... Did that person know the meaning of it? Bloody fool! He never talked with me lovingly but always tortured me. From this questionnaire session , I could guess that he was the reason of my kidnapping. That man always gave me trouble but what fault my mom had done? I couldn't let her die, so, I pleaded Sanskar to leave her. But I didn't know what happened to him again, he jerked and left the room.

After he left the room, I was very worried. "What if had he gone to kidnap my mom? Getting my address wasn't a big deal for him. His sudden disappearance made me hell scared. Though I had answered his every question truely, still if he wouldn't believe me and probably if he was going to kidnap my mom then.... No.. No.. He wouldn't do that.. But why not?? How could I trust him? Killing a life was like a cup of tea for him. He had also threatened me. Oh god! please help my mom!" I was thinking about these aspects, when I felt dizzy. I didn't know how many days were passed out and till how long I had to stay here. Was I able to leave this cellular jail alive or not? I was uncertain about all these things. I felt hungry and due to skip of doses; the cramps & nausea were showing their colours. But I couldn't concentrate on these things as I was worried for my mom.

When I was in my own thoughts, the door of the cellular jail opened.. I thought that might be Sanskar had come to complete his questionnaire session. But unlike that, again those two men were coming towards me with a food plate. After seeing them, their old words flashed back in my mind that they would come to tame me. It meant now I was going to loose my *** Oh!! No I couldn't even think like that. One of them came very close to me & asked,"Miss! How are you? Are you missing us? I know, your kidnapper isn't nice to you but we are here. Don't worry, we will take proper care of yours!" And while saying these things, he touched my hands and was swinging it sensuously till my shoulder. I jerked his hand and said,"Back off you Bastard." This time another man came and slapped me hard in such a way that a tiny drop of blood came out from my mouth. But he didn't care about that & shouted,"You Bitch! Earlier you wanted to tell sanskar about us.. Now also showing us attitude. Never mind.. We know how to tame a wild cat." And he came close to me & pressed his body on mine. Due to my cramps, I was unable to move my legs. So, I tried to push him hard in my hands but in vain!.. His hands were now in my neck in a encircling position. Suddenly I hurt him with my big nails. I scratched his neck and shoulder & he shouted in pain & left me at once. Another man couldn't bear this and raged his voice,"We are giving you chance to cooperate but you are not ready for that.. So, due to your that choice, be ready to sense our brutality." (He smirked).. I knew that by my act, I raised their anger and inner devil. So, I couldn't escape from their clutches now. That man came close to me & torn the dress from my back & was touching my backless hungrily. I didn't know what should I do now. As I didn't have any more strength left to fight with them. Suddenly I remembered Sanskar and his words about molestation & shouted in top of my voice, "Sanskar". I didn't remember what happened next.. I felt drowsy & everything blurred....

Credit to: Kashis
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  1. finally! im the first to comment, the dialogues about wealth part was really awesome, but litrary i like the last part where swara shouted the name of sanskar, i really love this part.. now character of swara is clearing in front of me,
    i think mayuri was shomi who elopped with the father of Sanskar but i might be wring
    well! overall everything is perfect except the length of episode, as episode it's too short dear! make it long or make it one part of episode because in my point of view it's not satisfied length, but its only my pov

    1. Thanks sweetie! You know about my both exams dear.. So length part is bit small... Coming to your guess, partly correct and partly incorrect... U have already knew that..(winks)

  2. finally! im the first to comment, the dialogues about wealth part was really awesome, but litrary i like the last part where swara shouted the name of sanskar, i really love this part.. now character of swara is clearing in front of me,
    i think mayuri was shomi who elopped with the father of Sanskar but i might be wring
    well! overall everything is perfect except the length of episode, as episode it's too short dear! make it long or make it one part of episode because in my point of view it's not satisfied length, but its only my pov

  3. Superb as usual Kashish.. I liked last para when Swara is calling Sanskar..

  4. I hope sanky will save swara

    1. Yes!! But let's see how...

  5. where exactly sanskar right now?

    1. Dear, in the next episode, u can know where he is in his POV...

  6. Wow!! So he will come to rescue her right? I would have asked for more had you not informed about your exams. But it's fine you are updating and not leaving us hanging in here. After your exams try writing longer chapters with conversation between Swasan. That would be better than this POV business. It's my opinion, just mine.

    All the best for your exams!!!


    1. Thanks dear. Yup, he will save and after exams I will update long episodes. Where there is convo between swasan, i m writing those in dialogue forms only. And yup I have accepted your opinion.. I will write in combining both POV and dialogue..

  7. Hey Kashis,

    Sree here. When will your exams be over? I'm kind of waiting for the next part and it would really help to know when I can get to read the next part. Sorry to bother but you have left it in a cliffhanger. Awaiting your update and response.

