"The Untold Story Of Zero & Yuki"
Yuki's point of view:
"Ohh. I hate math" I throw the books on the writing table and dizzied off.
I literary felt stars around my head, didn't know who invented the math and why should I read this subject?
I'm vampire princess and why does vampire princess need to learn math?
I'm not so good in study, specially subject like math. Though Kaname hired a very good tutor to teach me but my stupid mind unable to understand those all queries.
When I was in cross academy, Zero always taught me moreover he taught me so well that I always got good marks in exams.
By thinking about the topic, I started to think about Zero again.
"I'm so tired.." I stretched my body and dissolve the blood tablet in water.
As Kaname isn't here, so I need to take blood tablet to quench my thirst as a vampire. But I swear this is rightly said that we can't quench our thirst by licking the snow.
Same as we couldn't quench our thirst by blood tablets but we took this because of just fulfilling our thirst.
I gulped blood in one breath then slumped myself on my bed.
Unlike other vampires, I was used to sleeping in the night. So I took my tuition in day, Kaname also accompanied me in the day time. He needed my blood before sleeping in the day time, so I awoke early to give him a complete dose.
"How can Zero survive?" This question arose in my mind many times. He took my blood to control himself because he was ex-human and it was very hard to control the bloodlust for any ex-human vampire. Usually, those type of vampires got the level E which was the insane stage like zombies.
I was also attacked by level E vampires so that I couldn't see my best friend as level E vampire. That time I offered my blood to him for controlling himself. Though he didn't want to take my blood but I pressurized him so much to so do. But now I understood, If he knew that I'm pureblood vampire then he never took my blood.
But after drinking the blood of his twin brother, he became strong enough so I knew he didn't need me now moreover he hated me now.
The intoxication of blood was drowning my mind and I slowly went in the valley of sleep.
Zero's point of view:
"One more day of my life" I jerked by thinking this thing.
I did not despair person but didn't know why I didn't wanna live or unintentionally, I always count days of my life.
"how many days are left in my life?" I asked from my inner self.
"till you kill all vampires" my inner self-answered me.
"yes! I've mission in my life to kill vampires, that creature who always ruined the life of others. I also included in them because I also used Yuki's blood for satisfying my need and I hated to do so.
"I wish I can change my past to correct everything" I put my head on the writing table. It was evening time, I also felt thirsty. I usually used to drink the blood of level E vampires after murdering them. It was not able to satisfy me completely but I used it for at least fulfilling my need.
Someone knocked on my door, I knew it would be headmaster come here for calling me for dinner.
"come in," I said in an exhausted voice.
But it wasn't him, it was Yuri, my class fellow and best friend of Yuki.
"what happened Yuri? You're here?" I said in worrying voice though she was not my friend but I concern about every human being, specially students of my academy because they' were included in my responsibility.
"may I talk to you?" Yuri said in low tone.
"hmm.." I signed her to sit, I was sitting on the chair beside writing table.
She silently sat opposite me, few seconds of silent passed silently then she broke this silence between us.
"Where are you Zero?" She asked I didn't expect this type of question, I thought she would talk about something according to guardian activity.
"what do you mean?" I knew very well about the meaning of her sentence but I just wanted to clear my thought.
She gasped, inhaled completely, I knew she was collecting courage to talk to me. Though I'm of her age and her class fellow but I'm so strict with them as a guardian and my tyrant personality won't allow anyone to close to me except Yuki.
"Yuki.." My unconscious again sighed on her name.
"please say easily what you wanna say, I'll surely not eat you," I said in bothering but polite tone.
"you're lost Zero! You were like this before also but now. We can see you're becoming harsh and alone day by day" she lifted her face and almost screeched on me.
I stayed silent while she continued "when Maria came to you, you behaved so weirdly with her, even you don't care that she was close to your brother and now she wants you... Love isn't bad thing Zero, we all love someone, you also loved but now move on please" by saying this, a tear came out from corner of her eye. Her tear reminded me Yuki who also cried same like her.
"best friends bonding" my unconscious again reminded me.
"I don't love someone, even I can't love someone, specially pureblood vampire and Maria is one of them," I said in harsh voice but suddenly I realized my tone then I said in polite tone.
" Look Yuri! I've already moved on, now my purpose to safe common and innocent people to become the food of vampires, I'm a vampire hunter and I've to do my duty, this is my only love. How can pureblood and vampire hunter would become one, this is forbidden so I shouldn't encourage Maria"
"oh. That's why you left Yuki" she uttered the words which gave me so much pain.
"this isn't about Yuki, she already left me when I needed her most, after the death of Rido, I just told her to leave because this isn't her world" this time I said in broken glass's tone.
"you're mysterious.." She said strangely.
I smiled slowly, I had no enough words to answer her.
"I've to go for my duty, please will you leave?" This time, I said in a rude tone.
She understood and left while I gasped to see the door.
"I'm sorry Yuki I talked to your best friend in such a harsh tone"
Yuki's point of view:
Ruka again visited my room, she considered me as her responsibility after Kaname. After some formal talks, she left the room and I felt sorry for her. I could feel her pain but I was helpless to help her because it was our destiny.
It was our destiny that I and Kaname had to marry together for purifies our pure blood. If we marry someone else then it would a mixture of other's blood in our children.
I felt exhausted to thinking on this topic.
I put my coat though as a vampire I don't need it because weather won't effect on my body but I loved to do the activities of human as I did when I was human.
I stepped out from my huge palace, I had bodyguard also but I could protect myself very well.
I was walking slowly, a mixture of sorrow and happiness. Sorrow for Ruka and happiness for acting like a human in this type of night.
"hey miss! Where are you going?" suddenly someone called me from behind.
I turned, there is strange person, looking like insane or drug addicted person.
I felt strange and didn't answer him. I just kept going my walking but this time, I was walking fast.
This insane person, who was actually Level E vampire, started to follow me. Though I was a pureblood vampire and I didn't need to afraid from any other vampire that I always had terror in my heart from level e vampires due to my childhood incident.
I was bare handed to fight with him, though I was powerful enough to kill him but my inner fear was still haunting me and stopping me from showing courage to that insane vampire.
I walked at full speed to get the reach of my palace, but before I reached the gate of my palace, he put his dirty hands on my shoulder, I hurriedly turned back.
"your blood's smell is so sweet" he murmured by touching my chin.
"stay away from me" I shrieked while jerking his hand but he grasped me in his arms, I protest but he put his fangs on my neck, I felt dizzy by his fangs on my neck.
Zero's point of view
A hunter's life always gave sorrow but satisfaction as well, it wasn't easy to kill anyone either it was a vampire or not.
Especially when I also became the creature whom I killed.
While riding on the road, I was suffering the pain which seemed unbearable for me sometimes. Sometimes, I started hating my job, just because to kill my same gene but often I loved my job because I had to kill the creatures I hated most.
The moon's light was reflecting my face and my silver hairs were shined with light of the moon.
I never understood why Yuki loved this light of moon so much. She loved my hairs just because it was similar to moonlight,
"A moonlight vampire hunter" her mirage chirped in my ear while I was only concentrated on my way
After short ride, I reached my destination, "the Kuran Palace" I murmured bitterly.
The cold air was touched my face with the sweet smell of Yuki's blood.
"Yuki's love" my unconscious reminded again that it was love, not lust.
I jerked the very thought from my mind, then pulled out bloody rose from my jacket. I was still in uniform because of guardian's duty, I had to put on it during patrol or hunting vampires too.
Abruptly, I sensed something... I sensed the blood. Blood of Yuki but it wasn't Kaname who was ducking her blood.
In the next moment, as I realized the situation, I rushed towards the door of palace.
The scene which peered to my sight, was really unbearable. The scene was prodding my heart, how could that bastard do this to my Yuki?
I went to the level E vampire who was about to drink blood of Yuki, his fangs were on her neck. His bloody hands were touching her chin while I could sense my blood was running fast around my body just because of seeing this horrible picture.
I rushed towards them, as before he started to suck her blood. I strangled his neck and without any mercy pressed the trigger of my bloody rose continuously till he got down near feet without his dirty soul.
After finishing his work, I turned to Yuki. The beautiful wooden -haired girl was trembling with fear.
Her bangs were scattered on her shoulders lethargically.
I slowly stepped out my feet towards her, put her head on my chest. There was bruised on her neck, I hardly controlled myself to coax her blood. I wiped few drops of blood with my hand because I didn't have anything to clean it out.
"Yuki! It's ok.. He has gone" my voice was husky, angst but fidget.
Her shivering body was fitted in my arms perfectly, her voice of sniffling was echoing in my mind and my blood started to burn with rage again.
"who told you to come here without any weapon or alone?" I scolded her while departing her from my chest. Her crimson eyes were still filled with tears, her small nose turned red due to sobbing though her cheeks were pale due to terror.
Suddenly I realized the position of mine and her, specially next to Kuran palace.
"next time I'll meet you, I'll kill you" my own words were echoing in my mind but I didn't muster up the courage to hold bloody rose to shoot the heart in which I wanted to live.
"why did you save me Zero?" Her voice was moist but replete with bewilderment.
I abruptly jerked my hands from her shoulders, stepped back one inch from her, my mouth opened to answer but I couldn't utter any word because I didn't have any word to answer her.
Disclaimer: No any character of manga or anime belongs to me. I do not own any character of Vampire Knight, except Mika Shiki (her appearance will be shown in the upcoming season). Every character belongs to 'Matsuri Hino' of Vampire Knight, I'm just giving my story to his characters.
"The Untold Story Of Zero & Yuki"
Yuki's point of view:
"Ohh. I hate math" I throw the books on the writing table and dizzied off.
I literary felt stars around my head, didn't know who invented the math and why should I read this subject?
I'm vampire princess and why does vampire princess need to learn math?
I'm not so good in study, specially subject like math. Though Kaname hired a very good tutor to teach me but my stupid mind unable to understand those all queries.
When I was in cross academy, Zero always taught me moreover he taught me so well that I always got good marks in exams.
By thinking about the topic, I started to think about Zero again.
"I'm so tired.." I stretched my body and dissolve the blood tablet in water.
As Kaname isn't here, so I need to take blood tablet to quench my thirst as a vampire. But I swear this is rightly said that we can't quench our thirst by licking the snow.
Same as we couldn't quench our thirst by blood tablets but we took this because of just fulfilling our thirst.
I gulped blood in one breath then slumped myself on my bed.
Unlike other vampires, I was used to sleeping in the night. So I took my tuition in day, Kaname also accompanied me in the day time. He needed my blood before sleeping in the day time, so I awoke early to give him a complete dose.
"How can Zero survive?" This question arose in my mind many times. He took my blood to control himself because he was ex-human and it was very hard to control the bloodlust for any ex-human vampire. Usually, those type of vampires got the level E which was the insane stage like zombies.
I was also attacked by level E vampires so that I couldn't see my best friend as level E vampire. That time I offered my blood to him for controlling himself. Though he didn't want to take my blood but I pressurized him so much to so do. But now I understood, If he knew that I'm pureblood vampire then he never took my blood.
But after drinking the blood of his twin brother, he became strong enough so I knew he didn't need me now moreover he hated me now.
The intoxication of blood was drowning my mind and I slowly went in the valley of sleep.
Zero's point of view:
"One more day of my life" I jerked by thinking this thing.
I did not despair person but didn't know why I didn't wanna live or unintentionally, I always count days of my life.
"how many days are left in my life?" I asked from my inner self.
"till you kill all vampires" my inner self-answered me.
"yes! I've mission in my life to kill vampires, that creature who always ruined the life of others. I also included in them because I also used Yuki's blood for satisfying my need and I hated to do so.
"I wish I can change my past to correct everything" I put my head on the writing table. It was evening time, I also felt thirsty. I usually used to drink the blood of level E vampires after murdering them. It was not able to satisfy me completely but I used it for at least fulfilling my need.
Someone knocked on my door, I knew it would be headmaster come here for calling me for dinner.
"come in," I said in an exhausted voice.
But it wasn't him, it was Yuri, my class fellow and best friend of Yuki.
"what happened Yuri? You're here?" I said in worrying voice though she was not my friend but I concern about every human being, specially students of my academy because they' were included in my responsibility.
"may I talk to you?" Yuri said in low tone.
"hmm.." I signed her to sit, I was sitting on the chair beside writing table.
She silently sat opposite me, few seconds of silent passed silently then she broke this silence between us.
"Where are you Zero?" She asked I didn't expect this type of question, I thought she would talk about something according to guardian activity.
"what do you mean?" I knew very well about the meaning of her sentence but I just wanted to clear my thought.
She gasped, inhaled completely, I knew she was collecting courage to talk to me. Though I'm of her age and her class fellow but I'm so strict with them as a guardian and my tyrant personality won't allow anyone to close to me except Yuki.
"Yuki.." My unconscious again sighed on her name.
"please say easily what you wanna say, I'll surely not eat you," I said in bothering but polite tone.
"you're lost Zero! You were like this before also but now. We can see you're becoming harsh and alone day by day" she lifted her face and almost screeched on me.
I stayed silent while she continued "when Maria came to you, you behaved so weirdly with her, even you don't care that she was close to your brother and now she wants you... Love isn't bad thing Zero, we all love someone, you also loved but now move on please" by saying this, a tear came out from corner of her eye. Her tear reminded me Yuki who also cried same like her.
"best friends bonding" my unconscious again reminded me.
"I don't love someone, even I can't love someone, specially pureblood vampire and Maria is one of them," I said in harsh voice but suddenly I realized my tone then I said in polite tone.
" Look Yuri! I've already moved on, now my purpose to safe common and innocent people to become the food of vampires, I'm a vampire hunter and I've to do my duty, this is my only love. How can pureblood and vampire hunter would become one, this is forbidden so I shouldn't encourage Maria"
"oh. That's why you left Yuki" she uttered the words which gave me so much pain.
"this isn't about Yuki, she already left me when I needed her most, after the death of Rido, I just told her to leave because this isn't her world" this time I said in broken glass's tone.
"you're mysterious.." She said strangely.
I smiled slowly, I had no enough words to answer her.
"I've to go for my duty, please will you leave?" This time, I said in a rude tone.
She understood and left while I gasped to see the door.
"I'm sorry Yuki I talked to your best friend in such a harsh tone"
Yuki's point of view:
Ruka again visited my room, she considered me as her responsibility after Kaname. After some formal talks, she left the room and I felt sorry for her. I could feel her pain but I was helpless to help her because it was our destiny.
It was our destiny that I and Kaname had to marry together for purifies our pure blood. If we marry someone else then it would a mixture of other's blood in our children.
I felt exhausted to thinking on this topic.
I put my coat though as a vampire I don't need it because weather won't effect on my body but I loved to do the activities of human as I did when I was human.
I stepped out from my huge palace, I had bodyguard also but I could protect myself very well.
I was walking slowly, a mixture of sorrow and happiness. Sorrow for Ruka and happiness for acting like a human in this type of night.
"hey miss! Where are you going?" suddenly someone called me from behind.
I turned, there is strange person, looking like insane or drug addicted person.
I felt strange and didn't answer him. I just kept going my walking but this time, I was walking fast.
This insane person, who was actually Level E vampire, started to follow me. Though I was a pureblood vampire and I didn't need to afraid from any other vampire that I always had terror in my heart from level e vampires due to my childhood incident.
I was bare handed to fight with him, though I was powerful enough to kill him but my inner fear was still haunting me and stopping me from showing courage to that insane vampire.
I walked at full speed to get the reach of my palace, but before I reached the gate of my palace, he put his dirty hands on my shoulder, I hurriedly turned back.
"your blood's smell is so sweet" he murmured by touching my chin.
"stay away from me" I shrieked while jerking his hand but he grasped me in his arms, I protest but he put his fangs on my neck, I felt dizzy by his fangs on my neck.
Zero's point of view
A hunter's life always gave sorrow but satisfaction as well, it wasn't easy to kill anyone either it was a vampire or not.
Especially when I also became the creature whom I killed.
While riding on the road, I was suffering the pain which seemed unbearable for me sometimes. Sometimes, I started hating my job, just because to kill my same gene but often I loved my job because I had to kill the creatures I hated most.
The moon's light was reflecting my face and my silver hairs were shined with light of the moon.
I never understood why Yuki loved this light of moon so much. She loved my hairs just because it was similar to moonlight,
"A moonlight vampire hunter" her mirage chirped in my ear while I was only concentrated on my way
After short ride, I reached my destination, "the Kuran Palace" I murmured bitterly.
The cold air was touched my face with the sweet smell of Yuki's blood.
"Yuki's love" my unconscious reminded again that it was love, not lust.
I jerked the very thought from my mind, then pulled out bloody rose from my jacket. I was still in uniform because of guardian's duty, I had to put on it during patrol or hunting vampires too.
Abruptly, I sensed something... I sensed the blood. Blood of Yuki but it wasn't Kaname who was ducking her blood.
In the next moment, as I realized the situation, I rushed towards the door of palace.
The scene which peered to my sight, was really unbearable. The scene was prodding my heart, how could that bastard do this to my Yuki?
I went to the level E vampire who was about to drink blood of Yuki, his fangs were on her neck. His bloody hands were touching her chin while I could sense my blood was running fast around my body just because of seeing this horrible picture.
I rushed towards them, as before he started to suck her blood. I strangled his neck and without any mercy pressed the trigger of my bloody rose continuously till he got down near feet without his dirty soul.
After finishing his work, I turned to Yuki. The beautiful wooden -haired girl was trembling with fear.
Her bangs were scattered on her shoulders lethargically.
I slowly stepped out my feet towards her, put her head on my chest. There was bruised on her neck, I hardly controlled myself to coax her blood. I wiped few drops of blood with my hand because I didn't have anything to clean it out.
"Yuki! It's ok.. He has gone" my voice was husky, angst but fidget.
Her shivering body was fitted in my arms perfectly, her voice of sniffling was echoing in my mind and my blood started to burn with rage again.
"who told you to come here without any weapon or alone?" I scolded her while departing her from my chest. Her crimson eyes were still filled with tears, her small nose turned red due to sobbing though her cheeks were pale due to terror.
Suddenly I realized the position of mine and her, specially next to Kuran palace.
"next time I'll meet you, I'll kill you" my own words were echoing in my mind but I didn't muster up the courage to hold bloody rose to shoot the heart in which I wanted to live.
"why did you save me Zero?" Her voice was moist but replete with bewilderment.
I abruptly jerked my hands from her shoulders, stepped back one inch from her, my mouth opened to answer but I couldn't utter any word because I didn't have any word to answer her.
Disclaimer: No any character of manga or anime belongs to me. I do not own any character of Vampire Knight, except Mika Shiki (her appearance will be shown in the upcoming season). Every character belongs to 'Matsuri Hino' of Vampire Knight, I'm just giving my story to his characters.
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